AUDIT COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE I. Effective Date : 25.01.2013 Code : BTC-YÖN-02 Revision Date : -/- Page : 1/4 PURPOSE 1. The purpose of this document is to determine the terms of reference of the Audit Committee of Batıçim Batı Anadolu Çimento Sanayii A.Ş. (“Company”). II. SCOPE 2. The Audit Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its duty of oversight, specifically in the following areas: Integrity of the Company’s financial statements, Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, Competency and independence of the audit firm, and Effectiveness of the Company’s internal audit function and its external auditors. 3. The main function of the Audit Committee is to ensure the reliability, accuracy and transparency of the financial reporting system, to monitor the risk-management process, to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal audit system, to oversee the independent audit process and to advise the Board of Directors on the appointment of an independent audit firm. 4. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee have been prepared in accordance with the regulations, rules and principles specified in the Capital Markets Board’s Independent Audit Standards Series: X, No: 22 (“Standards”) and the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué Series: IV, No: 56 on Determination and Implementation of Corporate Governance Principles (“Communiqué”). III. COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONING AND REPORTING OF THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Composition and Structure The Audit Committee shall 5. consist of at least two members of the Board of Directors, all of whom shall be elected. Committee members can also be elected from amongst the independent directors as per item 4.5.3 of the Communiqué. AUDIT COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE Effective Date : 25.01.2013 Code : BTC-YÖN-02 Revision Date : -/- Page : 2/4 6. be appointed by the Board of Directors for a period equal to its term of office. The Board of Directors can replace a member or members of the Committee if and when deemed necessary. 7. Duties, terms of reference and composition of the Audit Committee shall be determined by the Board of Directors as per item 4.5.2 of the Communiqué. Terms of Reference: 8. The Audit Committee shall monitor the accounting system of the Company, the announcement of financial statements and the efficient functioning of the external audit and internal control system as per item 25/2 of the Standards. 9. The Audit Committee shall when necessary submit a written report on its recommendations to the Board of Directors, with which the final decision ultimately rests as per item 4.5.8 of the Communiqué. 10. To the extent possible, scheduling for the Audit Committee meetings shall be determined in accordance with the dates of the meetings of the Board of Directors. 11. The Committee shall produce minutes of the proceedings and resolutions of the meeting and submit them to the Board of Directors, and shall circulate a synopsis of the meeting to all members of the Board if deemed necessary as per item 4.5.8 of the Communiqué. 12. produce minutes of its proceedings and keep records in a documented manner as per item 4.5.8 of the Communiqué. 13.The Board of Directors shall provide all necessary resources to support the Audit Committee in performing its duties as per item 4.5.6 of the Communiqué. 14. The Committee may invite any manager of the Company, as well as internal or external auditors, to attend its meetings in order to seek their opinion as per item 4.5.6 of the Communiqué. 15. The Audit Committee shall monitor if the financial statements of the Company and explanatory notes thereto are prepared in accordance with the current legislation and international accounting standards and, if deemed necessary, report to the Board of Directors in writing upon receiving the opinion of the external auditor as per item 25/6 of the Standards. AUDIT COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE Effective Date : 25.01.2013 Code : BTC-YÖN-02 Revision Date : -/- Page : 3/4 Reporting to the Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Executive Committee 16. The internal audit department shall present a report outlining material risks and control issues, along with the internal audit manager’s recommendations, to both the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee simultaneously. 17. The Audit Committee shall hold meeting with the internal audit department to review the findings in the report. 18. Consequently, the internal audit department shall review the contents of the Audit Committee meeting together with the Executive Committee. Taking into account the findings and recommendations in the audit report, suggested actions shall be reviewed and the outcomes of the meeting shall be determined in writing. Independent Audit Process 19. The Audit Committee shall oversee the appointment of the audit firm, preparation of audit agreements, initiation of the audit process and all activities related to the external audit process as per item 25/2 of the Standards. 20.The Audit Committee shall determine the external auditor and the services to be received and submit this for the Board of Directors’ approval as per item 25/3 of the Standards. 21. The external auditor shall inform the Audit Committee regarding accounting policies and practices of the Company, recommendations previously made to Company management on alternative practices or public-disclosure strategies, suggested actions and expected outcomes thereto, as well as any material correspondence with Company management as per item 25/4 of the Standards. Internal Control Process 22. The Audit Committee shall keep under review the effectiveness and adequacy of the Company’s internal controls, review findings regarding the same and, if deemed necessary, submit them to the Board of Directors as per item 25/2 of the Standards. Internal Audit Process AUDIT COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE Effective Date : 25.01.2013 Code : BTC-YÖN-02 Revision Date : -/- Page : 4/4 23. The Audit Committee shall determine methods and criteria to evaluate the Company’s procedures under which its employees can raise concerns, in confidence, about accounting, internal controls and independent audit matters as per item 25/5 of the Standards. IV. OTHER MATTERS 24. The Audit Committee may obtain, at the Company’s expense, outside professional advice on any matter within its terms of reference as per item 25/7 of the Standards. 25. The Audit Committee shall meet at least four times a year, and in any event at least once each quarter, and minutes of these meetings shall be submitted to the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee shall submit its findings and recommendations in writing on any matter within its terms of reference to the Board of Directors as per item 25/8 of the Standards. 26. Responsibilities and duties of the Audit Committee shall not eliminate the Board of Directors’ responsibility arising from the Turkish Commercial Code as per item 25/9 of the Standards. Amendment of the Terms Of Reference 27. These terms of reference are subject to amendments with a Board resolution. Effective Date 28. These terms of reference have been approved by the Board of Directors of Batıçim Batı Anadolu Çimento San. A.Ş. with a Board resolution dated January 25, 2013, and numbered 1206/01-01 to enter into effect as of January 25, 2013, as per item 4.5.2 of the Communiqué.