Acids and Bases

Acids and Bases
Properties of Aqueous acids
• Taste sour (from the Latin acere, which
means 'sour' )
Change blue litmus paper red
Conductive (electrolytes)
React with bases to form salt and water
Form hydrogen gas (H2) upon reaction
with active metals
Properties of Aqueous Bases
• Bitter
• Feel slippery or soapy
Change red litmus paper blue
Turn phenolphthalein red
Conductive (electrolytes)
React with acids to form salt and water
• Arrhenius: aqueous solutions
– Acids release protons in solution
• HCl → H+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)
– Bases release hydroxide ions in solution
• NaOH → Na+(aq) + OH- (aq)
• Limited to protic acids (acids that have H+)
and hydroxide bases
• Bronsted-Lowry
– Acids are proton donors
– Bases are proton receptors
• H2O + NH3 → OH- + NH4+
acid base
• Limited to protic acids but non-hydroxide
bases possible
• Solutions other than aqueous possible
• Lewis acids/bases
– Acids: electron acceptor
– Bases: electron donor
– Example: NH3 + BF3
Lewis acids con’t
Metals often form Lewis
Transition metals have
empty “d” orbitals
that will accept an
electron pair
Naming Acids Review
• Acids form hydrogen ions when dissolved
in water. They are named according to the
anion in the compound
– Anions ending in “ide” : acid starts with
“hydro’ and anion ends with “ic”.
• Exp: HCl is hydrochloric acid
– Anions ending with “ite”: anion ends with
• Exp: HNO2: nitrous acid
– Anions ending with “ate”: anion ends with
• Exp: H2SO4: sulfuric acid
Hydronium ion
• In aqueous solutions, the proton donated
by an acid does not exist attaches
to a water molecule to form a new species,
the hydronium ion:
– HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl↑
hydronium ion
Conjugate acids and bases
• When an acid donates a proton and a base
accepts the proton, the remaining species in
solution are now in the position to behave as
acids and bases themselves
– Example:
conjugate acid
has a proton to donate
may act as an acid
These are known as conjugate acids and bases
conjugate base
has the ability to take a proton
may act as a base
• Determine the acid, base, conjugate acid
and conjugate base in the following
– HNO3 + H2O
– HCO3 + H2O
– HCN + F– H3PO4 + H2O
Watch this!
• Acid Base summary with some
environmental info
Autoionization of water
• In any sample of water a very small
amount of ionization of the water
molecules does take place.
H2O(l) + H2O(l) → H3O+ (aq) + OH- (aq)
• In acid/base reactions that occur in water,
the acidity of the solution is determined by
the amount of H+ in solution
Autoionization of water
• The equilibrium expression for the
autoionization of water is:
Keq = [H3O+] [OH-] or [H+] [OH-]
= 1.0 x 10-14
This value is known as Kw or the equilibrium
constant for the ionization of water
• When [H+] = [OH-] then each is equal to
1.0x 10-7 and the solution is neutral.
• If H+ > 1.0x 10-7 the solution is an acid
( H+ > OH-)
• If H+ < 1.0x 10-7 the solution is a base
(OH- > H+)
Calculating molarity of H+ and OH• Since [H+] [OH-] = 1.0 x 10-14 this equation may
be used to calculate changes in the amount of
either ion in solution.
• The addition of H+ or OH- will not change the
constant, but it will change the amount of each
ion individually.
• The amount added will always be far greater
than the initial concentration of H+ or OH- (1.0x
10-7) so the initial amount may be ignored.
OH- is added to a solution until the final
concentration is equal to .0025M. What is the
concentration of H+?
[H+] [OH-] = 1.0 x 10-14
[H+] [.0025] = 1.0 x 10-14
[H+] [.0025] = 1.0 x 10-14
[H+] = 4.0 x 10-12
Is the solution an acid or a base?
• [H+] < 1.0 x 10-7 so it is a base
More examples
• Calculate the H+ and OH- in a solution
prepared by dissolving 0.0300 moles of HI
in enough water to form .500L of solution.
HI → H+ + I.0300mol/.500L = .0600M = H+
[.0600] [ OH-] = 1.00 x 10-14
[OH-] = 1.70 x 10-13
Acid or Base??
• Calculate the H+ and OH- in a solution that is
made by dissolving 40.0g HNO3 in water to
make 500. ml of solution.
40.0g/63.0g = .635 mol HNO3
.635 mol HNO3/.500L=1.27M HNO3
[H+] = 1.27
[1.27] [OH-] = 1.00 x 10 -14
[OH-]= 7.87 x 10-15 M
Strong acids vs weak acids
The only difference between a strong acid and a weak
acid is the amount of ionization that takes place.
Strong acids dissociate 100% (HCl, H2SO4 etc.)
Weak acids only dissociate a small amount
(CH3COOH, HF etc.). They will establish an
equilibrium with their ions in solution.
This has nothing to do with concentration!! Weak acids
may be very concentrated and still be dangerous
Strong Acids
H+(aq) + I-(aq)
H+(aq) + Br-(aq)
HClO4 (perchloric acid)
H+(aq) + ClO4-(aq)
H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
HClO3 (chloric acid)
H+(aq) + ClO3-(aq)
H+(aq) + HSO4-(aq) (HSO4- is a weak
acid that contributes additional protons)
H+(aq) + NO3-(aq)
Strong Bases
• The hydroxide bases of the group I and
group II metals are strong bases even
though some (like Ca(OH)2) are not very
• The conjugate bases of weak acids (Ka
10-13 or more) are considered strong
pH scale
• Because the values of H+ are so small, the
pH scale was developed to show the value
of H+ in an easier way.
pH = -log [H+]
Example: in an earlier problem H+ = .0600M
Therefore the pH would be: -log [.0600] = 1.22
***There is no significance to this except that it
makes the numbers easier to work with***
pH scale con’t
• The pH of a neutral solution:
when [H+] = [OH-] =1.0x 10-7
–log [1.0x 10-7] = 7
pH generally runs from 1.....7……14 where 1-6.99
is an acid, 7 is neutral and anything above 7 is a
In reality, many solutions have pH higher than 14
and less than 1
• Calculate the pH of a solution prepared from
.00135 moles of NaOH in of solution.
.00135/.100L = .0135M NaOH
[H+] [.0135] = 1.00 x 10-14
[H+] = 7.41 x 10-13
pH = ?
• pOH may also be calculated
• pOH = -log [OH-]
From the previous problem:
pOH= -log [.0135] = 1.87
Add the pH and the pOH. What do you notice??
pH + pOH = 14