Learning About the 4 Teacher Evaluation Models January 31, 2012 FEA Training Center McREL PRODUCTS RATING SCALE STANDARDS / DOMAINS Teacher Evaluation Classroom Instruction that Works Power Walkthrough Balanced Leadership 1. Developing 2. Proficient 3. Accomplished 4. Distinguished 5 Standards – 28 Elements 1. Leadership 2. Respectful Environment 3. Content Knowledge 4. Facilitation of Learning 5. Reflection on Practice Stronge 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher Evaluation Ed Specialist Evaluation Principal Evaluation My Learning Plan OASYS Unacceptable Developing/Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Teachers (7 Standards) 1. Professional Knowledge 2. Instructional Planning 3. Instructional Delivery 4. Assessment of/for Learning 5. Learning Environment 6. Professionalism 7. Student Progress created by: Rich Pepe Freehold Borough School District Danielson / Teachscape Teachscape – only available digital tool for Danielson model Teacher Evaluation Evaluator Certification Marzano / iObservation iObservation web-based evaluation tool 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Basic 3. Proficient 4. Distinguished 4 Domains – 76 Elements 1. Planning & Preparation– 6 components (not observable) 2. Classroom Environment – 5 components 3. Instruction – 5 components 4. Professional Responsibilities– 6 components (not observable) 1. Beginning 2. Developing 3. Applying 4. Innovating 4 Domains – 60 Elements 1. Classroom Strategies & Behaviors – 41 Elements 2. Planning & Preparing – 8 Elements 3. Reflection on Teaching – 5 Elements 4. Collegiality & Professionalism – 6 Elements Reporting is comparable to other programs…I was unable to record specifics during this presentation * various frequency reports with bar graphs * summative evaluation score report – will be able to import student growth scores Ed Specialists (7 Standards) 1. Professional Knowledge 2. Program Planning & Management 3. Assessment 4. Program/Instructional Services 5. Communication & Collaboration 6. Professionalism 7. Learner/Program Progress Principals (7 Standards) 1. Instructional Leadership 2. School Climate 3. Human Resource Management 4. Organizational Management 5. Communication & Community Relations 6. Professionalism 7. Student Progress REPORTS * filter-able elements item analysis * artifacts item analysis based on categories * interactive rubric report (heat mapping) * growth report * customizable via filtering, sorting, and use of various views FEATURES * attach artifacts – categories in system * summary data reporting * check-box rubric box 4 “not looked for” * link to add comments * electronic signatures * teachers can write rebuttals * PD Plan (developing elements automatically included) * camera-ready training materials * diagnostics: SLO / Goal Setting * customizable indicators, forms, scoring calculations, rubrics * documentation log (modified portfolio for submitting artifacts) * student surveys (not required in NJ) * client surveys (for Principal evaluation) * performance improvement plans * articulates w/ Outlook * scratch pad to record comments – organize, revise, and insert into observation form at a later point * click-able rubrics in summative form * integrated PD management – learning loop * evaluator certification * forms (customizable) * select domains & components to be observed prior to an observation * teacher self-evaluation as part of each observation * upload artifacts (including photos taken on iPad/Smart phone during lesson) * send button to send email notification to teacher that report is ready to view * 3600 classroom video (extra costs) * can assign different forms to different teachers (differentiated evaluation) * pre-designed reflective questions based on elements * resource library * videos / multimedia presentations aligned to elements * electronic signature available * can create custom forms TRAINING 2 Days: Leadership Team 1 Day: Admin * inter-rater reliability * contractual issues Turnkey (in-service, faculty meetings, team meetings,…) Requirements 3 Days for evaluators 2 Days for teachers Follow-up on-site as needed Methods * direct instruction * application activities * video simulations * discussion groups Format * regional training site * onsite * train the training * certification * 15 hours – teachers & administrators * +5 hours – administrators practice observations * online interactive training modules * sample videos of each level * Technical Training – 1/2 day * PD – as needed (available for teachers & for principals) COSTS One Time 3 Day Training: $9,000 Materials: $20/staff member T/A: $1,500/day (as needed) One Time Intellectual Property: $75/user One Time (Cohort Pricing) Initial PD: $4,500 ($692.30/district) * per 30 participants One Time Technical Training: $2,500 * per small group (up to 30) Annual License: $22/staff member 3 Day Training (outside OR in-district) $150/day/person OR $3,000/day Principal System: $3,000 Principal 1-Day Training: $150/person/day OASYS + My Learning Plan: $3,500 OASYS only: $3,000 Annual $12/user (MyLearningPlan + OASYS) $15/user (OASYS only) Webinar: $1,500 Administrator Training: $399 * per administrator Virtual 1-to-1 Technical Training: $399 PD (up to 100): $4,500/day Annual (Cohort Pricing) Evaluation system: $45($35) * per user Walkthrough: $800 ($600) * per school TXL PD resources: $3,500 ($2,275) * per school Annual All-inclusive pricing Year 1: $2,500 Year 2+: $2,000