Georgia History Study Sheet Name the first three capitols of Georgia

Georgia History Study Sheet
1. Name the first three
capitols of Georgia.
4. Georgia was eager to
ratify the new
constitution because we
needed the protection
and support of a
7. Explain the “Headright
System” of allocating
10. Georgia’s first
constitution of 1777
gave _______________
the power to select both
the state governor and
make appointments to
the judicial branch.
13. In 1814, the British
burned the city of
16. _________________
was signed in Belgium
and ended the War of
19. Name two technological
advances during the
early 1800’s that
influenced the growth of
slavery. Explain.
22. What does “embargo”
2. What is the name of the
Supreme Court case that
settled a dispute that
occurred as a result of
the Yazoo Land Fraud?
5. Who donated the land
for Georgia’s first
college, University of
3. The cotton gin was used to
8. The ______________
were a group of
southern and western
Americans eager to go to
war against England in
11. A legislature that
consists of two houses
or groups is called a
9. Why did Georgia give up lands
in Alabama and Mississippi?
14. The ___________ was a
closed door meeting in
Philadelphia during the
summer of 1787 that
resulted in the creation
of an entirely new
17. The name of Georgia’s
legislature is the
6. What were the two most
profitable crops in Georgia
during the early 1800’s?
12. The compromise agreed upon
by the authors of the
constitution to count only a
fraction of slaves for the
purposes of representation in
congress was called the
15. What character from history
rescued President George
Washington’s portrait from
destruction in the War of
18. What two churches were
predominant in Georgia
during the early 1800’s?
20. _______________ was
the first governing
document of the United
States of America.
21. The first African American
Baptist Church was founded in
___________ (city).
23. ______________ is the
oldest land grant
university in the United
24. Who is the Pulitzer Prize
winning author of the Color
Purple? What city is she
Georgia History Study Sheet
25. Name two benefits to
the United States as a
result of the War of
28. Name two reasons the
United States declared
war on England in 1812.
31. Name two weaknesses
of the Articles of
34. During the War of 1812,
England was fighting two
wars. One against the
United States, and the
other against
37. What is the first Georgia
Female College known as
today? Where is this
40. Describe how life on the
frontier of Georgia was
different than life in a
town or city.
43. Georgia’s governor and
state legislature
were______________ by
_________________ to
sell millions of Georgia’s
acreage for 1 ½ cents per
26. Why were American
business men upset by
the embargo passed by
President Thomas
Jefferson in 1807?
29. Why did Georgia’s first
constitution give all of
the power to the
32. Some states did not like
the Constitution because
it did not protect
individual liberties. The
_______________ was
quickly added to the
35. Explain why some
individuals could have
won the Georgia “land
lottery” in the early
1800’s and have been
38. Describe how the United
States purchased the
Florida territory from
41. What Georgia city was
originally named
44. A legislature that
consists of one house or
group is called a
27. ______________ was
victorious at the Battle of New
Orleans. He defeated the
British despite overwhelming
odds against him.
30. _______________ was
Georgia’s first state governor.
He was selected in 1777.
33. Which two Georgians stayed
in Philadelphia until the end of
the Constitutional Convention
and actually signed the U.S.
36. Methodist ministers, in the
early 1800’s, who went from
district to district to preach in
rural areas were called
39. What three Native American
Tribes frequently interacted
with Georgians in the early
42. The _______________ upset
Georgia’s citizens so much,
that all of Georgia’s legislators
were replaced at the next
45. There was a disagreement
over the representation of
states in the new legislature.
An agreement was reached in
which two houses of
legislature were created, one
based on population, the
other required equal
representation for all states.
What was this compromise
Georgia History Study Sheet
1. Savannah, Augusta,
2. Fletcher vs Peck
3. Separated cotton fiber from
the seed
4. Centralized, strong
national government.
7. White males, age 21 and
up were eligible for 1000
acres of Georgia’s land.
5. Federal Government
6. Cotton and Tobacco
8. War Hawks
9. The federal government
purchased the lands for a
small fee to resolve
disagreements among
participants of the Yazoo Land
10. The state legislature
11. Bicameral
12. Three-fifths Compromise
13. Washington D.C.
14. The Constitutional
17. General Assembly
15. Dolly Madison (President
James Madison’s wife)
18. Methodist and Baptist
20. The Articles of
21. Augusta
23. University of Georgia
24. Alice Walker, Eatonton
26. New England merchants
couldn’t do business
with the British,
negatively impacting the
29. Americans feared a
dictatorship after the
Revolutionary War and
preferred to grant power
to the congress.
27. Andrew Jackson
32. Bill of Rights
33. William Few and Abraham
16. The Treaty of Ghent
19. Railroads
Cotton Gin
Steam Boats
Mechanical Reaper
(grain reaper)
22. To refuse to trade or do
business with a nation
25. Self sufficient
Earned the respect of
28. The British “impressed”
American sailors and
forced them to fight
France, land hungry
Americans wanted
Canadian land, the
British provoked Native
American attacks
31. No central currency
No central military (for
Problems with trade
30. John Treutlan (a Salzburger
Georgia History Study Sheet
34. France
35. Some land was ideal for
farming profitable crops,
while other sites were in
rocky or sandy soil.
36. Circuit Riders
37. Wesleyan College,
Macon Georgia
38. Andrew Jackson
(uninvited) conquered
the Spanish and
overthrew the Spanish
Governor. We
purchased from Spain
for $5 million
39. Cherokee, Creek, Seminole
40. Towns had:
Newspapers, social
events, balls and
gatherings, libraries, and
cultural refinements.
Frontier life was harder,
fewer comforts, contact
with Native Americans,
backbreaking work.
41. Atlanta
42. Yazoo Land Fraud
43. Bribed, Land Companies
44. unicameral
45. “The Great Compromise”