Sources of Genetic Variation How does Meiosis lead to genetic variation? What is Crossing Over? • Crossing over is when homologous chromosomes EXCHANGE genetic information to create genetic DIFFERENCES! When does it happen? • ONLY during MEIOSIS! What does it mean? • It means that one person can NEVER make the same EGG or SPERM cell! What does it look like? Video Clip • mwotQ What is Random (Independent) Assortment of Chromosomes? • Random assortment of chromosomes means that it is completely RANDOM which CHROMOSOMES go into which gametes. When does it happen? • ONLY during MEIOSIS! What does it mean? • All gametes are genetically DIFFERENT! What does it look like? Video Clip • SurE What are Mutations? • A Mutations is when there is a MISTAKE in the DNA sequence. What can it be? • Mutations can be BAD, GOOD or NEUTRAL! What happens in a BODY cell? • The mutations will ONLY affect that PERSON What happens in a SEX cell? • The mutation can be passed onto the offspring! What does it look like? What is Non-Disjunction of chromosomes? • Non-Disjunction is when chromosomes FAIL to separate from each other When does it happen? • During MEIOSIS! What does it result in? • It results in the WRONG number of CHROMOSOMES in each cell. What are two famous examples? 1. Down Syndrome – 3 chromosomes at # 21 2. Klinefelters Syndrome – an extra X chromosome (XXY instead of XY) What does it look like? Video Clip • dm-Q • 2oOk&feature=related What is fertilization? • Fertilization is when an EGG and SPERM come together. What does it create? • They create 100% UNIQUE combination of genes! What does it look like? Video Clip • SJZ4Q EOC Practice Question