Cleveland State University Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Cleveland State University

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EEC 688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing

Catalog Data: EEC 688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing (4-0-4).


Prerequisite: EEC 584 .

This course provides an extensive overview of secure and dependable distributed computing systems. Topics include computer and network security, faults models, process and data replication, reliable group communication, message logging, checkpointing and restoration,

Byzantine fault tolerance and intrusion tolerance.

Reliable Distributed Systems: Technologies, Web Services, and Applications , by Kenneth P.

Birman, Springer, 2005


Security in Computing

(3 rd Edition), by Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger,

Prentice Hall, 2002

Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices (3 rd


, by William

Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2003

Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design (3 rd


, by George Coulouris, Jean

Dollimore and Tim Kindberg, Addison-Wesley, 2000

 Reliable Computer Systems: Design and Evaluation (3 rd Edition), by Daniel P. Siewiorek and

Robert S. Swarz, A K Peters, 1998

Coordinator: Dr. Wenbing Zhao, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Goals: In the Internet age, the security and reliability of computers systems have become essential requirements. The demand for highly skilled engineers in building such systems will increase exponentially with the increased connectivity and automation of enterprise, governmental and military activities. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts and principles of secure and dependable distributed computing as well as the latest advances in this field. The lectures will be augmented with extensive lab-based tutorials and projects so that the students can get sufficient grasp of the theory and hands-on experiences in using, improving and building secure and dependable systems.

Prerequisites by Topic:


Computer networks


Operating Systems


Data Structures and algorithms


C++/Java programming languages

Course Outline:


1. Introduction to Secure and Dependable Computing

2. Distributed Computing Principles

3. Computer and Network Security

4. Replication, Logging and Checkpointing

5. Group Communication Protocols

6. Virtually Synchronous Execution Model

7. Byzantine Fault Tolerance

8. Intrusion Tolerance Techniques

9. Lab on Group Communication Systems (JavaGroups, Spread)

Lecture Hours








10. Lab on Byzantine Fault Tolerance Systems (BFT)

11. Project presentation

12. Review and Exam







Design Project: Design a secure and dependable computer systems based on existing toolkits such as GCS and BFT (group project, each group consists of 2-3 students)

Computer Usage: LAN-based secure and dependable distributed computing experiments, to be conducted at the Distributed Computing Systems Lab

Dual Processor Servers running the Linux operating system and connected by a Fast-

Ethernet LAN.

at FH 306. The Lab consists of 8 Intel Xeon

1. Learn how to configure, compile and install the toolkits

2. Learn how to configure and use the toolkits installed

3. Design and implement distributed applications/systems using the toolkits

4. Evaluate the correctness and performance of the systems built

Prepared by: Dr. Wenbing Zhao Date: Nov 7, 2006
