
The Minister’s Black Veil
• Pin up and sit by
• All group members
should participate in
the explanation of the
• Describe choices
• Reveal meanings of
• Discuss language and
word choice of quotes
• Note authorial choice
and technique of
WC= word choice
(so, thing, stuff, said,
good, bad, I, You,
said, a lot, many, very)
AWK= awkward
- Formal writing/form
- Show not Tell
- Less is more
Combine sentences
Avoid choppiness
Sentence structure
• FINALS DUE: 10/28
• 30 Points
Word Choice
• HINT: read your final
aloud to hear your voice!
Everyone, All of Us, We all
Formal Writing Reminders
Thesis: Directly answers the big question
All topic sentences should support thesis
All quotes should support topic sentence and thesis
This is why outlining is a good idea!
• Avoid You/I
• No quotes in intro/conclusion/topic sentences
• Quotes should never stand alone
– Rose remembers: “…” (12).
Edgar Allan Poe
-Born January 19, 1809, Boston, Mass
-Parents: David and Elizabeth Poe.
- Elizabeth died in 1811 (shortly after
separating from David and taking the
three children David, Edgar, and Rosalie,
with her.)
The three children were separated
• David lived with their grandparents
• Edgar was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan
• Rosalie was adopted by another family.
Even though John Allan had plenty of
money, he only gave Edgar about a third
of what he needed.
Although Edgar had done well in Latin and
French, he started to drink heavily and
quickly became in debt. He quit school
less than a year later.
Edgar Allan had no money, no job skills,
and had been shunned by John Allan.
Edgar went to Boston and joined the U.S.
Army in 1827.
In 1829, Mrs. Allan died and John Allan
tried to be friendly towards Edgar and
signed Edgar's application to West Point.
In 1830, Edgar Allan entered West Point
as a cadet. He didn't stay long because
John Allan refused to send him any
money. It is thought that Edgar purposely
broke the rules and ignored his duties so
he would be dismissed.
In 1831, Edgar Allan Poe went to New
York City where he had poetry published.
Magazines rejected short stories
Poe had no friends, no job, and was in
financial trouble.
Sent a letter to John Allan begging for
help but none came. John Allan died in
1834 and did not mention Edgar in his
I am in the greatest distress and have no other friend on earth to apply
to except yourself if you refuse to help me I know not what I shall do.
I was arrested eleven days ago for a debt which I never expected to
have to pay, and which was incurred as much on Hy's [Henry's]
account [as] on my own about two years ago.
I would rather have done any thing on earth than apply to you again
after your late kindness — but indeed I have no other resource, and I
am in bad health, and unable to undergo as much hardships as
formerly or I never would have asked you to give me another cent.
If you will only send me this one time $80, by Wednesday next, I will
never forget your kindness & generosity. — if you refuse, God only
knows what I shall do, & all my hopes & prospects are ruined forever
In 1836, Poe married Virginia Clemm.
She died in 1847 from tuberculosis.
Poe worked as a newspaper editor and
writer throughout his life, but he never
made enough money to be comfortable.
On October 3, 1849, Poe was found on the
streets of Baltimore delirious, "in great
distress, and... in need of immediate
He died on Sunday, October 7, 1849, at 5:00 in
the morning
Some sources say Poe's final words were
"Lord help my poor soul.” All medical records,
including his death certificate, have been lost.
Newspapers at the time reported Poe's death
as "congestion of the brain" or "cerebral
inflammation", common euphemisms for
deaths from disreputable causes such as
alcoholism and drug overdose.
The actual cause of death remains a mystery.
• Hawthorne described
the conflict between
the intellect and heart.
• Poe described the
conflict between two
sides of the intellect.
• Carefully read “The
Tell Tale Heart”
• Annotate for content,
language awareness,
and gothic elements.
The Tell Tale Heart
Please quickly annotate stories to discover
how Poe uses language to create suspense
- Pacing (Note caesuras)
- Repetition of words (note 5 examples in
- Sentence Structure (note 5 examples of
short sentences)
“The Black Cat”
• In your group, present a short skit for your section
that demonstrates suspense and foreshadowing,
pacing and danger.
• Groups should have a narrator!
• Work fast to create the best, creepy skit you can
for your specific section of this haunting story!