Associate Council Meeting
May 5th, 2014
Call to Order 9:00 PM
Mystery Activity 9: PM
Roll Call/ Hall Reports
Start 9: 02PM End 9: PM
Number RHSA
Present Shirt
Mothers day cards program
had a program
Ice cream social, end of the year BBQ
Sleepover party
Upcoming programs (collango luau)
RD Appreciation Day
End of the year stuff
Hall gov attire!
-----Cinco de Mayo!
Color Wars; programming
NRHH 9: 06PM
Steven: NRHH is having elections this Wednesday for new eboard! Also, OTMs are due
tonight so after the banquet you should write an OTM for someone who did something
Motion to Open- Collango
Second- Bliss
Kristina: NACURH is in 25 days!
Color Wars!
Thank you for all who came! It was fun and didn’t rain!
4th- Orange Team!(Bevier, DuBois and Lenape)
3rd- Red (Bouton, Bliss, Gage)
2nd- Blue (Deyo, Collango, Scudder)
1st-Green (Capen, Crispell, Esopus)
Thank you for all who came! It was a great time even though it was chilly!
Motion to Close- Crispell
Second- Bevier
Motion to Open- Scudder
Second- Capen
Hallywood- Winners Announced!
Steph: These videos were amazing and great! I have the winners!
Viewer’s Choice
3rd- Deyo
2nd- Bouton
1st- Lenape & Esopus
E-Board Choice!
3rd- Bliss
2nd- Deyo & Bouton
1st – Lenape & Esopus
Hall of the Semester
3rd – Bliss
2nd – Bevier
1st - Esopus
Recognition Awards
Tim: The beginning of the year, as a first year this person didn’t want to be involved
and I understand that/ It’s hard at first. As the year went on, Spirit Weekend came
along and I saw this person and I could tell he didn’t want to be there. As time went on
he joined Hall Government and actually ran for two positions on the RHSA E-Board. It
takes a lot to do in itself. He keeps trying and keeps growing and I can’t wait to see how
much more he grows. This is why I want to give Mike Hebert this award.
Rachel: My job is counting GFPs. When I give these updates is usually really awkward
when halls don’t do so well. But this little lady turned this hall in to something great. I
love this little duckling, so mine goes to Dana!
Kristina: When I first met this person, we had nothing in common but they were fun to
talk to. They were also the only rep that came to the AC meeting almost every week and
also the only person on their hall that came to Hallywood. My award goes to Alyssa
from Gage!
Steven: My award is going to someone who has been at many RHSA events. She was one
of the few people at our first meeting in August. Ever since then she’s made quite a
contribution in our hall. I’m really proud of her, she cannot be here tonight but I am
giving my award to Alexandria from Bevier.
Jackie: I have had a girl crush on this lady for a year. She is really fabulous and
awesome I never really got to know her since the AC retreat. She is super involved on
campus and in RHSA. So I’m giving my award to Sam Cosentino!
Jarred: When I first met this person, I didn’t realize she had so much enthusiasm! She
was looking forward to the retreat and she grew so much over the year! She did get
picked as an alternate also for the NACURH trip. I give my award to Arijeta!
Steph: So the person I’m giving my award to is someone throughout the entire semester
I have heard nothing but great things! She did so much for the events her hall has had
and all that. I give my award to Gabby from Deyo!
Matt: I haven’t interacted with this person much, but when I do it’s mostly really
awkward. Lately it’s been a lot of sass, but at the same time she’s been so dedicated. I
cannot be more excited to give this award to Andrea from Bouton!
Matt: First the EBoard
To Kelly, Anthony and Brandon:
Brandon: I first met you guys three years ago and you were the advisor. I didn’t know
you, but you always talked about food and always posted on Facebook about food. I
cannot be more excited that you were our advisor.
Kelly: ditto
Anthony: I couldn’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for us. You’ve been
so supportive and so fun. He’s flawless.
Oh true, Tim Natsch everyone. Tim, when I first met you I thought you were Steven. I
learned that you’re not and I believe you ran unopposed and I was really hoping that
you won and you did. You’re great and you are a great time and you tag people in
photos even when they look like rubbish.
Rachel one time texted me that said I love you and I was so confused. I didn’t answer
cause it was so awkward. Then she texted me back and said that was not for you. But I
love her now. I am so happy you’re my CCC because I don’t know anyone that has had
a more organized way with GFPs and all that.
Steven, you always ask to buy the iron throne, it’s still not in the budget sorry. Literally
your flyers are hanging all up in your room and I’m always reminded at how kick ass
they are. Also, they are by far some of the best flyers I’ve ever seen.
Jackie, Princess Jackie. You are totally awesome, thank you so much for being the great
secretary even though your laptop sucks. If we did have an iron throne, which we
don’t, you would definitely be the one sitting on it.
Jarred, you did not have treasurer experience but talking with June, she thinks that
you’re a great treasurer. If it was not for Jarred, next year NRHH would not have
funding so thanks Jarred!
Steph, you were on the AC with me my first year. It takes so much to stay in this
organization four years and be on the eboard twice and thank you for all you’ve done.
Steph: I would like to take this time that I’m impeaching Matt Eitlberg. Matt, you have
worked extremely hard and this eboard wanted to say thank you. You’ve done so much
for us and it’s not easy to be the facilitator. You are the definition of a student leader
and are willing to help everyone out. You are the glue that held this eboard together.
We’ve been on this RHSA journey for the past four years. As the years went on, you
have always been a friend. I believe that you accomplished all of your goals and I
admire your love for this organization. We as eboard got you something special and
wanted to say thank you even though there are not enough thank yous in the world.
Senior Cords
Steph Pina: Treasurer 2011-2012
Suzy Berkowitz: Treasurer 2012-2013
Brendan Wright: NCC 2012-2013
Rachel Kaminski: CCC 2013-2014
Steph Hansen: PR 2012-2013/ VP 2013-2014
Matt Eitlberg: VP 2011-2012/ President 2013-2014
Bronze Pins
Matt: Bronze Pins are the highest awards you can get on campus.
The whole point of us getting involved is to bring people together. I’m giving it to
someone who has done it all. There are some of us who stay with RHSA for four years,
some who do so many other things. It takes so much to do them all and I have gotten to
know this person very well, very recently. I am so impressed by everything that they do.
I cannot think of anyone who has done more. They have done RHSA, CDA, orientation
leader twice, Student Ambassador, RA, Summer APA. This goes to Steph Pina!
I don’t even know where to begin with this person. I have also gotten very close with
her this year and I probably see her every day. Even if we never formally admitted it to
each other, we are friendz. This year as President and being RA has made me so busy
and this person is willing to stay up with me trying to make me watch Bollywood videos
and eating an entire cake. She goes above and beyond with everything. Again, I don’t
know another better person than Payal Batra.
Motion to Close- Deyo
Second- EVERYONE <3
Hall concerns 9:57 PM
Open Floor 9:58PM
Bevier: Tomorrow at 7:30 Bevier main lounge, make mother’s day cards and come to
the Bake Sale!
Steph: For the last time, coming from me. We in the mail room would like to wish
everyone good luck on finals and pick up your packages!
Bouton: Rachel looks beautiful tonight
Collango: Thank you all for your hard work!
Scudder: We have a smoothie program Wednesday at 2pm
Lenape: Fresh Act tomorrow at McKenna!
Passing of Molly the Moose 10:00 PM
Lenape added a sombrero! We’re giving Molly to the E-Board
Tim: So, I had a speech typed up but I forgot it. It’s so sad that it’s over for me, but it’s
time for new things. As the former and original Historian Heather Rae once said. You
need to make sure the new position stays in Crispell. She also said you need to make
sure Christain Boland or Sam Cosentino becomes the new Historian. That didn’t
happen, but you are in great hands. Nick Barret is the new Historian. It’s funny because
I was LeFevre’s hall buddy for a semester and he was there. I told him, right after spirit
weekend to run for the RHSA E-Board. He seemed to be into all that and said no thanks.
But here he is today and I mean. I just remember seeing him getting LeFevre together
the best he could. I remember seeing him so excited to get involved and he’s come so
far. Second semester he was displaced out of LeFevre and thrust into Bliss Hall where he
became AC rep again. The rest is history really. There are not that many people I’d like
to replace me as much as Nick. He never lets me forget that he has a better camera than
me. I’m gonna miss RHSA, but I’ll be involved and I’ll be judging the new E-board next
year. You’re all in good hands. I would officially like to turn over my position to Nick
Rachel: Coming into this position I didn’t expect much. I really ran on a whim. I never
expected to be in front of all of you. But now this wonderful woman from Bouton came
out of nowhere and told me she wanted to be me. I didn’t know whether to believe her
but she did and she’s always been amazing. Ariana you started off in Collango hall gov,
moved to Bouton and then became an RA, but you still make time for us. Her smile
lights up my life and she’s gonna be fantastic. I’ve trained her. She’s not quite me, but
she’ll get there. Ari, I’ve watched you grow and now here’s your chance to take my
Kristina: Sammi, when I first heard you were running, I had no idea who you were. You
got up there and I’m so happy that you won and you’re taking my spot because
working with you during STARS is going to be amazing. You’ll take all the sass and be
amazing. I’m so happy you’ll be taking my spot. I have a really large clothespin for you.
Steven: Almost one year ago I was in this very room about to be named PR! I had no
idea what I was getting into and it’s been a great experience. I just want to thank
everyone who has helped me and been part of this journey. But, tonight I am officially
handing over my duties to Sam Han. Sam is exactly the person New Paltz needs. He is
enthusiastic and energetic and amazing. He started off saving Esopus with soap. Since
his election I have worked closely with him and I am excited to see him do so great in
this position. It is with great pleasure that I give this to Sam Han as the next RHSA PR!
Jackie: So first, I never thought I’d ever be here. Raine, your speech was so much better
than mine. When asked if I had experience, I said I took notes in class so you win there.
You’re going to be awesome and perfect. Since day one your enthusiasm has been
contagious and I am so happy that you took my spot here. You’ve been so involved and
amazing with your own hall government and I am so happy to have met you here. I
really don’t know what else to say. You’re awesome so I’ll pass my princess crown on to
Jarred: So I’ve been in that chair attempting to write a speech and I couldn’t really think
of much. So last semester when I first met Dan, I thought he was weird. And now after
all this, he’s great. You have a great sense of humor and I have no doubt that with that
sense of humor you will bring amazing things to the Eboard. You’ll definitely put a
smile on everyone’s faces with your funny/not funny jokes. When he first came up to
me at the AC meeting that he was thinking about running for Treasurer, I didn’t really
know him. I knew that if elected he would be a great treasurer. He has great
enthusiasm and he again shows that enthusiasm. I have no doubt that you will be a
great treasurer and an even better treasurer than I was. I will now present to Dan, what
I received last year, the Treasurer binder. It has taught me many things and is really
great. So I’d like to present Dan with the Treasurer Resource binder and officially turn
over my position.
Steph: Next year’s VP of RHSA will be joining the ranks of some pretty awesome people.
Christina, I am thrilled and honored that you’ll be my successor. I know that next year
you will shine in this position and learn so much. Being on RHSA is going to test and
challenge you but I know you will conquer anything. Because you begged me not to
make a video for you, I wrote a poem instead. I love you and you’re going to be
absolutely amazing next year.
Matt: So, if you would have told me at my first banquet that I would be up here giving a
speech to transition in the new president, I would have said that’s hilarious. However,
now I’m up here dressing a little better and I am able to give a speech to bring in the
new president. Kristina ‘Withakay’ Virgil. So, I knew who she was kinda and I just
didn’t know her. I still didn’t know her until she got elected but, she has been a really
good time and a great time working with you on the eboard. So, when Kristina had to
give her shirt for the design, she did the ‘lettuce turnip the beet’ and I looked at her and
thought she was joking. She was like yeah it’s funny! I knew it was going to be so
interesting, but I was excited. I am so happy she is going to be President. Kristina, I am
very excited that I’ll get to pass down the gavel to you and just a quick note. Dear new
eboard, you are given the opportunity that only 8-9 students are given each year. I have
such faith in you guys. It is one of the best things you’ll all do. I hope you have the best
time because it is by far the best things. I have met some of my best friends here and it’s
such a great time, you’ll have a blast. Kristina, it takes a lot for someone to be on hall
gov and then run for an eboard position and then maybe become President. People
thought it was crazy that I wanted to come back, but you’re crazy because you figured
that out in two months. It’s admirable. Kristina, look at these lovely individuals sitting
up here. They’re in your hands now. You are all officially RHSA. Me and my peeps are
now going to intermingle with everyone else. So, Kristina I’d like you to adjourn this
Adjournment 10:28 PM