'The Tempest'

‘The Tempest’
Lesson Objectives:
• To become familiar with the characters from ‘The
• To become more familiar with Shakespeare’s language
Imagine you are a director of the new
‘The Tempest’ film. Pick which film
actors you might cast to play each part.
• He has been living on a remote island with his
daughter for 12 years after he fled from Italy.
He was the Duke of Milan but his evil brother
was working with the King to get rid of
Prospero. Prospero has worked really hard on
his magic which gives him the power he needs
to punish and forgive his enemies.
Some Possible Choices:
Nicolas Cage
Morgan Freeman
• She is a young, innocent and naïve teenage
girl who has lived with her father on a remote
island since she was a baby. Her father is
fiercely over-protective. Miranda is unfamiliar
with the “real” world.
Some Possible Choices:
Ann Hathaway
Miley Cyrus
Keisha Castle-Hughes
• A mysterious spirit, neither male or female,
who has magical abilities to fly and become
invisible. Ariel is also a talented musician,
who uses his/her songs to influence and
mesmerize others. Ariel feels trapped on the
island and longs to be free. However, Ariel is
also loyal and obedient if you could offer the
opportunity of freedom from the island.
Some Possible Choices:
Daniel Radcliffe
Alison Hannigan
• A native of an island, sometimes described as
a fish, and at other times as a monster. It is
rumoured that his father is the devil himself.
He is full of foul language because his island
has been usurped from him.
Some Possible Choices:
The Rock
Danny DeVito
Eddie Murphy
• Alonso is a king who has recently attended the
wedding of his daughter. He fears that his son
has been drowned and is at risk from political
plots against him.
King Alonso
Some Possible Choices:
Samuel L Jackson
Russell Crowe
Robert DeNiro
• He is a good looking teenage prince, who has
recently lost contact with his father, the King
Alonso. Ferdinand is very romantic, and prone
to falling in love quite easily.
Some Possible Choices:
Justin Bieber
Edward Cullen
Zac Efron
• He is a Duke, who gained his title by dishonest
means. Antonio is selfish and likes to bully
and intimidate others. He is friends with
Sebastian, King Alonso’s brother.
Some Possible Choices:
Sean Bean
Simon Cowell
Joe Pesci
• Sebastian is King Alonso’s brother. He
sometimes envies his brother’s position, and
can be cruel and unkind. He is also easily led
by Antonio.
Some Possible Choices:
Dr Evil
Ben Stiller
Daniel Craig
• Trinculo is a clown who likes to keep people
entertained. He is also a coward, and likes to
drink too much alcohol.
Some Possible Choices:
Johnny Depp
Dane Cook
Jackie Chan
• He is an honest old man with very idealistic
views about the world. Gonzalo is a loyal
friend and companion who always looks on
the bright side of life. He can be a little naïve.
Some Possible Choices:
Sean Connery
Jack Nicholson
Zach Galifianakis
Who am I?