HOLY ORDERS Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry – CCC 1536 Syllabus Date Lesson Homework 4/24 Introduction 183-187 4/25 Call of the Apostles and Apostolic Church (Succession) History 188-190 4/26 Who can Receive, Role of Priest (In Persona Christi), Gifts of the Sacrament 190-192 4/27 Degrees of Holy Orders (Diocese etc) 193-196 4/30 Rite of Ordination (Celebration of the Sacrament) Matter, Form, Minister: who can ordain? 197-199 5/01 Priestly life, Religious Life, Celibacy, Male Priesthood, Vestments 200-203 5/02 Only Men and Vocational Call 5/03 Holy Orders Test Vocabulary Apostles Episcopal College Apostolic Succession Fathers of the Church Bishop Holy Orders Cardinal Obedience Celibacy Ordination Chastity Poverty College of Bishops Presbyterate Common Priesthood of the Faithful Priest Deacon Religious Stole Chalice Chasuble Paten Mitre Dalmatic Bishop’s Ring Cathedra (Arch) Diocese (See) Crosier Cathedral/Basilica Sacraments at the Service of Communion and Mission Holy Orders and Matrimony Grace for a particular mission in Church to serve the community. Help for the salvation of others Holy Orders This sacrament continues the mission given by Christ to the apostles Early Church Fathers Clement 42, 44 http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1010.htm HOLY ORDERS – DAY 2 THE GLORY OF GOD is man fully alive. What does this mean to me? Call of the Apostles Old Testament Priesthood Handed on from Father to Son New Testament Priesthood Christ calls twelve Apostles in a personal way Priests now called not through lineage but through personal call to serve God and his children Call of Peter Call of Peter Simon? You shall be called Cephas Personal by name Peter leaves everything Ordinary men with families To be called by Christ is transformative Vocation (call) to leave behind everything and dedicate your life to the service of God and his people in his plan of Redemption. Apostolic Church Christ chose 12 Acts of the Apostles, the Church grows around these twelve. They met in Temple Met in homes for breaking of bread Baptized Laid hands upon people for reception of Holy Spirit. To show the office of Apostle and mission of Christ was to continue after the original twelve, Matthias was chosen to replace Judas. Later Paul and Barnabas were also known as Apostles Paul submits himself to the Church though he was personally called by Christ. Apostolic Growth - Deacons Apostles soon realize that the demands of their ministry to spead the word didn’t allow them time to minister to the needs of the Church Selected 7 men to serve the material needs of the community in Jerusalem. Indicating their responsibilities, they were given the name “servers”, translated, “deacons”. Apostles laid hands on them and ordained them to the service of the Church Mainly to minister to widows and distribute bread, but also (Stephen, deacon) preached the good news. Apostolic Growth – Priests/Bishops Apostles left Jerusalem and established other Churches They needed leaders necessary to minister to these new Churches. They appointed and ordained “overseers” or “office-holders”, translated “bishops” Also appointed “elders” (presbyters), translation, “priests”. They gave their authority to the leaders of the local community ordaining them by the laying on of hands. In Scriptures, we see the beginning of all three of these roles, all unique, with different authority, but all ordained by the laying on of hands. Post-Apostolic Church Persecutions began Apostles began to be martyred Apostles instructed that certain men succeed them. First instructions are found in the earliest Christian documents written around the death of the Apostles Pope St. Clement I Ordained by Peter Third Bishop of Rome (88-99) Shows that it was by Apostles instruction that the bishops exercised the authority of teaching, governing and sanctifying the Church 44:1 Our Apostles, too, by the instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ, knew that strife would arise concerning the dignity of a bishop; 44:2 and on this account, having received perfect foreknowledge, they appointed the above-mentioned as bishops and deacons: and then gave a rule of succession, in order that, when they had fallen asleep, other men, who had been approved, might succeed to their ministry. Dating – most say 70 AD now!! St. Ignatius of Antioch Ordained by Peter Third bishop of Antioch (98-117) Writes often around 100-110 about bishop, priest, deacon and their relation to Father, Son, Apostle Shows the hierarchy (along with other writers) as coming from Apostles themselves, not made up Loyalty to the Bishop was viewed as a definitive sign of the true Christian and the authentic Church. St. Ignatius of Antioch - 1 "Now, therefore, it has been my privilege to see you in the person of your God-inspired bishop, Damas; and in the persons of your worthy presbyters, Bassus and Apollonius; and my fellow-servant, the deacon, Zotion. What a delight is his company! For he is subject to the bishop as to the grace of God, and to the presbytery as to the law of Jesus Christ" (Letter to the Magnesians 2 [A.D. 110]). St. Ignatius of Antioch - 2 "Take care to do all things in harmony with God, with the bishop presiding in the place of God, and with the presbyters in the place of the council of the apostles, and with the deacons, who are most dear to me, entrusted with the business of Jesus Christ, who was with the Father from the beginning and is at last made manifest" (ibid., 6:1). St. Ignatius of Antioch - 3 "Take care, therefore, to be confirmed in the decrees of the Lord and of the apostles, in order that in everything you do, you may prosper in body and in soul, in faith and in love, in Son and in Father and in Spirit, in beginning and in end, together with your most reverend bishop; and with that fittingly woven spiritual crown, the presbytery; and with the deacons, men of God. Be subject to the bishop and to one another as Jesus Christ was subject to the Father, and the apostles were subject to Christ and to the Father; so that there may be unity in both body and spirit" (ibid., 13:1–2). St. Ignatius of Antioch - 4 "Indeed, when you submit to the bishop as you would to Jesus Christ, it is clear to me that you are living not in the manner of men but as Jesus Christ, who died for us, that through faith in his death you might escape dying. It is necessary, therefore—and such is your practice that you do nothing without the bishop, and that you be subject also to the presbytery, as to the apostles of Jesus Christ our hope, in whom we shall be found, if we live in him. It is necessary also that the deacons, the dispensers of the mysteries [sacraments] of Jesus Christ, be in every way pleasing to all men. For they are not the deacons of food and drink, but servants of the Church of God. They must therefore guard against blame as against fire" (Letter to the Trallians 2:1–3 [A.D. 110]). St. Ignatius of Antioch - 5 "In like manner let everyone respect the deacons as they would respect Jesus Christ, and just as they respect the bishop as a type of the Father, and the presbyters as the council of God and college of the apostles. Without these, it cannot be called a church. I am confident that you accept this, for I have received the exemplar of your love and have it with me in the person of your bishop. His very demeanor is a great lesson and his meekness is his strength. I believe that even the godless do respect him" (ibid., 3:1–2). St. Ignatius of Antioch - 6 "He that is within the sanctuary is pure; but he that is outside the sanctuary is not pure. In other words, anyone who acts without the bishop and the presbytery and the deacons does not have a clear conscience" (ibid., 7:2). Tertullian Later the writings continually point out the importance of Apostolic Succession Bishop could demonstrate the unbroken chain to the Apostles Tracing authority of the Apostles from one Bishop to the next one could identify the true Church and be guaranteed that the bishop was acting under the authority of Christ himself. Wrote Against Heresies ~180 AD http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0311.htm Chapters 20-22 Summary Christ bestowed his divine authority on the Apostles Apostles appointed bishops, priests and deacons in the Churches they founded. Bishop would break the bread, “make the Eucharist” (term used in early Church” He would be assisted by priests and deacons Since the beginning of Christianity, this was the structure of the local Church. As the Church grew, the bishop would send out his priests to assist a new community in his region. This became the custom all the way to today. Each Catholic belongs to his local community, the diocese, headed by bishop. Bishop sends priests to each smaller community within it, called parishes. Apostolic Succession Emissaries Apostles had share in work he was given by Father Apostles received mandate and the power to do it He would be with them always through the Holy Spirit. Apostles were the foundation of Church – they appointed others to continue work. Apostolic Succession The uninterrupted transfer of preaching and authority Christ gave his apostles and which they pass to their successors, the bishops. Problems in the Early Church Gnostics – secret knowledge Some claimed to be Apostles Taught false teachings (physical world evil) Church responds – why? Truth. Creed, NT canon. This didn’t fully fix the situation. People were taking the NT and still twisting the words. What did they mean? Who has the Authority Who can speak in Christ’s name? Apostles learned from him They gave it to their successors. Successors rejected gnostic claims; therefore they must not be true. They were able to find out what was the teaching of Christ and what wasn’t through the Apostolic line. For the security of the true gospel message, you had to show your connection with the apostles. Only successors of the apostles had the authority to interpret and teach the message of Christ. Read, ‘Holy Orders is a sacrament…’ page 189 Last 3 paragraphs – major points? Succession Acts 1: His office let another take Office – episkope in greek – episcopacy – bishop 12 offices. One single apostolic group. Continued with Bishops today. Day 3 • • • Who can Receive Role of the Priest Gifts of the Sacrament In Class Work Make an outline for section The Importance of Apostolic Succession starting on page 188 The Sacrament of Holy Orders Instituted Eucharist and Holy Orders at the Last Supper Instructing the 12 to “Do this in memory of me” Called them to a share in his ministerial priesthood After Resurrection, Christ told them he would give the Holy Spirit and gave authority to forgive sins Instructed to go to all nations, to teach and baptize. These show Christ granting authority to the Apostles empowering them to continue in his saving ministry through Sacraments. The Sacrament of Holy Orders Through Holy Orders, the priesthood of Christ is made visible in the Church. By the Laying on of Hands and a consecratory prayer, deacons, priests and bishops receive grace from Holy Spirit that’s necessary to serve the Church along with the ability to celebrate those sacraments that are appropriate to each one’s particular office. The Sacrament of Holy Orders Indelible Mark is imprinted on the person’s soul. (marked forever as a P, D, B) Increase in sanctifying grace to carry out his duties Consecrates a person to the Lord Become servants of the Word and his sacraments Dedicate to a life of self-denial and sacrifice Called to follow Christ and also to BE Christ The Sacrament of Holy Orders The Word Orders Referred to governing body, membership considered sacred (In Roman Empire) Taken then in Church for the Order of Bishops, Order of Priests, Order of Deacons 3 degrees Only a bishop has the fullness of the Sacrament ▪ Deacons and priests assist the bishop and can’t function apart from him. We all have a right to the other sacraments Nobody has a right to Holy Orders God’s call, Church authority, bishop’s duty to verify the call Who can Receive? Baptized male of excellent character Received Sacrament of Confirmation Interior call from God and exterior call from bishop Knowledge of the nature of Holy Orders Attained proper age (25 for priest, 23 TD, 35 PD) Capacity to live life of priest and exercise priestly ministry Commitment to lifelong celibacy Doesn’t apply to permanent deacons Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church Ministers converting from other denominations They can be married before, not after Theological Knowledge necessary training for their office No impediments Effects of the Sacrament Conferral of the office of bishop, priest, or deacon Indelible mark upon the soul (can’t be repeated) Sacramental grace proper to the exercise of the recipient’s ministry Also strengthens them to live life as another Christ Concluding Work Write an Outline of section Historical Development of the Sacrament of Holy Orders Page 198… THE PRIEST IS A VESSEL Read 191, “When you go into a Catholic Church…” Page 192: Christ, Priest, Church Christ acts through priest, Church acts through priest Body of Christ Priest forgives in Reconciliation, Christ is the one forgiving. Because Christ forgives, the body of Christ forgives (head and body not separated) Weakness is there, but ordination guarantees grace will continue to flow through the sacraments. Read bottom of 192 “The presence of Christ…” In Persona Christi When bishop or priest celebrates the sacraments, Christ is acting. Christ baptizes, Christ confirms, Christ forgives, anoints, ordains, etc. When a bishop teaches or rules, also he does so representing Christ. Read page 191: ‘The personality of the bishop…’ Priest’s personality may effect how we see Church or the sacraments, but can’t effect sacraments themselves. Why? Because Christ is the worker, not the priest, Christ performs the sacrament, minister is just given the authority to be the vessel. In Sacraments, the priest himself is irrelevant in a sense. Christ acts through him – this grace comes from the sacrament of Holy Orders through ordination. Bishop – position not of power but of self surrender. Position of total gift. Serve Christ – show Christ, give Christ, teach Christ, be Christ. Questions? PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST HW: 193-196 Priesthood of Christ Priestly work of Christ is a necessary element to God’s plan for the world today as it was then. A reason for the sacrament of HO So the priestly work of Christ that gives graces to the world never is stopped or twisted. Allows the church to celebrate the sacraments, doing what Christ does – giving life. COMMUNAL AND PERSONAL DIMENSIONS OF HOLY ORDERS Read first paragraph 193 Communal and Personal Bishop For the benefit of others Power given must be exercised within the Church as a whole. No secret or individual exercise of power. Ministry in union with the whole ‘college’ of bishops and union with pope. Pope His office is shepherd of the whole flock, bishop of Rome, Successor of Peter, etc. Full, supreme, universal power (authority). Can always act freely Read Paragraph, “Priests exercise their ministry…” Three Degrees of H.O. Bishop, Priest, Deacon. Bishop and Priest Act to help serve priests and bishops Serve as Christ served, but not configured to Christ the head (bishops and priests not only serve, but act as Christ the head of the body) ? Episcopal Ordination – fullness of the sacrament Act in the Person of Christ the head, celebrating the sacraments Deacon Participation in Christ’s priesthood Visible presence of Christ as Teacher, Shepherd, priest. Responsible for sacraments Responsible for teaching/responsible for ensuring the teachings are understood, and applied throughout time correctly. Read top of 195, “The teaching of the Pope…” individually. Questions? Bishop Proper pastor in a diocese Ordinary Auxiliary Again – meaning office holder/overseer They oversee their local Christian communities Through the bishop’s ministry (aided by deacon and helped by priest) presence of Christ unaltered has been kept alive in the Church by Gospel Proclamation and sacraments Responsible for Christ’s work in his diocese Consecration, power of Sanctifying, teaching, governing/ruling Purpose of Governing – growth of faith Church law All institutions must have structure to function. Bishop True and Authentic teacher of the Faith and a unifier of the Church Received the fullness of Holy Orders, so Only a validly ordained bishop is the minister of this sacrament Authority to transmit Sacrement comes by virtue of his own ordination – every bishop can trace back to the Apostles. Indication of Authority Ordained only with permission of the pope, who chooses him. He is responsible to know the needs and meet them of his flock Bishop Mitre – head covering Worn by Pope since 900s. By 1100s custom for all bishops to wear as a sign of their office. Bishop’s Ring Symbol of office as successor of Apostle and symbol of his spiritual marriage to the Church Pope’s ring is called Fisherman’s ring – office of successor of Peter Bishop’s Chair Cathedral, comes from Cathedra, meaning ‘chair’. Site where the bishop’s chair is placed and represents his authority in the diocese Crosier Shepherd’s staff – Role as pastor Priest 1 Tim 5:17 Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching Second level of Holy Orders Bishop delegates his apostolic authority to priests They become co-workers in his ministry in the Church Through Holy Orders, receives special mark on his soul enabling him to act in Persona Christi Ordained to Preach the Gospel Shepherd the faithful Celebrate Sacraments and lead worship Priest Share in the worldwide dimension of the Church’s mission Exercise ministry in union with local bishop Promise obedience to local bishop United to bishop and other priest of the diocese in a collegial way Parish priest is minister of Church whom most people have direct contact Central duty of priest is celebrating Eucharist No one has right to become priest Priest Education Requirements for a priest Must have a university degree Can happen at college seminary Pre-Theology program Final four years are graduate level study Seminary Study, Prayer, formation Meeting with spiritual director A place to discern their vocation Priestly Symbols Stole Long band of cloth Worn over the shoulders Was sign of office in Roman Empire Sign of priestly authority Worn anytime a priest celebrates a sacrament Chasuble Original outer garment for warmth Symbolizes the yoke of Christ Color corresponds to Liturgical Calendar Chalice and Paten Chalice, Cup to hold blood of Christ Paten, plate to hold body of Christ Deacon Acts 6:1-6 First Degree in hierarchy of Holy Orders United directly to the bishop in service Indelible mark conferred that configures him to Christ as a servant Two types: Permanent – Intent on serving this way for the rest of life. 35 years old. Needs wife’s consent if married. If wife dies, can’t remarry without dispensation. If not married, assume celibacy Transitional – Ordained deacon for a period of time before moving to priesthood. Must spend at least 6 months as transitional. Deacon Duties of a deacon Assist bishop and priest at celebration of Mass Proclaim Gospel, distribute Communion. May also preach. Petitions Preside at the Liturgy of the Hours Bless sacred objects Take Communion to sick and dying Preside over Exposition and Benediction of Blessed Sac. Preside at weddings and funerals outside of mass Minister of Baptism Marriage Prep Administrate parishes without priest Deacon Dalmatic Sleeved outer garment worn by deacons since early Church Stole Band of cloth worn over left shoulder Others Archbishop Cardinal Higher Rank, special responsibilities No greater regional jurisdiction Prince of Church – like secular place in hierarchy Advise pope in governing and doctrine Metropolitan – (an archbishop, but not all archbishops are metropolitans) – large city in the province. Over other diocese. Suffragan bishops College of Cardinals 120 max under 80 years old Elect Pope Pope Diocese, or ‘see’. st 1 5 Popes Peter - 64 Linus – 67-76 Cletus – 76-88 Clement – 88-97 Evaristus – 97-105 Main Question What is the effect of episcopal ordination? Fullness of the sacrament. Bishop a legitimate successor of the apostles Offices of teaching, sanctifying, ruling. RITE OF ORDINATION Ordination Act that brings a man into the order of priests, bishops, deacons Order – organization with purpose and responsibility Jesuit, Franciscan, catechumen, widows, etc. Sacramental Ordination Confers a gift of the Holy Spirit which permits the exercise of a sacred power. Comes from Christ in the Church Enables one to act in persona Christi Fullness – bishop Grace through sacraments, teaching, ruling. Role of Sanctifying, teaching, ruling. Read ‘When we say that a bishop…’ page 190 Questions? Rite of Ordination Normally in Cathedral – Why? Laying on of Hands + prayer of consecration specific to each degree Only Validly ordained bishops can ordain since it is sacrament of apostolic ministry Baptized man Church follows Christ. Christ selected male apostles, though he had no problem going against the culture speaking about women. Holy Orders is not a right or a job; one is called to it by God. He called men. Pg. 200 Page 198 – what they receive Rite of Ordination Similar in many ways as a wedding Wedding Themselves to Christ Festive, solemn Matter From Apostolic times, physical symbol is laying on of hands Bishop receives them, calls them, lays hands on their head Indicates authority Jesus gave Apostles is in turn given by bishop to those being ordained. Accompanied by outpouring of grace (indelible mark) Rite of Ordination Form Along with the imposition of hands, there is a consecratory prayer for each order. Other actions that go with it: Presented to bishop, examines them, offers instruction Anointing with Chrism oil. For bishop, given book of Gospels, ring, mitre, corsier Minister Bishops receive fullness of Apostles ministry, so only bishops can celebrate. Priestly Life What does the life of a priest look like? Priestly Life Priests live in many different ways Small parish pastor Cathedral rector Chaplains in military Teachers at university Canon law; work in diocese offices Run orphanages, homeless shelters, etc. What is unique is that all are able to participate in the priesthood of Christ exercising ministry in persona Christi Diocesan Priest Promise to celibate and obedience to the bishop Responsible to lead their flock to holiness Spiritual responsibilities – daily mass, liturgy of the hours, Reconciliation, spiritual direction, other prayers and visits to the Blessed Sacrament. The Religious Life Religious Religious priests associated with a particular Religious Order Dominicans, Jesuits, Franciscans, etc. Serve their order, not bound to a particular diocese. Take vows of Poverty, Chastity, obedience. Obedience to their Order, but also must be obedient to the Ordinary of the diocese. They own nothing, but their order may own things. May take additional vows too. Communal life CELIBACY, MALE PRIESTHOOD, VOCATION Pages 198-199 Celibacy Celibacy Christ completely gave of himself for his mission. We are called to imitate Christ Apostles and early followers sought to imitate this complete self-giving by not marrying for the sake of Christian ministry. Practice finds roots in the Apostolic Church Gospels, Christ encourages those who have the gift to accept it for the good of the kingdom (Mt 19:11-12) 1 Cor 7:27-28, 32-34 Give witness to Eternal life and the kingdom to come by giving up gifts of this world. Advantages: Dedicate whole life and time to service of God, life of prayer. Doesn’t need much, can always be available Married to the Church, who he serves is his family Male Priesthood Male Priesthood Jesus’ teaching was radical. It broke with all the contemporary social customs and norms. He was as counter-cultural as you could get. He was crucified not by going with the practices of the day, but by going against them. First one must recognize Jesus had no problem going totally against the norm. Example of Jesus’ Radicalness: Women The way he treated women. He accepted them. He spoke to them. He walked with them. He talked with them. He healed them. He allowed them to be his followers. He treated women completely different than the normal society. Shown in the Woman at the Well (John 4). Even she is surprised. Women were included in important aspects of his work and teaching. Women were most faithful during his passion and death. Male Priesthood Christ included women in his ministry in a way that was not done at the time. Must first recognize this fact – he was not just treating women like they were to be treated in that time. Specifically chose 12 men to be Apostles He gave his Divine authority to them, to bind and loose, lead the Church. Invited them to Last Supper – gave them the task to continue the celebration of the Eucharist. After Resurrection, these 12 charged with task to forgive sins Male Priesthood Today, people make wrong assumption Today people say, oh if they treated women with dignity like they do today, Jesus would have included women. Bull. Jesus had no problem treating women completely different than the culture, and you can RIGHTLY ASSUME that he would not have been handicapped by the culture – he wasn’t with ANYTHING ELSE. You can assume if he intended women to be part of his priestly ministry, he would have instructed the Apostles – in the early Church, you see clearly this to not be. Jesus did not do this – so the Church has no authority to act in a way that goes against Christ’s design and example. It’s not about Church refusing to ordain women, it’s not possible for the Church to do so. She doesn’t have the authority. Guard the deposit (not change the deposit or adjust it) Vocation 100 AD – clear Church structure Ignatius writes: Only bishop could preside over Eucharist and baptism Bishops were selected by the community – based upon holiness Received laying on of hands by another bishop (note sacrament is different than election, authority through HO needed) Roles Forgive sins, Eucharist, organize priests and deacons under him. Read from “Following the edict…” page 199 Read Luther and HO on 200. Celibacy? HOMEWORK Make sure you can answer the review questions on 204. Read 209-212. Moodle Monday night. Quiz Monday