Scene Two - Reflect Productions

Reflect TIE LTD
4 Sandy Lane North
The Tempest
Prologue (optional)
Shakespeare’s words now ache to be free
His tale calls to you, as it beckons me
More than thirty plays the bard wrote in the past.
So enjoy, my good friends – this is one of his last.
A story of magic begins to take seed,
With a raging storm – a tempest indeed!
The tale covers sadness, mistrust and greed
Trust and betrayal – we hope you all heed.
Characters trapped in prisons - all kinds,
Real, and those caused by troubled minds.
Prospero the powerful orchestrator of the sea
Through bitterness and anger is not free
We hope that you find through the course of our tale –
All will be resolved and peace will prevail.
Through magic and power he has an end to redeem
To then stand alone – a man with a dream.
Act One
Scene One
Chorus Section 1 – creating the ship and the sea storm
Narrator 1:
I convey you to Europe, off Italy’s coast,
A sorcerer, Prospero, will soon be your host.
Narrator 2:
As we wait his arrival, cast down your eyes,
The ship below us is near its demise.
Narrator 3:
It tosses and heaves in the frenzied sea,
The storm boils with anger, wild as can be.
Narrator 4:
The wind howls in fury. Flames smother the ship.
Sails twist and tangle in the tempest’s grip.
A storm is raging. A ship carrying Alonso, his son and followers, looks certain to sink.
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4 Sandy Lane North
Here Master. What cheer?
Speak t’ the mariners. Get to it quickly or we run ourselves aground. Bestir, bestir!
the master runs off as other sailors rush on and busy themselves trying to save the ship
Heigh my hearts! Cheerly, cheerly, my hearts! Yare! Yare! Take in the top sail!
Aye aye Captain
Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand and Gonzalo
Good boatswain, have care. Where’s the master?
The master is heard off-stage shouting to his crew
I pray you now, keep below….You mar our labour. Keep your cabins, you do assist
the storm!
Nay, good, be patient.
When the sea is. Hence! What cares these roarers for the name of the King? To
cabin! Silence! Trouble us not!
Good, yet remember whom thou hast aboard.
None that I love more than myself.
Shouting to his sailors
Cheerly, good hearts!
The boatswain pushes the noblemen out of the way
Out of our way I say!
The noblemen leave
Down with the topmast!
As sailors follow his instructions, the noblemen stagger back on
Yet again! What do you here? Have you a mind to sink?
Off to sea again! Lay her off!
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Mariner 1:
All lost! To prayers, to prayers! All lost! Mercy on us!
We split, we split!
Mariner 2:
Farewell, my wife and children, farewell, brother!
We split, we split, we split!
Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground long heath, brown furze, anything. The wills above be done, but I would fain
die a dry death.
Scene Two
Prospero and Miranda watch the storm from outside their island home, a cave
Narrator 5:
Beneath the dark waves the doomed boat sank.
Two figures watched from the rocky bank.
Narrator 6:
‘Twas Prospero, the enchanter in control of this scene,
And his daughter, Miranda, a girl of fifteen.
If by your art, my dearest father, you have put the wild waters in this roar,
allay them. O, I have suffered with those that I saw suffer! A brave vessel
(who had no doubt some noble creature in her) Dashed all to pieces!
Be collected, no more amazement. Tell your piteous heart
there’s no harm done. . . .no harm.
I have done nothing but in care of thee,
of thee my dear one, thee, my daughter, who
Art ignorant of what thou art, nought knowing
of whence I am.
More to know did never meddle with my thoughts.
Prospero :
‘Tis time I should inform thee farther.
Lend thy hand and pluck my magic garment from me.
(The robe is taken off. Miranda sits down and Prospero begins his story)
Prospero :
Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since,
Thy father was the Duke of Milan and a Prince of power.
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Miranda 1:
O the heavens!
What foul play had we that we came from thence,
Or blessed was’t that we did?
Prospero 1:
Both, both, my girl!
By foul play, as thou say’st, were we heaved thence,
But blessedly holp hither.
Narrator 7:
And her father bade her open her ear,
and this is the story that she did hear.
Narrator 8:
Antonio her uncle’s affection had turned sour,
wanting Prospero’s position and ultimate power.
Narrator 9:
Propsero, himself, never felt that need,
All he wanted to do was sit and read.
Narrator 10:
So he trusted his brother with the affairs of state
And it was him who sent them to a watery fate.
Prospero :
He thinks me now incapable;
And confederates wi’th’king of Naples.
The King of Naples, being an enemy to me inveterate,
hearkens my brother’s suit
That he should immediately force me and mine
out of the dukedom and confer fair Milan,
with all the honours, on my brother!
Miranda :
Wherefore did they not that hour destroy us?
Prospero :
Dear, they durst not. So dear the love my people bore me…..
they hurried us aboard a boat, bore us some leagues to sea,
where they prepared a rotten carcass, not rigged, nor tackle , nor mast;
the very rats had quit it!
Some food we had, some fresh water and my books of magic,
that, A nobleman – Gonzalo – out of his charity – did give us.
Would I might but ever see that man!
Narrator 1:
after the boat had run aground,
the paradise they saw had held them spellbound.
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Narrator 2:
For twelve years they have lived here by the sea,
with no other human company.
Narrator 3:
Miranda now understood what had past;
but had one last question she needed to ask:
Miranda :
I pray you, sir - your reason for raising this sea storm?
By accident, most strange, bountiful Fortune
hath my enemies brought to this shore.
(Miranda looks tired)
Here cease more questions.
Thou art inclined to sleep.
(Miranda falls asleep)
Approach my Ariel : come!
Narrator 4:
With a flash of wings and a shimmer of light,
Ariel, his attendant, flew into sight.
Prospero :
Hath thou, spirit,
Performed to point the tempest that I bade thee?
To every article.
I boarded the King’s ship. Now on the beak, now in the waist,
the deck, in every cabin, I flamed amazement.
Prospero :
Why, that’s my spirit! But was not this nigh shore?
Ariel :
Close by, master.
But are they, Ariel, safe?
Ariel :
Not a hair perished…..In troops I have dispersed them about the isle.
The King’s son have I landed by himself, in an odd angle of the isle, and sitting
His arms in this sad knot.
The ship is safely in the harbor and the mariners all under
hatches stowed!
Ariel, thy charge exactly is performed; but there’s more work.
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Is there more toil?
Prospero :
How now? Moody? What is’t thou can demand?
Ariel :
My liberty!
Before the time be out? No more!
Dost thou forget from what a torment I did free thee?
Thou liest, malignant thing! Hast thou forgot the foul witch Sycorax?
Narrator 5:
That foul witch, bent over with age,
once ruled the island, in a towering rage.
Narrator 6:
Ariel, her servant, obeyed her commands,
Forced to perform her abhorrent commands.
Narrator 7:
Ariel suffered until the witch died,
leaving him desperate and trapped inside.
Narrator 8:
Now the witch had borne a son, more ugly beast than man,
This wretched runt, a witch’s brat, she christened Caliban.
Narrator 9:
Until they’d landed on that isle there was no human soul,
And Caliban was ruler. He was in control.
Prospero :
Thou best know’st what torment I did find thee in.
Thy groans did make wolves howl.
It was mine art, when I arrived and heard thee, that let thee out.
Ariel :
Pardon, master; I will listen to command
and do my spiriting gently.
Prospero :
Do so, and after two days I will discharge thee.
Go make thyself like a nymph’o’th’sea.
Be subject to no sight but thine and mine – invisible to every eyeball else.
Narrator 10:
Taking these words as an exit cue,
The nimble sprite, disappeared from view.
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Prospero :
(waking Miranda) Come on. We’ll visit Caliban, my slave.
Miranda :
‘Tis a villain sir, I do not love to look on..
But as ‘tis, we cannot miss him.
He does make our fire, fetch our wood. What! Ho!
Slave! Caliban! Speak!
Caliban :
(from off-stage) there’s wood enough within.
Come forth, I say!
Caliban :
(shuffling reluctantly on)This island’s mine by Sycorax my mother,
Which thou tak’st from me. When thou cam’st first,
Thou strok’st me and made much of me;
wouldst give me water and berries in’t. And Then I loved thee
and showed thee all the qualities of the isle.
Cursed be that I did so! All the charms
of Sycorax – toads, beetles, bats – light on you!
I am all the subjects that you have and you do keep me from the rest o’ th’ island.
Thou most lying slave.
I have used thee, filth as thou art, with humane care, and lodged thee
In mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate the honour of my child.
Caliban :
Thou didst prevent me – I had peopled else this isle with Calibans!
Abhorred slave!
I pitied thee – took pains to teach thee to speak…
Caliban :
You taught me language and now I know how to curse!
Hag-seed hence!
Fetch us in fuel, and be quick…..
If you do not what I command I’ll rack thee with old cramps,
Fill all thy bones with aches, make thee roar that beasts shall tremble at thy din.
(Caliban, trembling, exits)
Narrator 1:
Meanwhile, Ariel continued to explore,
And found Ferdinand, who’d been washed ashore.
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4 Sandy Lane North
Narrator 2
The prince was in mourning for his father, the king,
When the spirit hovered near, and began to sing.
Where should this music be? I’th’air or th’earth?
This music crept by me upon the waters, with its sweet air.
Thence I have followed it, or it hath drawn me rather;
but ‘tis gone. No it begins again.
Ariel & spirits/chorus
Full fathom five, thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! Now I hear them, ding-dong-bell.
The ditty does remember my drown’d father.
This is no mortal business – I hear it now above me
Narrator 3:
Ferdinand was fraught with hopeless dismay,
He followed the sad music, as Ariel led the way.
Narrator 4:
Prospero was ready and knew just what to do,
When a short time later Ferdinand stumbled into view.
What is’t? A spirit?
Lord, how it looks about!
Propsero :
It eats and sleeps and hath such senses as we have such.
This man, which thou seest, was in the wreck.
He hath lost his fellows and strays about to find them.
I might call him a thing divine;
for nothing natural I ever saw so noble.
Narrator 5:
Then the Prince let out a heart-wrenching sigh.
As he raised his head, she quickly caught his eye.
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Most sure, the goddess on whom these airs attend!
O you wonder! Be you maid or no?
Miranda :
No wonder, sir, but certainly a maid.
(the two stare at each other)
My language! Heavens!
Myself am Naples – The king my father wreck’d
Alack, for mercy!
Yes, faith, and all his lords; the Duke of Milan
And his brave son being twain
Narrator 6:
Prospero listened, for he was close at hand,
Everything was working exactly as he’s planned.
Narrator 7:
But did Ferdinand truly love his daughter best?
Prospero decided to put him to a test.
Prospero :
delicate Ariel – I’ll set thee free for this.
(to Ferdinand) A word! I fear you have done yourseld some wrong…
This is the third man that e’er I saw, the first
That e’er I sigh’d for….
O, I’ll make you The Queen of Naples
Soft, sir! One word more:Thou hast put thyself on this island as a spy, to win it
from me – the lord on’t. I’ll manacle thy neck and feet together; sea water shall
thou drink….
No! (He draws his sword, but Prospero’s magic freezes him to the spot
Sir, have pity. I’ll be his surety.
Silence! One word shall make me chide thee, if not hate thee.
Dost thou think there is no more such shapes as he?
Miranda :
I have no ambition to see a goodlier man.
Thy nerves are in their infancy again
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And have no vigour in them
So they are;
My spirits, as in a dream, are all bound up.
My father’s loss, the wreck of all my friends, this man’s threats
Are but light to me, might I but through my prison,
Once a day behold this maid.
(Ferdinand is freed from the spell)
Narrator 8:
For the happy pair, it was love at first sight.
Prospero was delighted and called for his sprite.
(whispering to Ariel) Thou hast done well, fine Ariel!
(to Ferdinand)
Be of comfort;
My father’s of a better nature sir,
Than he appears by his speech.
Prospero :
Come follow.
(all exit)
Scene One:
Narrator 9:
Meanwhile, on the island, in a very different place,
King Alonso sat with a very long face.
Narrator 10:
He was with his nobles from the Royal Court.
Prospero’s friend, Gonzalo, was lending his support.
Beseech you, sir, be merry. You have cause of joy;
for our escape is much beyond our loss.
Wisely, good sir, weigh our sorrow with our comfort.
Prithee, peace.
Sebastian :
(whispering to Gonzalo) he receives comfort like cold porridge!
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4 Sandy Lane North
Though this island seems to be desert, uninhabitable, and almost inaccessible,
Yet, it must needs be of subtle, tender and delicate temperance.
The air breathes upon us here most sweetly.
How lush and lusty the grass looks! How green!
But the rarity of it is that our garments, being, as they were,
drenched in the sea, hold their freshness and glosses.
methinks our garments are now as fresh as when we put them on
for the marriage of the King’s fair daughter Claribel, to the King of Tunis.
‘Twas a sweet marriage, and we prosper well in our return.
Tunis was never before graced with such a paragon to their queesn
Would I had never married my daughter there!
For, coming thence, my son is lost…….
Sir, he may live.
I saw him beat the surges under him
And ride upon their backs ….I not doubt he came alive to land.
No, no, he’s gone.
Narrator 1:
Gonzalo continued to offer some cheer,
But received in return only mocking and jeers.
Narrator 2:
Prospero heard the taunts aimed at his old friend,
And commanded Ariel to put it to an end.
Ariel arrives, playing music, with spirits/chorus. This puts everyone to sleep, except Antonio and
Narrator 3:
The spirit played lullabies to encourage sleep.
Gonzalo felt drowsy, and curled into a heap.
Narrator 4:
King Alonso too, quickly lost his zest.
His eyes began to droop and he lay down to rest.
Narrator 5:
Ariel was watching for all was at stake,
Sebastian and Antonio had been left awake.
What a strange drowsiness possesses them!
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4 Sandy Lane North
It is the quality o’th’climate.
I find not myself disposed to sleep.
Nor I!......Sebastian – my strong imagination sees a crown upon thy head.
What, art thou waking?
O, that you bore the mind that I do, what a sleep were this for your advancement.
Do you understand me?
Methinks I do. I remember
You did supplant your brother Prospero.
True. And look how well my garments sit upon me.
Here lies your brother..whom I, with this obedient steel,
can lay to bed forever.
As thou got’st Milan, I’ll come by Naples.
Draw thy sword.
Draw together;
And when I rear my hand you do the like to fall it on Gonzalo.
(they both raise their swords)
O, but one word
(the two turn to speak to each other – Ariel enters and whispers in the ear of Gonzalo)
(jumping up and waking Alonso) Now, good angels, preserve the King!
why, how now? Ho! Awake? Why are you drawn?
What’s the matter?
We heard a hollow burst of bellowing like bulls,
or rather lions. Did’t not wake you?
Heard you this Gonzalo?
I heard a humming which did awake me.
I shaked you sir and cried.
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As mine eyes opened I saw their weapons drawn.
Tis best we stand upon our guard, or that we quit this place!
Lead off this ground and let’s search for my poor son.
(They exit)
Prospero shall know what I have done.
So King, go safely and seek thy son.
Scene Two:
Narrator 6:
In another part of the island and close to shore,
Caliban was at work, carrying wood once more.
Narrator 7
He was angry with his master, for the years of pain.
And the sorcerer’s many spirits, he held in much disdain
Caliban :
All the infections that the sun sucks up,
From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall, and make him
By inchmeal a disease!
(A clap of thunder, created by chorus)
His spirits hear me,
and yet I needs must curse. For every trifle are they set upon me.
(enter Trinculo – who does not, at first, see Caliban)
Lo, now, lo!
Here comes a spirit of his, and to torment me
For bringing wood in slowly. I’ll fall flat.
Perchance he will not mind me.
(Caliban throws himself flat on the floor and covers himself with his cloak)
Here’s neither bush nor shrub
To bear off any weather at all, and another storm brewing!
(noticing Caliban) What have we here? A man or a fish? A fish;
he smells like a fish….
Alas the storm is come again! Our best way is to creep under his gabardine;
Yes - let us shroud till the dregs of the storm pass.
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4 Sandy Lane North
(Trinculo hides under Caliban’s coat. Stephano enters, carrying a bottle)
Stephano :
The master, the swabber, the boatswain and I,
The gunner and his mate,
Loved Moll, Meg and Marian and Margery,
But none of us cared for Kate.
This is a scurvy tune, but here’s my comfort (drinking from bottle)
(Trinculo fidgets under the cloak, Caliban calls out)
Do not torment me! Oh!
Stephano :
What’s the matter? Have we devils here?....
This is some monster of the isle with four legs, who hath,
as I take it, a fever.
Where the devil should he learn our language?
He shall taste of my bottle. Open your mouth. Open your mouth.
(Stephano gives Caliban a drink)
I should know that voice…..but he is drowned;
and these are devils! O, defend me!
Four legs and two voices!!!!!! I will help his fever.
( he walks to Caliban’s feet and finds Trinculo’s head)
Mercy, mercy! This is a devil and no monster.
I will leave him.
If thou beest Stephano speak to me; for I am thy good friend Trinculo
If thou be Trinculo, come forth. I’ll pull thee by the legs.
If any be thy legs, these are they…..
(Stephano pulls Trinculo out from the coat)
How camst thou to be the siege of this mooncalf?
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I hid under the gabardine for fear of the storm.
And art thou living, Stephano? O, Stephano,
three Neapolitans ‘scaped!
(they embrace, Caliban crawls from under the coat)
Caliban :
These be fine things, and if they be not sprites,
That’s a brave god, and bears celestial liquor.
I will kneel to him.
How didst thou scape? How cam’st thou hither? Swear by this bottle how thou
cam’st hither….
Caliban :
I’ll swear upon that bottle to be thy true subject!
O stephano, hast any more of this?
The whole butt. My cellar is in a rock by th’seaside,
where my wine is hid. How now mooncalf? How does thy fever?
Hast thou not dropped from heaven?
I’ll show thee every fertile inch of the island,
and I will kiss thy foot. I prithee – be my god.
Trinculo :
A most ridiculous monster, to make a wonder of a poor drunkard!
Caliban :
Let me bring thee where crabs grow;
I’ll pluck thee berries;
I’ll fish for thee, and get wood enough.
A plague upon the tyrant that I serve!
I’ll bear him no more sticks, but follow thee – thou wondrous man!
Stephano :
I prithee now, lead the way without any more talking.
Trinculo, the king and all our company else being drowned, we will inherit here.
Here, bear my bottle.
(Caliban takes the bottle and leads off)
A howling monster; a drunken monster.
O brave monster! Lead the way.
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4 Sandy Lane North
Narrator 8:
The four linked arms, and tottered along the shore.
How could they know what the future held in store?
Scene One
Narrator 9:
Meanwhile back at Prospero’s abode,
Ferdinand was toting his heavy load.
There be some sports are painful, and their labour
Delight in them sets off. This my mean task
would be as heavy to me as odious, but
The mistress which I serve gives life to what’s dead,
And makes my labours pleasures.
Miranda enters – Prospero enters too, but is not seen by the pair
Miranda :
Alas now, pray you
Work not so hard. Pray set it down and rest you.
If you’ll sit down I’ll bear your logs the while.
No, precious creature, the sun will set before
I shall discharge what I must strive to do.
You look wearily.
Ferdinand :
No, noble mistress, ‘tis fresh morning
with me when you are by at night.
What is your name?
Miranda. O my father ,
I have broke your hest to say so!
Ferdinand :
Admired Miranda!
Indeed the top of admiration, worth
what’s dearest to the world!
O you, so perfect and so peerless, are created
Of every creature’s best!
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Miranda :
I do not know
one of my sex; no woman’s face remember,
save, from my glass, mine own; nor have I seen
More that I may call men than you, good friend,
And my dear father. I would not wish
any companion in the world but you.
Ferdinand :
I am in my condition
A prince, Miranda; I do think, a King.
The very instant that I saw you, did My heart fly to your service,
and for your sake am I this patient log-man.
Miranda :
Do you love me?
Beyond all limit of what else I’th’world,
Do I love, prize, honour you.
Miranda :
I am a fool
To weep at what I am glad of.
(to himself) Fair encounter
Of two most rare affections! Heavens rain grace
On that which breeds ‘em!
Miranda :
I am your wife, if you will marry me;
If not, I’ll die your maid.
My mistress, dearest,
And I thus humble ever.
My husband then?
Ay, here’s my hand.
Miranda :
And mine, with my heart in’t. And now farewell
Till half an hour hence.
(they exit)
Prospero :
So glad of this as they I cannot be,
Who are surprised withal; but my rejoicing
At nothing can be more. I’ll to my book,
for yet ere supper-time must I perform
Much business appertaining.
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Scene Two
Narrator 10:
But trouble was brewing, back by the sea.
There was arguing among the gruesome three.
Narrator 1
Stephano fancied he was the island’s King.
To Caliban he was a god, and could do anything!
Stephano :
When the butt is out, we will drink water; not a drop
before. Therefore bear up and board ‘em!
Servant monster, drink to me.
Servant monster? The folly of this island.
How does thy honour? Let me lick thy shoe.
(pointing at Trinculo)
I’ll not serve him; he's not valiant.
Wilt thou tell a monstrous lie,
being but half a fish and half a monster?
Lo, how they mock me! Wilt thou let them, my lord?
Keep a good tongue in your head. The poor
monster’s my subject and he shall not suffer indignity.
I thank my noble Lord. Wilt thou be pleased to hearken once
again to the suit I made to thee?
Stephano :
marry, will I.
(Caliban kneels at Stephano’s feet, as Stephano and Trinculo try to stand upright. Ariel comes on but is
invisible to them. When he speaks, he imitates Trinculo)
Caliban :
As I told thee before, I am subject to a tyrant, a sorcerer,
that by his cunning hath cheated me of the island.
Ariel :
Thou liest!
(Caliban turns on Trinculo, thinking he spoke)
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Thou liest, thou jesting monkey, thou. I would my valiant
master would destroy thee! I do not lie.
Stephano :
If you trouble him any more in’s tale, by this
hand, I will supplant some of your teeth.
Why, I said nothing.
mum then, and no more. Proceed.
I say by sorcery he got this isle; From me he got it.
If thy greatness will revenge it on him, thou shalt be lord of it and I’ll serve thee.
Stephano :
How now shall this be compassed?
Caliban :
I’ll yield him thee asleep, where thou mayst knock a nail into his head.
Ariel :
Thou liest; thou canst not.
(Caliban turns on Trinculo again)
Thou scurvy patch!
run into no further danger! Interrupt the monster
one word, further and, by this hand, I’ll make a stockfish of thee.
Trinculo :
I did not give the lie. Out o’ your wits and hearing too?
Stand farther. Come, proceed.
Narrator 2:
Just then a haunting tune echoed through the air.
But they were too confused to sort out this affair.
Narrator 3:
The music on the pipe and drum was low and hollow,
And the drunken trio had no choice but to follow.
Be not afeared. This isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not.
Stephano :
This will prove a brave Kingdom to me,
Where I shall have my music for nothing.
Caliban :
And Prospero is destroyed!
The sound is going away. Let’s follow it, and after do our work.
Narrator 4:
As this absurd scene on the shore transpired,
Back inland, the courtiers were tired.
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Scene Three
(enter Alonso, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco, Antonio and Sebastian)
I can go no further, sir. I needs must rest me.
Old lord, sit down and rest. Even here I will put off my hope.
He is drowned whom thus we stray to find; well let him go.
Narrator 5:
Antonio quickly pulled Sebastian to his side
Their evil plans of murder must be clarified
Narrator 6:
They would do it tonight but then all talk abated,
They heard solemn music, and felt strangely agitated.
Narrator 7:
The somber sounds grew loud, and pervaded the air.
Suddenly phantoms appeared out of nowhere.
spirits enter and dance and set out feast
Narrator 8:
They carried a table laden with fruit and meat
And beckoned the men to partake of the treat.
(music and dance)
Narrator 9:
As quickly as they came they dissolved into the haze.
The nobles clung together in a frightened daze.
What were these?
Now I will believe there are unicorns!
Whatever else is hard to believe, I’ll be sworn tis true.
If in Naples
I should report this now, would they believe me If I should say I saw such islanders?
Their manners are more gentle-kind than of
our human generation….
Prospero :
Honest Lord, Thou hast said well, for some of you there present
Are worse than devils.
(spirits exit)
They vanished strangely.
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No matter since they have left their feast behind.
Will’t please you have taste of what is here?
Narrator 10:
The men moved quickly towards the banquet feast,
And with each step closer, their hunger increased.
Narrator 1:
The sky grew dark, the branches bowed low,
A furious wind began to blow.
Narrator 2:
The King and his nobles were horrified,
As they huddled together, side by side.
(enter Ariel. The men find that their swords are too heavy to hold up))
You fools! I and my fellows are ministers of fate.
You three from Milan did supplant good Prospero;
For which foul deed, the powers, not forgetting,
have incensed the seas and shores against your peace.
Thee of thy son, Alonso, they have bereft.
( more thunder and lightning – Ariel vanishes. The spirits dance off to music. )
My high charms work, and these, mine enemies,
are all knot up in their distractions. They are now in my power;
And in these fits I leave them, while I visit young Ferdinand, and
his and mine loved darling.
(Prospero exits)
Why stand you in this strange stare?
O, it is monstrous, monstrous:
The winds did sing to me the name of Prospero.
Therefore my son i’the ooze is bedded, and
I’ll seek him deeper than e’er plummet sounded
And with him there lie mudded.
(exit Alonso)
But one fiend at a time, I’ll fight their legions o’er.
I’ll be thy second
(exit Sebastian and Antonio)
Their great guilt now ‘gins to bite the spirits.
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Follow, I pray you.
Yes good lord – lead on
(all exit)
Scene One:
Narrator 3:
The prince was still toiling at the woodpile,
When Prospero approached him, with a smile.
Prospero :
I have given you here a third of mine own life,
Or that for which I live; who once again I tender to thy hand.
All thy vexations were but trials of my love, and thou
hast strongly stood the test.
Ferdinand :
I hope for quiet days, fair issue and long life,
With such love as ‘tis now
Sit then, and talk with her, she is thine own.
(Ferdinand and Miranda move off)
What, Ariel!
(enter Ariel)
Ariel :
What would my potent master? Here I am
Go bring the rabble, o’er whom I give thee power, here to this place.
For I must bestow upon the eyes of this young couple
Some vanity of mine art.
Ariel :
Before you can say ‘come’ and ‘go’
And breathe twice and cry ‘so so’
Each one tripping on his toe,
Will be here with mop and mow.
(Ariel exits)
Narrator 4:
within moments, Ariel’s words proved true,
And shimmering spirits passed into view.
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Narrator 5:
They each bowed low, as they danced along,
To honour the coming wedding in song.
(enter Iris)
Ceres, most bounteous lady, the queen o’the sky
(enter Ceres)
Hail. Many-colour’d messenger. Why hath thy queen
Summon’d me hither, to this short grass’d green?
A contract of true love to celebrate
And some donation freely to estate
On the blest lovers.
Great Juno, comes; I know her by her gait.
(enter Juno)
How does my bounteous sister? Go with me
To bless this twain, that they may prosperous be
And honour’d in their issue
(the spirits sing)
Honour, riches, marriage-blessing,
Long continuance, and increasing,
Hourly joys be still upon you!
Juno sings her blessings upon you.
Earth’s increase, foison plenty
Barns and garners never empty,
Vines and clustering bunches growing,
Plants with goodly burthen bowing;
Spring come to you at the farthest
In the very end of harvest!
Scarcity and want shall shun you;
Ceres’ blessing so is on you
This is a most majestic vision and harmoniously charming.
May I be bold to think these spirits?
Let me live here ever;
So rare a wonder’d father and a wife
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Makes this place a paradise.
spirits dance
Prospero :
I had forgot that foul conspiracy
Of the beast Caliban and his confederates
Against my life. The minute of their plot is almost come.
Well done! Avoid! No more!
(spirits exit)
Your father’s in some passion that works him strongly.
Never till this day saw I him touched with anger so distempered.
Be cheerful sir, our revels are now ended; these, our actors,
were all spirits and are melted into air, into thin air.
And like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff as dreams are made on,
and our little life is rounded with a sleep.
Bear with my weakness; my old brain is troubled.
If you be pleased, retire into my cell and there repose.
A turn or two I’ll walk to still my beating mind.
We wish you peace.
(Ferdinand and Miranda exit. Ariel appears)
Spirit, we must prepare to meet with Caliban.
Where didst thou leave these varlets?
I left them in the fifth mantled pool beyond your cell,
There dancing up to the chins, that foul lake o’er-stunk their feet.
Prospero :
That was well done, my bird!
Thy shape invisible retain thou still.
The trumpery in my house, go bring it hither
For stale to catch these thieves.
(Ariel exits and returns with a pile for clothing)
Narrator 6:
Ariel went and released the thieves
then hung the royal garments on the trees.
Narrator 7:
These commands, Ariel quickly obeyed,
Then went with Prospero to observe the charade.
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(enter the drunkards)
Pray you, tread softly, we are now near his cell.
Trinculo :
Monster, we do smell all horse-piss, at which my nose are in great indignation.
So is mine. Do you hear, monster?
Be patient and speak softly,
all’s as hushed as midnight yet.
Ay, but to lose our bottle in the pool!
There is not only disgrace and dishonour in that, monster
But an infinite loss.
Caliban :
Prithee my King, be quiet. Seest thou here?
This is the mouth of the cell…
O king Stephano! O peer! O worthy Stephano! Look what a wardrobe is here for thee!
Let it alone, thou fool, it is but trash,
And do the murder first.
Be you quiet, monster.
(Stephano and Trinculo begin to try on clothes)
Narrator 8:
Suddenly, nearby came horrible sounds
The savage howling of hunting hounds.
Narrator 9:
They crashed out of the forest, lunging ahead.
The drunkards dropped their clothes and hastily fled.
Narrator 10
They roared in terror as they raced through the fields,
With the wild dogs snarling at their heels.
Narrator 1:
Prospero, like a huntsman urged the pack go faster.
This was his magic, for he was the master.
listen to their screams!
Let them be hunted soundly!
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Act Five
Scene One
The lords can’t move till granted release,
They suffer in silence and are not at peace.
Narrator 3:
Prospero felt he had achieved his goal,
He knew it was time to release his control.
Prospero :
Go release them Ariel:
My charms I’ll break, their senses I’ll restore,
And they shall be themselves.
(Ariel exits)
This rough magic I here abjure: and when I have required
some heavenly music (which even now I do)
To work mine end upon the senses that
This airy charm is for, I’ll break my staff,
Bury it certain fathoms in the earth
And deeper than did ever plummet sound,
I’ll drown my book.
(Ariel returns, followed by the prisoners, who are in a trance-like state. The music plays and the
gradually come back to life. Prospero changes into the clothes he used to wear in Milan)
(singing) Where the bee sucks, there suck I;
In a cowslip’s bell I lie;
There I couch while owls do cry.
On the bat’s back I do fly
After summer merrily.
Merrily, merrily shall I live now
under the blossom that hangs on the bough.
(Ariel leaves to fetch the sailors)
Narrator 4:
As he lifted the spell, the men gazed in dismay,
There stood the duke they’d driven away.
The King wept in sorrow and fell to his knees,
Thy dukedom I resign, oh pardon me please!
(to Gonzalo) first, noble friend,
Let me embrace thine age, whose honour cannot
be measured or confined.
(to Sebastian and Antonio) But you, my brace of lords, were I so minded,
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I could here pluck his Highness’ frown upon you
And justify you traitors. At this time, I will tell no tales.
(turning to Alonso)
For you, most wicked sir, whom to call brother
would even infect my mouth. I do forgive thy rankest fault.
If thou be’st Prospero,
Give us particulars of thy preservation,
upon this shore where I have lost my dear son, Ferdinand.
(Prospero leads Alonso to the cave where the lovers are)
Narrator 5:
King Alonso peered through the shadows inside
Prospero’s cave was indeed occupied!
Narrator 6:
There sat his son, alive and well.
Could this be true, or just another spell?
Narrator 7:
By Ferdinand’s side was a girl playing chess,
Alonso felt joy he could not suppress.
(embracing Ferdinand) Now all the blessings of a glad father compass thee about!
Ferdinand :
though the seas threaten, they are merciful;
I have cursed them without cause!
( Miranda comes forward and stares, in astonishment at so many men)
Miranda :
O wonder! How many godly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O, brave new world,
That has such people in’t!
‘Tis new to thee.
What is this maid with whom thou wast a play?
She is daughter to this famous Duke of Milan;
of whom I have received a second life; and second father
This lady makes him to me.
Look down, you gods, and on this couple drop a blessed crown!
Give me your hands.
Let grief and sorrow still embrace his heart
That doth not wish you joy!
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(Ariel returns, invisible to all but Prospero, followed by the shipmaster , boatswain and sailors)
O look, sir, look, sir, here is more of us! What is the news?
The best news is that we have found our King and company,
The next, our ship, is tight and yare and bravely rigged as when we first put out to sea.
(to Prospero) Was’t well done?
Prospero :
Bravely, my diligence, thou shalt be free.
(Ariel leaves and returns with Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo)
Prospero :
Mark but the badges of these men, my Lords.
Then say if they be true…..
Three of these fellows you must know and own;
This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine.
(to Caliban) Go, sirrah, to my cell; take with you your companions.
As you look to have my pardon, trim it handsomely.
Caliban :
Ay, that I will; and I’ll be wise hereafter,
And seek for grace. What a thrice-double ass was I
To take this drunkard for a god and worship these fools!
(Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano exit)
Narrator 8:
Caliban knew to earn pardon he must behave.
Prospero urged the lords to rest in his cave.
Narrator 9:
In the morning, for Naples, they all will set sail
And Prospero promised calms seas would prevail
Narrator 10:
Then for the last time, he called Ariel aside,
Prospero’s eyes were filled with pride.
Prospero :
My Ariel, chick. To the elements be free, and fare thou well.
Prospero ascended to the highest peak.
Shrouded in moonlight, he began to speak:
Now my charms are all overthrown,
And what strength I have’s mine own,
Which is most faint: now ‘tis true,
I must be here confined by you.
As you from crimes would pardoned be,
Let your indulgence set me free