Marketing I

Kentwood Marketing
Company Research Project
160 points possible per person
Choose a local company or with a company based elsewhere but with a nearby location where you can
actually speak to a manager. Analyze the business and then provide in-depth insight about the company.
Each member of your group is responsible for a specific area and will be graded separately for the content
of that area. Classroom presentation and the PowerPoint graded as a group.
Research and report on the following elements for your company.
Seven Functions of Marketing – specifically describe each for your company.
Target Market and Market Segmentation – identify detailed breakdown of all elements.
Marketing Mix (4 P’s) – Describe in accurate detail all four parts.
SWOT Analysis – Conduct this report as an outside agency, looking at internal and external factors.
Interview. Your group is required to talk to the company directly. You will need to speak to someone in
management (not a low-level employee). Develop at least two questions from each of your members. Log
the name of the person, title, phone number, date and time contacted and include their answers within your
report. Include this as one of your sources.
Written Paper. Graded individually. Each group member writes on their assigned topic. Format is
double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins, with a minimum of one full page
and maximum of two pages. No fluff! Be efficient. You’re not writing a novel. Staple individual papers
together with this instruction sheet on top. Staple grading rubric to front of each paper.
PowerPoint. Graded as a team. Match the company brand. See rubric for specific details. Follow it!
Turn in procedure. Using your School email, send your team’s PowerPoint to by Friday, October 9th at end of class. Presentations begin Monday, 10/10.
Presentation. Group presentation. Company should come alive with a well-rehearsed presentation. Be
creative throughout the entire process. Inform and entertain. Think outside the box. … Group must present
opening and closing slides together. Each member will present their topic slide. 10 min. total time max.
Excellence is expected and grading will reflect that expectation.
Note: Late papers will be assessed -5 points per day.
No paper will be accepted if more than a week late.
Period _____ Table # ______
Student ____________________________________
Seven Functions of Marketing
Student ____________________________________
Target Market and Segmentation
Student ____________________________________
Marketing Mix (4 P’s)
Student ____________________________________
SWOT Analysis
Team Grading
PowerPoint – 30 points
Must include:
1) Opening page to introduce company
2) 1 page for each group member’s topic
3) Closing slide
A maximum of two additional slides may be used by the team to enhance presentation.
Visual contrast
Expectations (9-10)
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
All slides are welldesigned and easy to
read. Visuals enhances
Slides provide a perfect
match of company
Text and images wellconceived and work
well together,
enhancing presentation.
Most slides are easy to
read, however there are
1-2 exceptions
Some attempt to match
company brand
Text and images
acceptable and nondistracting
Several portions of the
presentation are
difficult to view
Shows little or no
company branding
No PowerPoint
Text and images
distract from
presentation or
significantly lacking.
No PowerPoint
No PowerPoint
Team Oral Presentation – 20 points
 Presentation should synch with your PowerPoint.
 All members should participate on both the opening and closing slide
 Each individual is responsible to present a slide with their material
Advice: the goal is to educate the audience, but there is an entertainment factor as well. Keep it balanced.
Seek to be professional yet offer the right amount of pizzazz. It should be fun, but not over the top.
Consider props or other elements that will bring your company to life in our classroom.
Anyone absent on the day of presentation will have to arrange to present after school.
Expectations (18-20)
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Clearly rehearsed –
smooth transitions.
Showcases company.
Highly creative!
Partners take turns but
with some hesitation.
Solid work, but not
Limited organization.
Clearly not rehearsed
No evidence of
preparation present
Company Contact – 20 points possible
Contact Results
Expectations (18-20)
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Contact made by phone
or in-person visit,
meaningful results
gathered and cited as
part of sources
Contact made by phone
or visit. Results
limited. Fully cited
information provided.
Contact attempted but
not made. Still fully
cited to verify.
No contact attempted.
 Company Contact & Job Title _________________________________________________________
 Phone call or visit (circle one)
 Date and Time of interview _________________________________________________________
Total Team presentation points earned out of 70
Seven Functions of Marketing Rubric
Name __________________________________________
Individual Writing Skills (on written paper) – 30 points possible
Fluency and
Exceeds (9-10)
Meets (7-8)
Below (5-6)
Failing (0)
Exceptional focus on
topic with ample
supporting details
Reader senses writer’s
“voice” behind the
words. Effective word
choices for audience.
Sentences are fluent.
Proper grammar and
spelling throughout with
no mistakes.
Good focus but with
lapses. Some details
Writer’s “voice”
sometimes perceived.
Word choices above
average but not
Sentences connect but do
not enhance each other.
1-2 grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Lacks focus and provides
limited details.
Not turned in
No sense of writer’s
voice. Writing is rather
bland. Word choices
basic at best.
Sentences seem
disconnected. Several
grammatical errors made.
Not turned in
Not turned in
Seven Functions Content (written and/or oral report) – 30 points possible
Failing (0)
All seven functions for
the company are fully
explained. (13-14)
1-2 of the seven functions
are not included. Lacks
detail. (9-10)
Not turned in
Multiple examples given
for each function (12-13)
All seven functions for
the company are covered.
Some details lacking.
One example given for
each function (10-11)
No examples given for
3+ functions (7-8)
Not turned in.
Cited properly (3)
Cited but improperly (1)
Not cited
Individual Oral Presentation Skills (you during group presentation) – 30 points possible
Exceeds (9-10)
Meets (7-8)
Below (5-6)
Failing (0)
Waits to begin until class
is ready. Easy to hear
throughout room. Voice
projects. Clear diction.
Makes eye contact.
Good pace.
Speaks confidently.
Proceeds smoothly.
Demonstrates in-depth
subject knowledge.
Excellent posture.
Engages audience.
Balanced use of media or
props. Relaxed and
engaged body language.
Commands the room
May begin too quickly.
Can be heard with effort.
Speech lacks clarity. Eye
contact sporadic. Pacing
is too fast or too slow.
Voice volume is too low
to be heard at times.
Speech unclear.
Does not present
to the class
Reads from slides. No
eye contact. Lacks
subject knowledge.
Does not present
to the class
Eye contact made but
reads from slides a lot.
Hesitates periodically.
Body language tense or
distracting. Good work.
Preparation evident.
Some hesitation. Good
posture. Leans heavily
on speaking or media.
Above average.
Makes an effort but
significant improvement
Team Score
Does not present
to the class.
Your Individual Score
+ ____
Your Total Score
= ____
Target Market/Segmentation Rubric
Name __________________________________________
Individual Writing Skills (on written paper) – 30 points possible
Fluency and
Exceeds (9-10)
Meets (7-8)
Below (5-6)
Failing (0)
Exceptional focus on
topic with ample
supporting details
Reader senses writer’s
“voice” behind the
words. Effective word
choices for audience.
Sentences are fluent.
Proper grammar and
spelling throughout with
no mistakes.
Good focus but with
lapses. Some details
Writer’s “voice”
sometimes perceived.
Word choices above
average but not
Sentences connect but do
not enhance each other.
1-2 grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Lacks focus and provides
limited details.
Not turned in
No sense of writer’s
voice. Writing is rather
bland. Word choices
basic at best.
Sentences seem
disconnected. Several
grammatical errors made.
Not turned in
Not turned in
Target/Segmentation Content (written and/or oral report) – 30 points possible
Exceeds (26-27)
Meets (22-25)
Target Market
Target market identified
using Demographics,
Geographics and sources
cited. Explains fully how
target connected
to company.
Target Market,
Geographics and
Psychographics covered.
Some details lacking.
Sources not cited.
Cited properly (3)
Cited but improperly (1)
Below (17-21)
Failing (0)
1-2 segments are not
included. Lacks detail.
No sources cited.
More than 2 functions are
missing. Little or no
detail. No sources cited.
Not cited
Individual Oral Presentation Skills (you during group presentation) – 30 points possible
Exceeds (9-10)
Meets (7-8)
Below (5-6)
Failing (0)
Waits to begin until class
is ready. Easy to hear
throughout room. Voice
projects. Clear diction.
Makes eye contact.
Good pace.
Speaks confidently.
Proceeds smoothly.
Demonstrates in-depth
subject knowledge.
Excellent posture.
Engages audience.
Balanced use of media or
props. Relaxed and
engaged body language.
Commands the room
May begin too quickly.
Can be heard with effort.
Speech lacks clarity. Eye
contact sporadic. Pacing
is too fast or too slow.
Voice volume is too low
to be heard at times.
Speech unclear.
Does not present
to the class
Reads from slides. No
eye contact. Lacks
subject knowledge.
Does not present
to the class
Eye contact made but
reads from slides a lot.
Hesitates periodically.
Body language tense or
distracting. Good work.
Preparation evident.
Some hesitation. Good
posture. Leans heavily
on speaking or media.
Above average.
Makes an effort but
significant improvement
Team Score
Does not present
to the class.
Your Individual Score
+ ____
Your Total Score
= ____
Marketing Mix/Four P’s Rubric
Name __________________________________________
Individual Writing Skills (on written paper) – 30 points possible
Fluency and
Exceeds (9-10)
Meets (7-8)
Below (5-6)
Failing (0)
Exceptional focus on
topic with ample
supporting details
Reader senses writer’s
“voice” behind the
words. Effective word
choices for audience.
Sentences are fluent.
Proper grammar and
spelling throughout with
no mistakes.
Good focus but with
lapses. Some details
Writer’s “voice”
sometimes perceived.
Word choices above
average but not
Sentences connect but do
not enhance each other.
1-2 grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Lacks focus and provides
limited details.
Not turned in
No sense of writer’s
voice. Writing is rather
bland. Word choices
basic at best.
Sentences seem
disconnected. Several
grammatical errors made.
Not turned in
Not turned in
Marketing Mix Content (written) – 30 points possible
The Four P’s
Exceeds (26-27)
Product, Price, Place and
Promotion are each
covered in great detail
with multiple examples
for each. Sources cited.
Truly outstanding work.
Cited properly (3)
Meets (22-25)
Below (17-21)
Failing (0)
Each of the Four P’s are
covered in some detail.
Examples for each
provided. Sources cited.
Each of the Four P’s are
covered. Lacks some
detail. Some examples
provided but not for each.
Sources not cited.
Not turned in
Cited but improperly (1)
Not cited
Individual Oral Presentation Skills (you during group presentation) – 30 points possible
Exceeds (9-10)
Meets (7-8)
Below (5-6)
Failing (0)
Waits to begin until class
is ready. Easy to hear
throughout room. Voice
projects. Clear diction.
Makes eye contact.
Good pace.
Speaks confidently.
Proceeds smoothly.
Demonstrates in-depth
subject knowledge.
Excellent posture.
Engages audience.
Balanced use of media or
props. Relaxed and
engaged body language.
Commands the room
May begin too quickly.
Can be heard with effort.
Speech lacks clarity. Eye
contact sporadic. Pacing
is too fast or too slow.
Voice volume is too low
to be heard at times.
Speech unclear.
Does not present
to the class
Reads from slides. No
eye contact. Lacks
subject knowledge.
Does not present
to the class
Eye contact made but
reads from slides a lot.
Hesitates periodically.
Body language tense or
distracting. Good work.
Preparation evident.
Some hesitation. Good
posture. Leans heavily
on speaking or media.
Above average.
Makes an effort but
significant improvement
Team Score
Does not present
to the class.
Your Individual Score
+ ____
Your Total Score
= ____
SWOT Analysis Rubric
Name __________________________________________
Individual Writing Skills (on written paper) – 30 points possible
Fluency and
Exceeds (9-10)
Meets (7-8)
Below (5-6)
Failing (0)
Exceptional focus on
topic with ample
supporting details
Reader senses writer’s
“voice” behind the
words. Effective word
choices for audience.
Sentences are fluent.
Proper grammar and
spelling throughout with
no mistakes.
Good focus but with
lapses. Some details
Writer’s “voice”
sometimes perceived.
Word choices above
average but not
Sentences connect but do
not enhance each other.
1-2 grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Lacks focus and provides
limited details.
Not turned in
No sense of writer’s
voice. Writing is rather
bland. Word choices
basic at best.
Sentences seem
disconnected. Several
grammatical errors made.
Not turned in
Not turned in
SWOT Analysis Content (written and/or oral report) – 30 points possible
Exceeds (26-27)
Meets (22-25)
Below (17-21)
Failing (0)
SWOT Analysis
Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and
Threats are each covered
in great detail with
multiple examples for
each. Sources cited.
Truly outstanding work.
Cited properly (3)
All elements of SWOT
Analysis covered in some
detail. Examples for
each provided. Sources
Each element of SWOT
Analysis are covered.
Lacks detail. Examples
for each provided.
Sources not cited.
Not turned in
Cited but improperly (1)
Not cited
Individual Oral Presentation Skills (you during group presentation) – 30 points possible
Exceeds (9-10)
Meets (7-8)
Below (5-6)
Failing (0)
Waits to begin until class
is ready. Easy to hear
throughout room. Voice
projects. Clear diction.
Makes eye contact.
Good pace.
Speaks confidently.
Proceeds smoothly.
Demonstrates in-depth
subject knowledge.
Excellent posture.
Engages audience.
Balanced use of media or
props. Relaxed and
engaged body language.
Commands the room
May begin too quickly.
Can be heard with effort.
Speech lacks clarity. Eye
contact sporadic. Pacing
is too fast or too slow.
Voice volume is too low
to be heard at times.
Speech unclear.
Does not present
to the class
Reads from slides. No
eye contact. Lacks
subject knowledge.
Does not present
to the class
Eye contact made but
reads from slides a lot.
Hesitates periodically.
Body language tense or
distracting. Good work.
Preparation evident.
Some hesitation. Good
posture. Leans heavily
on speaking or media.
Above average.
Makes an effort but
significant improvement
Team Score
Does not present
to the class.
Your Individual Score
+ ____
Your Total Score
= ____