Cellular Respiration

1. What does photosynthesis produce?
2. Why are the products important?
3. Where do the ingredients needed for photosynthesis
come from?
Cellular Respiration
Harvesting Chemical Energy
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration
– Biochemical process that releases the chemical
energy stored in glucose and stores the energy in
ATP. Occurs in the mitochondria!
The energy released from glucose is temporarily stored
in the bonds of ATP. This energy is used for all life
functions in all organisms.
Photosynthesis allows respiration to occur
CO2 + H20 + light  C6H12O6 + O2
How does photosynthesis allow respiration to occur?
The products of photosynthesis allow respiration to happen!
Photosynthesis gives organisms:
1. Glucose (stored energy)
2. Oxygen (helps release stored energy)
Photosynthesis and Respiration
Both rely on each other
Photosynthesis stores the Sun’s energy in glucose and releases oxygen
as waste. BOTH plants and animals (including us) use glucose and
oxygen for cellular respiration!
Photosynthesis uses the products of
Respiration uses the produces of
Complete the Photosynthesis and Cellular
Respiration Diagram
Respiration Equation
Respiration (oxygen present):
Glucose + Oxygen  ATP + Carbon Dioxide + Water
C6H12O6 + O2  ATP + CO2 + H2O
Carbon Dioxide + Water + Light  Glucose + Oxygen
Compare and Contrast
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Cellular Respiration
Compare and Contrast
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
What’s needed?
What’s produced?
Cell organelle
Which organisms
carry it out?
DO NOW (2)
1. Where do organic food molecules, such as glucose, with
stored energy come from?
2. Where does cellular respiration take place in a cell?
3. Why is cellular respiration necessary to sustain life?
4. What is the equation for cellular respiration?
Regents Questions
Two Forms of Cellular Respiration
1. Aerobic Respiration:
2. Anaerobic Respiration:
What is the purpose of cellular respiration?
Which type of cellular respiration do you think is more
Aerobic Respiration
Form of cellular respiration carried out by cells in the
presence of oxygen.
• Occurs in mitochondria
• Purpose is to release the energy stored in organic molecules
and form ATP (ready-to-use energy)
• Uses Oxygen to release the maximum amount of energy
stored in organic food
• For this reason, aerobic respiration is much more efficient
at making ATP than anaerobic respiration.
Glucose + Oxygen  36ATP + Carbon Dioxide + Water
Anaerobic Cellular Respiration
Form of cellular respiration carried out by cells in the
absence of oxygen.
• Occurs in cell mitochondria
• Purpose is to release the energy stored in organic molecules
and form ATP (ready-to-use energy)
• Used by certain bacteria and yeasts (fungi)
• Humans also use anaerobic cellular respiration
• Process used to make cheese, yogurt, baked goods, brewed
goods and wines.
Two types
Anaerobic Respiration
1. Alcohol fermentation
– Type of anaerobic respiration where ethyl alcohol
is produced as a product
– Glucose  2ATP + Carbon Dioxide + Ethyl alcohol
– Certain fungi (yeasts) perform this… giving us beer and
Without mitochondria and anaerobic respiration… there would
be no alcohol.
Anaerobic Respiration
2. Lactic Acid formation
– Type of anaerobic respiration which produces lactic acid as
one of its products
– Glucose  2ATP + Carbon Dioxide + lactic acid
– In humans, during strenuous exercise, not enough oxygen
is present in the blood (oxygen debt)
– Lactic acid accumulates in muscles; leads to fatigue and
Pain is not weakness leaving the body, pain is…
Both types of anaerobic respiration are considered
inefficient. The end products of both (ethyl alcohol
and lactic acid) contain lots of energy that has not
been effectively released for use by the cell.
Compare and Contrast
Aerobic Respiration
Anaerobic Respiration