Mutual Funds and Traded Funds

Investing in
Funds, ETFs
and Real
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Describe basic features and operating
characteristics of a mutual funds and
exchange traded funds
Differentiate between open- and closed-end
mutual funds as well as exchange traded
funds, and discuss the various types of fund
loads and charges
Discuss types of funds available to investors
and the different kinds of investors services
offered by mutual funds and exchange
traded funds
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PFIN4 | CH13
Gain an understanding of the variables that
should be considered when selecting funds
for investment purposes
Identify the sources of return and calculate
rate of return earned on an investment in a
mutual fund as well as evaluate the
performance of an exchange traded fund
Understand the role that real estate plays in a
diversified investment portfolio along with
basics of investing in real estate, either
directly or indirectly
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Mutual Funds and Traded Funds
• Mutual fund
• Financial services organization that receives
money from its shareholders
• Invests funds in a diversified portfolio of
• Exchange traded fund (ETF)
• Investment company whose shares trade on
stock exchanges
• Shares can be bought and sold throughout the
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Exhibit 13.1 Basic Mutual Fund Structure
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Reasons for Investing in Mutual Funds or ETFs
• Achieve diversification in the investment
• Obtain services of professional money
• Pooled diversification: Investors buy into a
diversified portfolio of securities for the
collective benefit of individual investors
• Generate rate of return on the investment
• Offer convenience
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How Mutual Funds are Organized and Run
• Management company - Runs daily
• Investment advisor - Oversees portfolio
• Distributor - Sells the fund shares
• Custodian - Safeguards the securities and
other fund assets
• Transfer agent - Executes transactions and
maintains other records
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Open-End versus Closed-End Funds
• Open-end investment company
• Issues unlimited number of shares that it buys
and sells at a price based on the current
market value of the securities
• Net asset value (NAV): Current market value
of all the securities the fund owns, less
liabilities, on a per-share basis
• Closed-end investment company
• Issues a fixed number of shares which are
themselves listed and traded share of stock
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• Structured as index funds
• Offer professional money management
of mutual funds
• Provide liquidity of an exchange traded
• Distributors can create new shares or
redeem old shares
• Contain higher costs, portfolio turnover
and taxes when managed actively
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Important Cost Considerations
• Load fund: Charges a fee at purchase
• Low: Consists a low purchase fee
• Back-end: Commission charged for
redeeming fund shares
• No-load fund: Involves no transaction
fees charged
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Important Cost Considerations
• 12(b)-1 Fee: Annual fee used to offset the
promotion and selling expenses
• Management fee: Paid to the
professional money managers who
administer a mutual fund’s portfolio
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Types of Funds
• Growth
• Aims for capital appreciation
• Involves risk exposure
• Viewed as long-term investment vehicles
• Aggressive growth
• Highly speculative investment vehicles
• Seek large profits from capital gains
• Volatile in nature
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Types of Funds
• Value
• Invest in stocks that are considered to be
undervalued by the market
• Equity-Income
• Emphasize current income
• Aim to preserve the capital
• Viewed as low-risk way of investing in stocks
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Types of Funds
• Balanced
• Hold a balanced portfolio of stocks and
• Generate well-balanced return of current
income and long-term capital gains
• Confine investing to high-grade securities
• Growth-and-Income
• Confine investing to high-quality issues
• Involve risk due to their emphasis on stocks
and capital gains
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Types of Funds
• Bond
• Invest in various kinds of fixed-income
• Advantages
• More liquid
• Offer a cost-effective way of achieving a
high degree of diversification
• Automatically reinvest interest and other
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Types of Funds
• Index
• Buys and holds a portfolio of stocks
equivalent to those in a market index
• Sector
• Restricts investments to particular sector of
the market
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Types of Funds
• Money market
• General purpose: Invests in virtually any
type of short-term investment vehicle
• Tax-exempt: Limits its investments to shortterm, tax-exempt municipal securities
• Government securities: Limits its
investments to short-term securities of the
U.S. government and its agencies
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Types of Funds
• Socially responsible: Invest only in
companies meeting social, ethical, and/or
environmental criteria
• International fund: Invest in foreign
• Asset allocation
• Spread investors’ money across all different
types of markets
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Services Offered by Mutual Funds
Automatic investment plan
• Enables investor to channel a set amount of money
systematically into a given mutual fund
Automatic reinvestment plan
• Gives shareholders the option of electing to have
dividends and capital gains distributions reinvested in
additional fund shares
Regular income
• Systematic withdrawal plan: Allows shareholders to be
paid specified amounts of money each period
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Services Offered by Mutual Funds
Conversion privileges
• Allows investors to switch from one mutual
fund to another within in a family of funds
Retirement plans
• Permitted by government legislations for
diverting a part of income of a selfemployed individual
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Selection Process for Making Mutual Fund
and ETF Investments
• Identify objectives and motives for using
• Recognize what funds have to offer
• Eliminate the alternatives
• Evaluate funds investment performance
• Stick with no-load or low-load mutual
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Measuring Fund Performance
• Sources of return
• Dividend income
• Capital gains distributions
• Change in fund's share price
• Evaluating ETF performance
• Reason for investing in an index based ETF is
to replicate the performance of the index
• Determined by R-Squared statistical
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Basic Considerations of Investing in Real
• Factors affecting the value of real estate
• Cash flow and taxes
• Appreciation in value
• Use of leverage
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Speculating in Raw Land
• Investors seek to generate high rates of
return by investing in a property hoping it
will increase in value
• Involves high risk
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Investing in Income Property
• Income-producing property
• Purchased for renting to generate periodic
income in the form of rent receipts
• Commercial properties
• Office buildings, industrial space, and
warehouses to retail space and hotels
• Risk and returns are tied to business
conditions and location
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Investing in Income Property
• Residential properties
• Homes, apartments, and smaller multifamily
• Profitability is influenced by the occupancy
• Other factors to be considered
• Location
• Local regulations
• Supply and demand trends
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Other Ways to Invest in Real Estate
• Real estate investment trust (REIT)
• Accumulates money, by selling shares to
investors to invest in various forms of real
• Types
• Equity
• Mortgage
• Hybrid
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Other Ways to Invest in Real Estate
• Limited partnerships (LPs)
• Managers assume the role of general
partner with unlimited liability
• Other investors are limited partners legally
liable only for the amount of their initial
• Limited liability companies (LLCs)
• Includes a managing member and other
members without any liability
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• Mutual fund
• Exchange traded fund
• Pooled diversification
• Open-end investment
• Net asset value (NAV)
• Closed-end investment
• Load fund
• Low-load fund
• Back-end load fund
No-load fund
12(b)-1 fee
Management fee
money fund
Tax-exempt money
Government securities
money fund
Socially responsible
fund (SRF)
International fund
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Automatic investment plan
Automatic reinvestment plan
Systematic withdrawal plan
Conversion (or exchange) privilege
Income-producing property
Real estate investment trust (REIT)
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• Mutual funds are invested in a diversified
portfolio of securities
• ETF shares are traded on stock exchanges
• Open-end investment companies issue
unlimited number of shares at a price
based on the current market value of the
• Closed-end investment companies issue a
fixed number of shares which are listed and
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• Types of funds
• Growth, aggressive growth, value, equityincome, balanced, growth-and-income, bond,
money market mutual funds, index, sector,
socially responsible, international, and asset
• Variables to be considered while making
mutual funds and ETF investments
• Identify objectives and motives for using
funds, recognize what the funds have to offer,
eliminate the alternatives, and stick with noload or low-load mutual funds
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• Sources of return
• Dividend income, capital gains distributions,
and change in fund's share price
• Factors that affect the value of real estate
• Cash flow and taxes
• Appreciation in value
• Use of leverage
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