LloydBank ATM Project Engineering Project Design Team: Saud Malik Brittany Johnson Joseph Garrison Ultimately, project implementation was a team effort but here is a list of our MVCs (most valuable contributions): ◦ Brittany is our lead research engineer ◦ Saud is our ideas & how-to’s engineer ◦ Most valuable contribution – MySQL connection Most valuable contribution – Withdrawal / Deposit function design Most valuable contribution – Establishing our code repository Most valuable contribution – Initiated project flow, look and feel. (Withdrawal dialog was key) Joe is our lead coding engineer Most valuable contribution – Reorganizing code to use modal JDialog Most valuable contribution – Spearheading code changes and code organization Team ideas were passed between members in the form of conversations, emails and demos. Resources were used as available. Main limiting resource was time, second was Java experience. Team Responsibilities Five Objectives for the project – were not intended to be elaborate – were directed toward and just above our skill level User access (Account number entry) Verification of pin Deposit Funds Withdrawal Fund Balance Inquiry Objectives Execute from a JAR file Connect to MySQL Database using cstunnel Demonstrate using John Doe account Demonstrate using Jane Doe account Demonstrate using invalid account number Demonstrate using valid account number with invalid pin number Project Demostration Making sure that we did not “step on” each other’s code. Agreement to finish and synchronize each day’s changes and each sprint with working code. No major changes without informing other participants. Statement of Work Agreement Tracking our Changes ◦ Requirement to update Google Code so there would be a history of change. Tracking our Major Issues ◦ Each member was assigned at least one major issue. ◦ All issues were resolved or were discarded from this project appropriately. Tracking our Progress ◦ Sprint updates (SCRUM) was a team responsibility. Tracking our Code ◦ The use of the repository provided an excellent answer to our code tracking needs. Project Tracking http://code.google.com/p/lloydbank/ Used Source to keep our code. Exported to ZIP files and saved to Downloads. WIKI tracked our 7 sprints Issues were used to track 5 main issues. (a couple of sprint were extended because of class schedules and team personal schedules) How we used Google Code Time and Java knowledge appeared to be our most limiting factors for progress. What we learned… What we would have done differently… What could have made a better project… ◦ Java technical help ◦ Java GUI support ◦ Distributed processing (server proxy implementation) ◦ While we did implement some threading features, we could have made better use with a distributed architecture Conclusion Using JAR Files: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/showtopic82523.htm Using JDialogs: http://www.codeweblog.com/database-experience-of-jdbc-to-connect-skills-highlights/ http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=2691&lngWId=2\ Sun Java http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/swing/JDialog.html MySQL http://www.mysql.com/why-mysql/isv-oem-corner/retail/?gclid=CObQha-roZ4CFQ9fswodg0kolQ Primary Resources and References