United States History 1920s Unit Number: ______ Possible points

United States History
Number: ______
1920s Unit
Possible points: 111
EQ: Were the 1920s a time of conservatism or change?
Peer Review
After reviewing and discussing your partner’s responses, rate the quality of their
responses using the following rating system:
3 points: clearly and completely addresses all aspects of the prompt
2 points: adequately addresses most aspects of the prompt
1 point: addresses some aspects of the prompt but lacks clarity and details
1. _____ Explains the Red Scare in America after World War One
_____ Expresses a clear position on the question; Were fears of “reds”
_____ Includes a quote from a primary source document about the Red Scare
2. _____ Explains the background and facts of the Sacco and Vanzetti case.
_____ Includes a political cartoon about the case
_____ Explanation of the meaning of the cartoon
3. _____ Includes an image of the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s
_____ Includes a description of the image
_____ Includes opinion of why the Ku Klux Klan gained popularity in the 1920s
4. _____ Includes a political cartoon of the Teapot Dome Scandal
_____ Explains the meaning of the cartoon
5. _____ Includes an image of all three presidents
_____ Identify who was the most change oriented and then who is the most
conservative out of the three and why they feel this is the case
6. _____ Includes an image of a 1920s automobile
_____ Describes the impact of the automobile on America in the 1920s
7. _____ Includes images of some of the new consumer appliances that Americans
could purchase in the 1920s
_____ Describes how did these technologies changed daily life for American
men, women, and children in the 1920s
8. _____ Describes the issues around Prohibition (bootleggers, speakeasies, etc)
_____ Includes an opinion as to whether prohibition was a success or failure
(why or why not)
_____ Includes an opinion as to whether Prohibition was more of a conservative
or change oriented initiative?
9. _____ Includes a political cartoon or image surrounding the Scopes trial
_____ Describes the meaning of the cartoon
_____ Includes a description of what the Scopes trial was all about
10. _____ Includes an image of a flapper
_____ Includes an explanation as to why flappers have come to represent the
11. _____ Includes a list of new careers were available to women in the 1920s
12. _____ Includes an image of the Spirit of St. Louis and describes its significance
13. _____ Includes images of 3 top book jackets from the era
_____ Includes an interpretation of the symbolism used on the jackets
14. _____ Includes a description of the Harlem Renaissance
_____ includes a copy of a painting, poem, or song lyric from the movement
15. _____ Includes an image of the Great Migration
_____ Describes the who, what, where, when, and why of the Great Migration
16. _____ Explains the Emergency Quota Act of 1921
_____ Identifies the Act as being symbolic of conservatism or change
17. _____ Includes a graph describing an aspect of the economy in the 1920s
_____ Includes an interpretation of what the graph is saying about the 1920s