1. Utility Sites: edHelper.com-http://www.edhelper.com/- This site offers free activity builders that allow you to create your own worksheets. Also, there are worksheets and puzzles for all grades and subjects. The Teacher’s Pet- http://www.teachers-pet.org/- This site offers a downloadable word processor tool bar that allows you to create puzzles, tests, flash cards, and games. Most of the macros are free of charge, but there is a charge to use the “premium macros”. Our Homeroom- http://www.classroomwindows.com/- This site offers a free classroom grade book program for teachers that makes record keeping and grading more efficient and easy. Educational Software for Schools- http://www.adrianbruce.com/computers/educationalsoftware.htm- This site offers a collection of several free educational software to download ranging from puzzle makers to audio production software. The site also provides tips on how to use the software in the classroom. abcteach- http://abcteach.com/- This site offers free printable pages and worksheets as well as a crossword generator for all subjects and grades. 2. Topic Content Sites (I would like to teach second or third graders so I will focus on third grade science content based on the NCSOS standards) : The Nine Planets- http://www.nineplanets.org/-This interactive site provides an extensive amount of current scientific knowledge of the planets, and our solar system. National Geographic-http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-systemThis site provides factual information on the sun, moon, and planets of our solar system. The Skeletal Systemhttp://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/biology/humananatomy/skeletal/skeletalsystem.htmlThis site provides factual information on the skeletal system and has real photographs of human bones. Plants and Our Environment-http://library.thinkquest.org/3715/-This website is about different parts of plants and how plants grow, as well as plants and their relationship with animals. Soil Science Education Home Page-http://soil.gsfc.nasa.gov/-The information from this site is based on research from the National Science foundation. The site provides information on the basics of soil in relation to the environment. 3. Webquests ( third grade science): Old Town Elementary School-http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/education/components/scrapbook/ default.php?sectiondetailid=59418&PHPSESSID=24bc1c8962c003da151d393bfd26dacThis Webquest meets the NCSCOS requirements for third grade science. Students research the skeletal system and apply information learned to the system. Soar the Solar System-http://questgarden.com/47/05/2/070222080914/-This site allows students to research and gain knowledge of the solar system through exploration. Space Aliens On Earth-http://teacherweb.com/IN/PNC/Bernier/-Students are instructed to work in groups and research planets to find a suitable home for aliens that have landed on earth. Light+Water+Temperature=A Beautiful Plant-http://teacherweb.com/IN/PNC/Bernier/This webquest encourages students to research and identify types of plants and the nutrients they need to grow and survive. Soil and Plants-http://edujourney.net/Webquests/Soil/Frame.htm-A webquest for third grade that investigates: soil properties; what plants need to grow and survive; and the jobs of worms. 4. Other useful sites: Primary Games- http://www.primarygames.com/- This site has interactive games and activities for children in primary school related to different subjects: language arts, math, social studies and science. TeacherWebsite.com-http://www.teacherwebsite.com/- This site uses two portals: one for the teacher to build and maintain their own free website; and one for children and parents to access the teacher’s site at home. PBS Teachers- http://www.pbs.org/teachers/- This is an informative site for teachers providing resources for classroom development and instruction, as well as support for teachers. StoryPlace-http://www.storyplace.org/- A free website for children with animated stories, and interactive activities both in English and in Spanish. Kathy Shrock’s Guide for Educators-http://school.discoveryeducation.com/ schrockguide/- This site contains a categorized list of several sites used for professional growth. Also, the site provides fun tools, lesson plans.