
Fulfilling what I consented to do, even
if it means unexpected sacrifice
Dependability at Home:
You made a
in your
now what
will you do?
You have
children; what
kind of sacrifice
will this take?
Your making
money, what do
you do with it?
What makes a person dependable?
What makes a person undependable?
Dependability is reliability, a trustworthy character.
Can people rely on you to do what you say you will
Can people trust you with their finances, their
children, their livelihood?
Dependability at work
Are you on time?
Are you kind and polite to
Do you tell the truth?
Do you know your job well?
Do you turn out quality
Do you only take a sick day
when you are sick?
Do you work the full
hours that you are
All of these will make a dependable worker.
Dependability is a promise kept.
Our word is the only verbal commitment to be dependable.
1- Never say anything that you can’t live up to.
2- Be very careful who you give your word too.
3- Never plan so much that you can’t handle it.
4- Write down your schedule of events, you may forget.
There are certain
things you can
depend on. Do not
feed the bears!
Test #1
Dan works for a law firm that is trying a case that
depends on him for the information. The morning of
the trial Dan wakes up sick to his stomach. He calls
into work and tells them that he is sick and can’t make
it. He has taken several sick days throughout the year
for other things, but this time it is real. The law firm
explains that this is to important to miss, but Dan is
adamant about the way he feels.
* What do you foresee happening in Dan’s very near future?
* What would you do if you were the president of the law firm?
* What would you do if you were Dan in his position?
* Why was the law firm doubting Dan’s sincerity?
* What started this lack of trust?
* How would you counsel this circumstance with both parties?
Inconsistency is not just actions, but also thought and
•A person can be inconsistent in their thoughts. (go
back and forth in thought patterns) At one moment
when they think that something is right, they can
turn and think it is wrong. They are double minded.
* We can be swayed in our beliefs: One day believing in
one thing, and the next believing in another.
* We need to be consistent in our thoughts and beliefs. If we
are not, we can’t be dependable.
How do we stop our inconsistency and become
more dependable?
1) Look at the real motive behind what we are doing and thinking.
2) Look at the goal in which you are trying to reach.
3) Does what ever your thinking and doing help achieve that goal?
4) Ask others that are in responsible positions if you are dependable.
5) Be honest with yourself and others.
6) Always respect the positions of those that are over you.
7) Plan ahead. (events, work, church, family outings)
8) Set priorities in the right order. (God, family, job, etc…)
E-Educating yourself
* What is your main goal for this week?
* What do you see yourself doing that is
* What area are you most dependable?
* What is the first step that you can do to be
more dependable?
* Who do you have in your life that will hold
you accountable?