UBD - Unit 2 – Pretest

Name __________________________________________ Core_________________ Date ________________________
UBD - Unit 2 – Pretest
Identify and explain the following terms:
1. Drought
7. Horn of Africa
2. Oases
8. Tsetse Fly
3. Fellaheen
9. Poaching
4. Desertification
10. Apartheid
5. Malnutrition
11. Discriminate
6. World Bank
12. Nelson Mandela
Short Answer
1. What is Africa's nickname? __________________________________________________________________
2. What percent of North Africans practice Islam and are called Muslims? _______________________________
3. What is the weather like for countries that lie on or near the Equator? _________________________________
4. Why is French a unifying factor in Central Africa? ________________________________________________
5. What benefits do game parks bring to East Africa? ________________________________________________
6. Where does the word coffee come from? ________________________________________________________
7. Why do you think that economic sanctions are sometimes considered controversial? _____________________
True and False
Circle the correct answer
1. True or False
Africa is the second fastest growing region in the world.
2. True or False
Africa is the second-largest continent.
3. True or False
Africa is more than three times the size of the United States.
4. True or False
The Suez Canal separates Asia from Africa.
5. True or False
West Africa is the continent’s least populated region.
6. True or False
West Africa’s national borders are inherited from a colonial past
7. True or False
Central Africa has an import economy.
8. True or False
The Equator cuts through Central Africa.
9. True or False
Kenya and Tanzania have turned tourism into a highly profitable industry.
10. True or False
The Kanto River is the longest river in East Africa.
11. True or False
Southern Africa was a region of conflict. Winning independence took many years and many
12. True or False
South Africa’s policy of apartheid segregated the races until 1999.
1. _____ Analyze
2. _____ Compare
3. _____ Contrast
A. Judge; rank; put a value on
B. Create; design; build; make
C. Tell how
4. _____ Describe
D. How things are different
5. _____ Evaluate
E. Tell all about (5 senses)
6. _____ Explain
F. Tell what happens next
7. _____ Formulate
G. Short version
8. _____ Infer
H. How things are similar
9. _____ Predict
Back up with details
10. _____ Summarize
List in steps
11. _____ Support
K. Educated guess
12. _____ Trace
Break down into pieces
Multiple Choice
Which was the strongest obstacle to European
exploration of Central Africa?
Hydroelectric dam projects in Africa have
unintentionally harmed
A) Wars in Europe
A) Construction workers who suffered
B) A lack of rivers and other water routes
disease while building the dams
C) The large size of the continent
B) People who have to pay more for
D) Agreements with Islamic nations to stay
C) Small farmers who lost their land when it
Which policy has been an effective method for
was flooded for reservoirs
slowing poaching?
D) Electric companies who spent more to
A) Supporting the growth of tourism that
build the dams than they make from selling
depends on wildlife conservation
the electricity
B) Not enforcing laws and punishments for
hunters caught poaching
Which is most likely to happen to people who
live in area with increasing desertification?
C) Arresting and punishing tourists who
A) Migration
illegally buy parts of poached animals
B) Corruption
D) Placing ads in the media to tell people
C) Genocide
about the dangers of poaching
D) Subsistence
Which development made it possible for
Europeans to explore Central Africa in the 1800s?
A) The discovery of tribes who wanted to
In what way have diseases like malaria, cholera,
and polio contributed to making multiple
generations of people poor in Africa?
A) Sick Africans are often forced to leave
B) The opening of diamond mines in
their homes and live alone.
B) When people are debilitated by disease,
C) The development of medicines to fight
their children are left to grow up in poverty.
C) Young parents are more likely to become
D) The exploration of new sea routes to Asia
sick through contact with their young
In Sub-Saharan Africa, most areas with the
highest population density are found
D) Medical care in Africa is more expensive
A) In the southwestern part of the region
than in more developed regions.
B) Near major bodies of water
C) In the center of the region
D) Near large deserts
Answer one of the following questions about Africa. Use complete sentences when answering the questions. Your
answer should be at least 35 words.
1. How has location influenced life in Sub-Saharan Africa?
2. How has the environment shaped life in Sub-Saharan Africa?
3. How has ethnic diversity contributed to cultural diffusion and conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa?
4. Why are political stability and development important to life in Sub-Saharan Africa?
5. What can developing countries do to keep their people healthy?
Explain in 150 to 200 words what you know about Unit 2.