Peer review core contribution 2

Core contribution 2 peer
Student 1
Informing - Giving the necessary information to others so that they understand my ideas.
Negotiation - Bringing about argument and compromise between myself and others.
Communication - Getting my point across accurately.
Question 1:
Please describe one to three skills you would like to develop and describe briefly why it is important for you to
develop these skills.
I would like to focus on my communication skills, in Spanish. As an American living and working in Spain, at times it
is difficult to express myself how I would like. It is very important that improve so that my ideas can be fully
understood and utilized in the work place.
Score (feedback):
1: complete
Question 2:
For the skills you identified above, please describe at least three goals (in total) from your action plan for
developing one or more of these skills. This could be one goal each for three different skills or three goals for the
same skill, etc.
Your goals should take into account Locke and Latham’s 5 Principals of Goal Setting.
Clarity: Goals should be clear and specific, covering what, how and when.
Challenge: Goals should be challenging enough to stretch and motivate you.
Commitment: You should feel a sense of commitment to the goal.
Feedback: You have thought about how you will measure your progress towards the goal.
Task complexity: You have thought realistically about the time and resources you will need to complete
the goal
To develop my communication skills in Spanish I will do the following for the next three months:
Schedule a language exchange once a week in order to be continually practicing.
I will listen to a book (in Spanish) on my mp3 player 5 days a week during my commute.
I will volunteer to prepare presentation at work once a month and receive feedback from my coworkers.
Score (feedback):
1: complete
I think your goals are very clear and do-able! Best of luck! If I were you, I'd start with finding a ncie spanish podact
and an online language exchange site (or even app like LExtalk).
Student 2
Skills development plan
Question 1:
Please describe one to three skills you would like to develop and describe briefly why it is important for you to
develop these skills.
1. Patience. Though some people will say this is not a skill but a quality (something you have or do not have) I
think it is something which can be learnt even if it does not feel natural to me. And I would really like to learn to be
more patient.
2. Communicate disappointment. I tend to switch off and not get in touch with friends, family or tell my employer
when I am not doing okay. This could lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication. (One of my former
employers pointed this one out to me.)
Score (feedback):
1: complete
Question 2:
For the skills you identified above, please describe at least three goals (in total) from your action plan for
developing one or more of these skills. This could be one goal each for three different skills or three goals for the
same skill, etc.
Your goals should take into account Locke and Latham’s 5 Principals of Goal Setting.
Clarity: Goals should be clear and specific, covering what, how and when.
Challenge: Goals should be challenging enough to stretch and motivate you.
Commitment: You should feel a sense of commitment to the goal.
Feedback: You have thought about how you will measure your progress towards the goal.
Task complexity: You have thought realistically about the time and resources you will need to complete
the goal
1.a. In a situation in which I would naturally react impatiently (e.g. a colleague is slow to take up a task): counting
to ten before speaking. This actually helps me not to get into arguments with some of my family members but also
some colleagues.
2.a. Get in touch with friends and family at least once a week. That means proper getting in touch: visiting, going
out, doing an activity together etc. (It does not include mails, text messages and posts on Facebook. That is extra
but does not count as proper quality time.) I take time out of my weekly schedule to ensure things such as work
and chores do not take up all my time.
2.b. Have regular talks (every 2-3 weeks) with my manager to keep him updated on the progress the team had
made. (The organisation is currently going through restructuring.)
Score (feedback):
1: complete
If you try to include feedback some way (ask for it after a month or 2 of doing these steps, or at the end of such a
conversation with your manager), I think these exercises will be really great. Best of luck!