function drive(int distance)

Computer Specialist Review
Session 3 – Raymond Law
Topics Covered In This Course
Software Development Process
Web Applications
Object Oriented Programming Basics
Data Structures & Programming Principles
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Benefits
Data over Function (Modeling Data)
Code Reuse and Recycling
Encapsulation & Information Hiding
Prevents programmers from touching things they shouldn't
Force More Time Designing
Decoupling of System
Why Decouple
A change in one module usually forces a ripple effect of
changes in other modules.
Assembly of modules might require more effort and/or
time due to the increased inter-module dependency.
A particular module might be harder to reuse and/or test
because dependent modules must be included.
Objects & Classes
Objects can be thought of as collections of related data
treated itself as a single larger piece of data.
Classes are the definition or blueprint for any particular
class car {
string engine_status;
int fuel;
Objects & Classes
We can create instances (copies) of each object which
will be independent from another. Each of these instances
are objects based on a class.
Johns_car = new car();
Aprils_car = new car();
In this case we have created two car objects in memory.
Each car has its own independent engine_status and fuel
Objects & Classes
Objects & Classes
Instance variables, individual variables residing inside of
an object can be modified.
Johns_car.fuel = 25;
Johns_car.engine_status = 'good';
Aprils_car.fuel = 30;
Objects & Classes
-engine_status = 'good'
-fuel = 25
-fuel = 30
Inheritance is a feature of object oriented languages that
allows for code reuse and extensibility of classes.
class car {
string engine_status;
int fuel;
class limo extends car {
int max_passengers;
If I create an object of class limo it will have everything
car has and more because limousine inherits from car.
Objects & Classes
-engine_status = 'good'
-fuel = 25
Julias_car = new limo();
Julias_car.engine_status = 'new';
Julias_car.fuel = 50;
Julias_car.max_passengers = 10;
-fuel = 30
-engine_status = 'new'
-fuel = 50
-max_passengers = 10
Methods Vs. Functions
A function is a piece of code that is called by name. It can
be passed data to operate on (ie. the parameters) and can
optionally return data (the return value).
All data that is passed to a function is explicitly passed.
A method is a piece of code that is called by name that is
associated with an object. In most respects it is identical
to a function except for two key differences.
Instance Methods
Instance methods are functions that have access to all
instance variables.
They are primarily used as an interface for how to
interact with the object.
For instance lets say you are building a simulation where
fuel is a precious resource, you do not want the user to
be able to interact with the fuel variable directly, instead
they will access it through defined functions like drive()
and refuel()
Instance Methods
class car {
string engine_status;
int fuel;
function drive(int distance){
if(fuel == 0) return 0;
fuel = fuel - distance/30;
return distance;
function refuel(int amount){
if(fuel + amount > 30) fuel = 30;
else fuel = fuel + amount;
Instance Methods
-engine_status = 'good'
-fuel = 25
+drive(int distance)
+refuel(int distance)
-fuel = 30
+drive(int distance)
+refuel(int distance)
-engine_status = 'new'
-fuel = 50
-max_passengers = 10
+drive(int distance)
+refuel(int distance)
Subtype Polymorphism
As you can see Julia's car also received the added drive
and refuel functions.
This is called subtype polymorphism (often shorten to
If A is a subtype of B, an instance of A can do anything an
instance of B can do.
When created they get all instance variables and methods
This does not work in the reverse.
Subtype Polymorphism
class limo extends car {
string moon_roof = 'closed';
function open_moon_roof(){
moon_roof = 'open';
function close_moon_roof() {
moon_roof = 'closed';
It is not possible for John or Aprils car to call methods
open_moon_roof() or close_moon_roof() because they are
exclusive to the limo class.
It is fine for Julias_car to call them because it is of the limo
class, in addition her car can use drive and refill because limo
extends car.
Abstract Classes
Abstract Classes are classes of objects which can not be
instantiated directly. They only exist to be inherited from.
class vehicle {
int tires;
class car extends vehicle{
string engine_status;
int fuel;
class bike extends vehicle{
string tire_condition;
function ring_bell();
Object Composition
class small_garage{
car parkingspot1;
car parkingspot2;
string toolbox;
int spareTires;
Jims_Garage = new small_garage();
Jims_Garage.parking_spot1 = Johns_car;
Jims_Garage.parking_spot2 = Julias_car;
Jims_Garage.toolbox = 'new';
Jims_Garage.spare_tires = 8;
Object Composition
-engine_status = 'good'
-fuel = 25
+drive(int distance)
+refuel(int distance)
-engine_status = 'new'
-fuel = 50
-max_passengers = 10
+drive(int distance)
+refuel(int distance)
toolbox = 'new'
spare_tires = 8
-fuel = 30
+drive(int distance)
+refuel(int distance)
Object Composition – List Structure
class infinite_garage{
car parkingspot;
infinite_garage next;
function addCar(park_this_car){
if(parkingspot == null) parkingspot = park_this_car;
else if(next == null) {
next = new infinite_garage();
else next.addCar(park_this_car);
King_Corp_Garage = new infinite_garage();
Object Composition – List Structure
-engine_status = 'good'
-fuel = 25
-engine_status = 'damaged'
-fuel = 25
Encapsulation & Data Hiding
You can designate which variables and methods are allowed to
be called directly using keywords public and private.
If a variable or method is marked as public it can be interacted
with directly.
If a variable or method is marked as private it can be
interacted with only through instance methods.
This allows users to separate the object we are trying to
model and how the internals works.
We can use the public car methods drive() and refill() without
understanding what it does inside the variable.
This is useful because it prevents the external code from being
concerned with the internal workings of an object.
Encapsulation & Data Hiding
class car {
private string engine_status;
private int fuel;
public function drive(int distance){
if(fuel == 0) return 0;
fuel = fuel - distance/30;
return distance;
public function refuel(int amount){
if(fuel + amount > 30) fuel = 30;
else fuel = fuel + amount;
Encapsulation & Data Hiding
Aprils_car = new car();;
Aprils_car.engine_status = 'perfect';
Aprils_car.fuel = 999;
Creating Safety Through Encapsulation
Having allowed public methods like refuel() allow you to keep
instance variables like fuel in a consistent state.
class car {
private string engine_status;
private int fuel;
private int max_fuel_capacity;
public function refuel(int amount){
if(amount < 0){
print("Error: Cannot Refuel Negative Amount");
if(fuel + amount > max_fuel_capacity) fuel = 30;
else fuel = fuel + amount;
Special Methods - Constructors
A constructor is a special function that is called whenever
a car is instantiated.
Special Methods - Constructors
class car {
private string engine_status;
private int fuel;
private int max_fuel_capacity;
public function car(){
engine_status = 'new';
fuel = 30;
max_fuel_capacity = 30;
public function car(int max){
engine_status = 'new';
max_fuel_capacity = max;
fuel = max;
Special Methods - Constructors
Franks_Car = new Car();
Donalds_Car = new Car(50);
Special Functions - Constructors
-engine_status = 'new'
-fuel = 30
-max_fuel_capacity = 30;
-engine_status = 'new'
-fuel = 50
-max_fuel_capacity = 50;
Special Methods - Abstract Methods
Abstract classes are classes that you can not instantiate
Abstract methods are functions that must be declared if a
class plans to use inheritance although is not defined in
the parent class.
Special Methods - Abstract Methods
class motor_vehicle {
int fuel;
abstract function drive(int distance);
class car extends motor_vehicle{
function drive(int distance){
fuel = fuel - distance/30;
class truck extends motor_vehicle{
function drive(int distance){
fuel = fuel - distance/10;
Special Methods – Overriding Methods
An inherited class has the ability to redefine methods
even for non-abstract methods.
class Animal {
print() {
print "This is an Animal" ;
class Cat extends Animal {
print() {
print "This is a Cat" ;
Class Variables
Class variables have one copy of the variables shared with all
instances of the class.
class car{
static int car_count = 0;
public car(){
 car_count in this case would be shared between all instances
of car, everytime I create a new car with the constructor my
car_count goes up by one.
Special Methods – Class Methods
Class methods are methods that are not bound to an
object, but to a class.
If a function does not need any data from the instance
you can mark that function as a class method.
Class methods can not access instance variables. They
can access class variables however.
Special Methods – Class Methods
class car{
private static int car_count = 0;
public function car(){
static function print car_count(){
print car_count;
Data Structures
Data Structures
Data Structures (Abstract Data Types ADT) are used to
organize data so it can be accessed quickly and usefully.
Data Structures provides a means to manage large
amounts of data efficiently
Different problems can be represented using various data
structures, some more optimally than others.
Data Structures
Heaps / Priority Queue
Hash Tables
AVL Trees
Directed acyclic graph DAGs
Data Structures
Different Data Structures are useful for different tasks
and support different set of operations. Each has its own
benefits and drawbacks
When considering each data structure the most important
part is what operations it supports.
This is in essence how you can interact with it.
A stack is a LIFO (Last In First Out) data structure
Supported Operations:
Push() – adds an element to the top of a collection
Pop() – removes the most recently added element not yet
class pancakeFrame(){
pancake pancake_data;
pancakeFrame next;
class pancakeStack(){
pancakeFrame top;
function push(pancake_to_add){
newtop = new pancakeFrame();
newtop.pancake_data = pancake_to_add = top;
top = newtop;
function pop(){
if(top == null) report "Error Trying to Remove From Empty Pancake Stack";
toRemove = top.pancake_data;
top =;
return toRemove;
Extending Our Data Structure
function empty(){
if(top == null){
return true;
return false;
function peek(){
if(empty()) return null;
toReturn = pop();
return toReturn;
A stack is a FIFO (First In First Out) data structure
Supported Operations:
Push() – adds an element to the back of a collection
Pop() – removes an element from the front of the queue.
Scheduling Jobs
FIFO and LIFO are also used in job scheduling to
determine what jobs to do next.
FIFO (FCFS) – First Job to come in gets worked on.
LIFO – Most recent job entered gets worked on.
Other Scheduling Systems
RR – Round Robin – Based on the concept of time slicing,
giving all jobs a single unit of processing time arranged in a
cyclic order. After a cycle is completed, restart from the top.
SJF , SJN – Shortest Job First (Shortest Job Next)
SRTF – Shortest Remaining Time First
Double-ended Queue
Supported Operations:
data Pop_back();
data Pop_front();
Data Structure used to represent ordered data in a
Supported Operations:
object data;
list next;
A class of data structure used to simulate hierarchical
data. Has a root and subtrees of children each of which
has a parent node.
Common Operations:
Runtime Consideration
When choosing a particular data structure, you want to
consider the data you are trying to model and the
operations that the data will be using frequently.
Lists can insert very fast, but have a very slow search.
Tree structures have very quick search and sorting methods,
but at the cost of extra space requirements
Hash tables have fast Insert, Lookup and Delete methods, but
finding neighboring data is difficult. Sorting the data is also not
easily accomplished.
Graph data structures on the other hand are really quick for
finding neighboring data.