The Tempest By Dean Lee Main Characters – – – – – – – – – – – – – Prospero: The main character of this play Miranda: Prospero's daughter Ariel: Prospero’s magic fairy Caliban: A giant beast Iris, Ceres, Juno, Nymphs and Reapers: Spirits that appear by Prospero's will. Alonso: The King of Naples. Ferdinand: Son of the King of Naples. Sebastian: The brother of Alonso Antonio: The brother of Prospero Gonzalo: An honest old counselor. Stephano: A drunken butler Trinculo: Tries to kill Prospero. Master of a ship, Boatswains, Mariners: shipwrecked in Prospero by tempest. Act I • Alonso, Sebestian, Ferdinand, Antonio, Gonzalo • • were sailing but they met storm and was likely to be shipwrecked. The storm was caused by Prospero and his daughter Miranda asks to stop the storm. Ariel the fairy leads Ferdinand to Miranda and those two fell in love. Act II • Ariel puts every shipwreck survivors into sleep by magical song, except Sebastian and Antonio. Prospero was Duke of Milan, and because they wanted to be the Duke, they first thought that replacing the king should be the first step. • When they were about to kill Alonso, but Ariel woke everybody, and the two made an excuse for taking out their swords. • Meanwhile, Trinculo, the jester in the ship discovers Caliban, the beast. Stephano, a drunken butler gives Caliban alcohol and convinced him to kill Prospero together Act III • Prospero, who became invisible, watched his daughter with Ferdinand and was happy to find out that Ferdinand took Miranda as his wife. Act IV • Prospero came up to Ferdinand and told that he • • will freely give his daughter for marriage. Prospero knew that Stephando, Trinculo, and Caliban were trying to kill him, so he instructed Ariel to lead the shipwrecked men on his island. Prospero also told Ariel to distract the three men with their clothes, failing them to focus on killing Prospero. Act V • Prospero brought everyone except the three. He forgives • • • • Alonso for vanishing him to this island. He also forgives Sebastian and Antonio for trying to kill Alonso. He promised not to tell Alonso about their act. Ferdinand and Miranda were playing chess, and Alonso was overjoyed to see his son and his wife. After that, Prospero appeared to Stephando, Trinculo, and Caliban and forgives them. Caliban was embarrassed to follow Trinculo, a fool. Prospero announces that the survivors will head to Naples. He freed Ariel, his fairy Epiloque • Prospero asks the audience to free him and make him to continue his life as Duke of Milan.