Study Guide

Physical Science First Semester Study Guide
Name _______________________________________
1. Know lab safety rules. Example: What should you do with chemicals that you are finished working
with? _______________________________________________________________________________
2. List and define the parts of the scientific method. Be able to apply these terms to situations.
3. Define and identify the following:
Dependent variable-___________________________________________________________________
Independent variable-__________________________________________________________________
4. Describe a scientific theory. Be able to answer questions regarding this term.
5. Describe a scientific law. _______________________________________________________________
6. Know which unit of measurement is used for different quantities. Example: mass is measured in _____
7. Know which tools are used to measure certain quantities. Example: What tool is used to measure
mass? ________________________________________ volume? _____________________________
temperature? ______________________
8. Know how to convert metric prefixes. Examples: 321 cm = _________ m and 2631 g = ___________ kg.
9. Define density. ___________________________________________________________________
10. Calculate density. Example: A substance has a mass of 300 g and a volume of 5 cm 3. What is its
density? ___________________
11. Be able to interpret data tables.
12. What are the three types of graphs and when are they most useful? Be able to interpret graphs.
13. Describe and give examples of physical and chemical properties and explain how they are useful.
14. Define and give examples of physical changes. ______________________________________________
15. Define and give examples of chemical changes. _____________________________________________
16. Describe types of evidence of a chemical reaction. ___________________________________________
17. Contrast properties of a solid, liquid, and gas.
18. Define and identify the following terms. Give an example of each.
Homogeneous mixture-________________________________________________________________
Heterogeneous mixture-_______________________________________________________________
19. Describe how you would separate a mixture of salt and sand. _________________________________
20. Describe how and why distillation can be used to separate solutions of miscible liquids.
21. Describe Dalton’s atomic theory. _________________________________________________________
22. Describe how the model of the atom has changed over time. Put the following scientists’ models in
sequential order and describe each model. Bohr, Dalton, Rutherford, Schrodinger, Thomson
23. Define atomic number. _________________________________________________________________
24. Define mass number. __________________________________________________________________
25. Describe average atomic mass. __________________________________________________________
26. Describe how electrons are arranged in atoms, specifically metals and nonmetals.
27. Put the following in order from smallest to largest: atom, molecule, proton, quark.
28. Compare and contrast the subatomic particles.
29. Describe an atom’s nucleus. _____________________________________________________________
30. What is the charge of an atom and why? __________________________________________________
31. Who is credited with the development of the periodic table? __________________________________
32. The order of elements in the periodic table is based on _______________________________________
33. Describe the location of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids on the periodic table.
34. List and define the properties of metals. ___________________________________________________
35. Describe the alkali metals. ______________________________________________________________
36. Describe the alkaline earth metals. _______________________________________________________
37. Describe the halogens. _________________________________________________________________
38. Describe the noble gases. _______________________________________________________________
39. Atoms in the same group have the same number of _________________________________________.
40. What determines whether an atom will form a positive or negative ion? _________________________
41. Describe what happens to sodium and chlorine atoms when they combine to form sodium chloride.
42. Define ionization energy. _______________________________________________________________
43. What are the general trends for ionization energy across a period and down a group?
44. Be able to write formulas for compounds whose names include prefixes. Example: dinitrogen tetroxide
has the formula ____________________.
45. Be able to write formulas for compounds when given the ions that combine. Example: Ca2+ and Cl1-.
46. Be able to balance equations. A chemical equation is balanced by changing or adding ______________.
47. Apply the law of conservation of mass to chemical reactions.
48. Define and identify reactants and products. ________________________________________________
49. Describe and identify a synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, and double replacement
reaction. ____________________________________________________________________________
50. Describe a neutralization reaction. What is a salt? ___________________________________________