Church History-3d. Century, cont.

Church History-3d. Century, cont.
Martyrdom, Asceticism and
According to Origen and Tertullian:
“ The life of the Christian
ought to be a preparation for
Martyrdom, cont.
Origen differentiates between two types of
1. Overt Martyrdom (for some people only):
The shedding of blood for Christ.
2. Hidden Martyrdom (for all believers):
that is “martyrdom of conscience” which is the
struggle against worldly passions and
Martyrdom, cont.
St. Cyprian, Bishop of Cartage (3d.
century) made clear the difference
between the two kinds of martyrdom
by calling martyrdom with blood
shedding “red martyrdom”, and
sacrificing oneself, the acts of love, and
the struggle against lusts during times
of peace the “white martyrdom”
Martyrdom, cont.
St. Clement of Alexandria (teacher of
“A true Christian is one that
continuously lives as a martyr day and
night, in his words and in his deeds, and
in his speech”
Asceticism and Virginity
The “ascetics” obtained a special
place in the early church even
before monasticism was born.
“Ascetics” were characterized by
poverty, fasting, and above all,
continence (practice chastity).
Celibacy or Holy Matrimony
The church continues her appreciation
and honor for virginity and, at the same
time, also the marriage in Christ, which
she considers a holy sacrament in
which the Holy Spirit works to sanctify
the family.
St. Anthony
St. Anthony, cont.
Short Biography:
+ Born 250 AD in Qimn El-Arouse (Beniswef)
+ His parents: Christian, pious, and rich
+ His parents died when he was about 20
+ He distributed his wealth to the poor and
lived ascetic life...
+ He died in the year 356 AD
St. Anthony, cont.
God’s Purpose in St. Anthony’s Life:
+ Fulfilled the Gospel’s message : “If you want to
be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the
poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and
come, follow Me.” (Mt. 19:21)
+ Devoted himself to solitary life and asceticism,
first outside the city, then in a tomb for 20 years
+ By God's command, he went to El-Fayyoum
and confirmed the brethren there in the faith,
then returned to his monastery
St. Anthony, cont.
God’s Purpose in St. Anthony’s Life, cont:
+ His activities and longing for
martyrdom during the persecution
+ Left the monks and went to the inner
desert (his present monastery)
+ Taught by angel how to work and pray
+ His fame reached Emperor Constantine
St. Anthony, cont.
St. Anthony’s Main Achievements:
+ Taught us how to live Gospel’s
Commandments and left us many valuable
spiritual sayings
+ Best example for living a life of
martyrdom, asceticism, and monasticism
+ Founder of Christian Monasticism all over
the World
St. Anthony, cont.
Some Events during St. Anthony’s Life:
+ Overlap between era of persecution and church’s
“peaceful time”
+ His intimate relationship with St. Athanasius (20th
Pope of Alexandria) , St. Didymus (the blind) the
dean of the School of Alexandria, and St. Makarios
the great.
+ St. Athanasius wrote St. Anthony’s Biography during
his exile in Treves in 336-337 AD
+ His encounter with St. Paul (Pola) the first anchorite
St. Paul (Pola) the first anchorite
St. Paul (Pola) the first anchorite, cont.
Short Biography:
+ Born c. 229 AD at Lower Thebes (Luxor), Upper Egypt
+ Grew up in upper-class. Christian family
+ Was well educated, fluent in Greek and Egyptian
+ His parents died when he was about 16 years old
+ Lived as a desert hermit the remainder of his 113
years of life
+ Departed on Feb. 9, 342 AD (Amshir 2, 58 AM)
+ St. Jerome wrote his biography c. 374 or 375 AD
St. Paul (Pola) the first anchorite,cont.
God’s Purpose in St. Pola’s Life:
+ Left the world to solitary life because of his
brother’s machinations
+ Stayed three days in a grave praying, an angel
walked with him and reached eastern inner
wilderness (his present monastery)
+ God revealed his existence to St. Anthony
+ Lions dug his grave to help his burial by St.
St. Paul (Pola) the first anchorite,cont.
St. Pola’s Achievements:
+ First of the hermits (anchorites= Sowah in Arabic)
+ St. Anthony brought him St. Athanasius’ tunic for his
+ St. Athanasius used to put on St. Pola’s fibre tunic
during three major feasts
+ Many miracles took place from his fibre tunic
+ Patron Saint of “Clothing Industry” (and our chapel)
+ Order of Monk’s in Hungary and several churches
around the world named after him
St. Paul (Pola) the first anchorite,cont.
Some Events during St. Pola’s Life:
+ Overlap between era of persecution and church’s
“peaceful time”
+ His prayers for the Church and all the World
+ His intimate relationship with St. Athanasius (20th
Pope of Alexandria) and St. Anthony
+ His encounter with St. Anthony