IEEE School YOU Work Community IEEE Branch Leadership Training Workshop INTRODUCTION Name Branch Your IEEE Student Branch Position What do you plan to do truly great for and with your Branch this year? What is your number one goal this year? Schedule • Introduction • Branch Administration • Branch Operations Branch Planning Discussion and Workshop Branch Resources Student Awards • Membership Discussion and Workshop • Fundraising Discussion and Workshop • Student Professional Awareness Activities Discussion and Workshop • Time Management • Evaluations IEEE Volunteer Organization and Staff Organization IEEE Board of Directors Educational Activities Board Publication Services and Products Board Regional Activities Board Standards Board Technical Activities Board IEEE USA (Student Services is part of Regional Activities in the staff organization) Regional Activities Board Organization Regional Activites Board Awards & Recognition Commit ee GOLD Commit ee Student Activities Commit ee Potentials Advisory Others Membership Development Organization Southwest Area of Region 6 • Geographic Entities in IEEE Region 6 San Diego Section of Southwest Area of Region 6 Region 6 in the World Univ. of Calif. at San Diego IEEE Student Branch Note: Not drawn to scale and boundaries are only approximate Student Activities Committee MISSION To provide undergraduate and graduate students who have an interest in the IEEE designated fields, Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Physical Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law and Policy with opportunities for educational, technical and professional development emphasizing the value of continuing IEEE membership after graduation. Student Activities Committee Members RSRs - Regional Student Representatives RSACs - Regional Student Activities Chairs IRs - Industrial Representatives SPAA Chair and IEEE USA SPAC Chair Potentials Student Editor, Potentials Editor TAB Representative, Branch Chapter Representative Chair, Vice Chair Student Services Manager (non-voting) BRANCH ADMINISTRATION Key individuals in your Student Branch include: • Student Officers Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer • Branch Counselor and/or Branch Chapter Advisor • Branch Mentor • Committee Chairs (also Student members) Student Branch Chair • Serves as the Executive Officer of the Student Branch. • Manages the general operations of the Branch. • Presides at all meetings of the Branch. • Appoints committee chairs. • Involved in “forward planning” for the Branch. • Prepares necessary reports for IEEE Student Services. • Arranges for election of new Officers before leaving office. • Communicates frequently with other Officers. • Works with Branch Counselor in dealings with the Department and Faculty and local IEEE Section. Student Branch Vice-Chair • Serves as the junior Executive Officer of the Student Branch. • Chairs the Program or Membership Committee. • Monitors the progress of Branch programs. • Fills in for the Student Branch Chair as required. • At some Branches, automatically becomes Chair next year. Student Branch Secretary • Keeps detailed records of all Branch meetings and activities. • Carries out all necessary communications of the Branch, including the filing of reports with IEEE Headquarters. • Maintains stationery and other IEEE forms and supplies as required. • Posts a calendar of events to keep all members informed of Branch activities. • Ensures that all Branch activities are conducted under the provisions of the current Branch Constitution and IEEE Bylaws. • Arranges for orderly transfer of all Branch records to incoming Secretary. Student Branch Treasurer • Responsible for ensuring the Branch’s finances are in order. • Deposits all monies received promptly in the Student Branch account. • Prepares a budget at the start of the school (or fiscal) year. • Prepares end-of-year Financial Statements. • Chairs the Fundraising Committee. • Co-signing Officer (jointly with the Student Branch Chair). • Arranges for orderly transfer of all accounts and records to incoming Treasurer. Student Branch Counselor • Faculty member, active in the IEEE, who serves as an advisor to the Branch and its Officers. • Appointed by the local Section Chair, upon the recommendation of the Student members and the Regional Student Activities Chair (RSAC). • Normal term of appointment (or re-appointment) is two years. • Provides a sense of continuity to the Branch. • Informs other faculty members of Branch activities. • Promotes student awareness of awards, contests and membership benefits. • Helps the Branch establish Industrial contacts and works closely with the Branch Officers and the Branch Mentor. Branch Mentor • Designed to maximize the interaction between the Student Branch and the local Section. • Branch Mentor must be from Industry. • Appointed by the local Section Chair, in consultation with the Branch members. • A recent graduate with firsthand experience in Student Branch operations is an ideal candidate. • Meets regularly with the Branch members and the Branch Counselor. • Assists the Branch to develop effective programs. • Provides a bridge between the Branch and the local Section. Student Branch Committees Having different committees can help you develop a varied, broad-reaching program of activities. Some key committees are: • Program Committee - responsible for planning and running the Branch’s program of activities. • Membership Committee - responsible for planning and carrying out Branch recruitment efforts, including promoting membership benefits to new and existing members. • Publicity Committee - responsible for advertising all Branch activities. • Finance Committee - responsible for fundraising activities. • Nominating Committee - responsible for setting election guidelines and dates and finding suitable candidates. IEEE Volunteerism Most if not all the people you will work with on IEEE activities are volunteers. Be respectful of them and their time (plan efforts) Make them feel their contributions are important Make sure they get recognition Thank them for their participation Give them titles related to activities Seek and get commitments Make sure they feel they have input to the process BRANCH OPERATIONS • Branch Program Design a varied and interesting schedule of events. Branch Resources click “Branch Operations” Seek resources available to help you plan and implement your Branch program. • Student Awards Ensure that students are aware of awards and scholarships available to them. Visit • Branch News •For the latest information Branch Program • Invite speakers on technical or professional subjects. • Enter design competitions (e.g., Region Hardware and Software Design Contests). • Hold a Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC). • Hold a Student Professional Awareness Venture (S-PAVe). • Organize field trips to Industry. • Mentor junior students. • Organize sales of lab kits, lab manuals, resume books, solved past exams. Branch Program (continued) • Raise funds for charity or Student Branch projects. • Publish a Student Branch Newsletter on the web. Develop a Student Branch web site. Free hosting web space at • Branch Chairs should use SAMIEEE to access current IEEE Student membership data • Participate in engineering awareness programs. • Visit and organize joint activities with other Student Branches. • Volunteer at a conference and help staff a membership booth. • Host an annual “Welcome Back” or “End of School” picnic. • Work with the local IEEE Section and Region. Branch Planning •Assess the state of your Branch (resources, people, money) • Identify the major objectives for your Branch for this year (e.g., membership increase, some big event, retain existing members, seek new equipment) • Identify the specific goals that will help you meet your objectives and identify the events that will make up your Branch Program to achieve these goals • For each event, develop an Action Plan Branch Planning Goals Events Brainstorm! Evaluate Consider constraints Your Annual Branch Plan is the result! The Plan! Branch Planning Need Ideas Fast? try this… Five Rules of Brainstorming: 1. Any ideas are valid (even wacky ones). 2. Write everything down. 3. Don’t criticize or evaluate. 4. Don’t be a salesperson. 5. Ideas form in molecules, so don’t be afraid if everyone is silent Someone keeps time (you need a limit!) and someone is scribe to capture every idea. Branch Planning Evaluate the results--• Is there enough interest? • What resources are needed? • Will it achieve goals? • What are the constraints of the Branch? (time, money, people) • Take the attractive alternatives and ITERATE! Branch Planning Iteration may make earlier, rejected ideas more desirable… For example, “This road trip will need the extra funding, maybe running a coffee machine isn’t such a bad idea after all” Branch Planning Once you decide on a plan, put it into action! • Assign people to duties • Set a timeline, and milestones to be achieved • Be REALISTIC!! • Establish your financing and cash-flow Branch Planning If you are coordinating some event, let people do their jobs. • Keep people communicating with short status meetings • Compliment people on accomplishments (a key to motivated volunteers • Plan for the unexpected! Murphy’s Law… • Reward yourselves when it is all over • Learn from your mistakes and leave documentation for future officers! Branch Planning Workshop • Develop a set of goals for the branch • Brainstorm to find events • Evaluate and create Branch plan and timeline of events • Someone from the group will present (1 slide) • State your assumptions! • In second workshop, plan one event in detail; all resources and timeline with milestones (and a second presentation!) Branch Planning Workshop Scenario 1 Apathetic University has its share of problems. Ellen, an enthusiastic member accepted the job of Branch Chair (nobody wanted it anyway!), but: • There are only 11 members (her friends in 4th year) • Nobody else seems to know what an IEEE Student Branch is, including the recently appointed Branch Counselor, a new faculty member • Ellen knows that the Branch is close to probation. SHE NEEDS YOUR HELP!! Branch Planning Workshop Scenario 2 At the University of Life, the seniors seem to slap together an executive committee every September. There is a big EE class in this school and the Student Branch Counselor is enthusiastic but busy. The sophomores and juniors even think IEEE is for the seniors only. WHAT SHOULD THE BRANCH DO? Student Branch Reporting Requirements Each year, you must submit two reports to IEEE Student Services. To encourage you to complete these, the IEEE provides you with funding an incentive rebate. Remember, IEEE wants to hear about your activities. Annual Plan of Activities: • due 1 November each year or two months after the academic year begins; • helps you plan your activities and budget for the year; • allotment based on Branch members as of 31 December statistics • allotment of either US$50.00 (49 members or less) or US$100.00 (50 members or more) upon receipt of plan. Annual Report of Activities: • due 1 May each year or two months after the academic year ends; • detailed report of activities for past year, including financial statements. • rebate of $US2.00 per Branch member as of 31 December statistics. The IEEE Student Branch Calendar • A useful tool for planning purposes. • A good way to remind Branch members of upcoming activities. • Should list all award deadlines. • Post on the student bulletin board or office door. • Student Branch Secretary should keep it current. • Generic calendar included in workbook. Branch Resources • Distinguished Lecturers Program sponsored by IEEE and other IEEE Societies. • IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecturers Program. • IEEE Program Resources Guide. • Section and Section Student Activities Chair (Section SAC). • Branch Counselor and Branch Mentor. • Regional Student Representative (RSR) and Regional SAC (RSAC). • IEEE Student Services Manager (IEEE HQ). • Contacts listed in Workbook. Branch Resources (continued) • IEEE Student Concourse web site Student Branch program information, awards and scholarships, all Student Branches listed with reported web sites and email addresses. •IEEE Email Student Services Maintains Regional Student Branch Addresses Send to: •web accounts at • Submit Reports by E-mail for Region 1 (same format for Regions 1-10) Branch Resources (continued) • IEEE Student Branch All Magazine Package fee is US$575.00 in 2006 subscription package includes all 32 IEEE magazines available to all Student Branches Some magazines included are: IEEE Spectrum magazine IEEE Potentials magazine IEEE Computer magazine IEEE Software magazine IEEE Internet computing magazine IEEE Power Engineering Review IEEE Micro magazine IEEE Personal Communications magazine Branch Resources (continued) • IEEE Student Branch Library Subscription to the All Society Periodicals •Package (ASPP) only Student Branches whose main libraries subscribe to non-member ASPP subscription qualify for the discounted fee. US$3700.00 in 2006 includes all Society Transactions, Journals, and magazines, with a few exceptions. Student Branch must provide an adequate facility to store and display the publications. To qualify, the main university library where the Student Branch is located MUST have a current full ASPP (print or online) or IEL subscription Orders must be placed on IEEE Stationery, signed by Branch Chair and Branch Counselor, and sent with full payment. Student Branch Awards • One of the BEST benefits of being a Student member. • You should keep all your Branch members informed about the opportunities. • Some are scholarships, others are fellowships or stipends. • Still others are prizes for competitions. • Recognition for the Branch, Branch Counselor, and students. Student Branch Awards (continued) Regional Student Paper Competition • Open to all undergraduate IEEE Student Members • Chance to improve written and verbal communications skills • Local competition at Branch determines winner for Area Competition; winners from Area Competition go on to Regional Competition • Regional prizes from Life Member committee (US $800, $500, $200) • See guidelines in Handbook or contact Regional Student •Activities Committee Chair (RSAC) Student Branch Awards (continued) IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award • Award designed to encourage, through public recognition, exemplary Student Branch operation. • Good goal to guide Branch planning efforts. • No limit to the number of awards given. • Nomination must be by an Officer of the Branch. • Supporting documentation must be provided. Student Branch Awards (continued) Outstanding Student Branch Counselor and Advisor Award • To recognize the important contributions of the Counselor / Advisor. • Over 300 Counselors and Advisors have been recognized since 1979. • Sponsored by RAB and TAB. • Up to 1 Counselor per Region recognized each year. • Students must submit a nomination essay (1500 or less words). • Nomination deadline is 28 February. Student Branch Awards (continued) Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award • To recognize the student most responsible for an extraordinary accomplishment associated with student activities. • One winner per region. • Commemorative plaque and 3 years free membership in the IEEE. • Nomination deadline is 31 January. Student Branch Awards (continued) Computer Society Richard E. Merwin Scholarship • Up to 10 awards of US$3,000. • Juniors, seniors, and graduate students are eligible. • Must be active in the Computer Society Branch Chapter at your school. • Application deadline is 31 May. Student Branch Awards (continued) Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Fellowship • One year US$24,000 award to a new graduate student. • Must study at an accredited university in the U.S. or Canada. • Application deadline is 31 January every other year. Other Awards • IEEE Fellowship in Electrical History •IEEE Neural Networks Council Conference grants • Student Branch Awards (continued) RAB Membership Growth Award • Given by RAB (cannot apply for this) to the Branch in each Region that has highest growth (based on Branch size and % growth --- not just actual numbers) Outstanding Student Certificate • Available free from IEEE Student Services; 1 per 100 Branch Members (or fraction thereof); lettering done by IEEE for your Branch. Give them to deserving Student Members! Student Branch Support Certificate • Available free from IEEE Student Services; give to people in recognition of their support of your Branch. MEMBERSHIP • Student Membership Benefits • Membership Group Discussion Student Membership Benefits • IEEE Spectrum magazine online and print • IEEE Potentials magazine online and print • The Institute online and print • Xplore online access to subscriptions • Discount on technical Society memberships and publications • 50% discount in IEEE dues for students graduating the first year after graduation • Leadership Experience and networking with Section, Industry Leaders • IEEE Job Site • Email alias • Financial Advantage programs • Membership card Student Membership Who Qualifies? • Undergraduate or graduate students taking at least 50% of a normal full-time course of study in IEEE designated fields, Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Physical Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law and Policy. IEEE Student Membership Dues $30.00 US and Canada (Regions 1-7) –includes Potentials magazine (5 issues per year) (online and print) –includes Spectrum and the Institute (online and print) $25.00 all other areas of the world (Regions 8, 9 & 10) –with option to subscribe to Potentials magazine for $5.00 (online and print) –includes Spectrum and the Institute (online and print) Membership Group Discussion Q1. Why did you join the IEEE and why did you become active? Q2. Why do some students neglect to renew their IEEE membership? Q3. How would you encourage a student to renew membership after it has lapsed (expired)? Q4. How would you attract a first year student to join IEEE? Q5. How would you persuade students in other departments to join IEEE? FUNDRAISING There are 4 different kinds of money you may need to raise: • Operating money - for continual expenses. • Seed money - an “advance” for an event. • Subsidy money - to reduce the cost for members. • Capital money - to buy things. Student Branch Operations Guide has a list of 19 ideas. • Brainstorming is a good way to think of ideas. • Need to be aware of University Fundraising constraints • Need to be careful not to tarnish the image of engineering. FUNDRAISING Money Sources ($$ and/or in-kind contributions): • Branch bank account • Money from Branch Plan, and Rebate from Annual Report • Fundraising events or activities • School - Department Head, Dean, Student’s Association, Engineering Student’s Association • IEEE - Local Section, Region - For S-PACs and S-PAVes: IEEE USA SPAC and RAB/SAC/SPAA • Local Industry FUNDRAISING When asking for money…. • Donor must have money to give (not everyone does!) • Put the request in writing and include a brief budget • Convince them of the merits of your cause and how their involvement will help both you and them • Show them that your proposal is well-thought out and that you are soliciting from others as well • Give them time to make a decision and then follow-up • Conduct Fundraising Workshop Question 1 Question 2 S-PAC OVERVIEW • What is an S-PAC? Student Professional Awareness Conferece • S-PAC program goals • Professional Awareness Issues • S-PAC planning steps • IEEE S-PAC funding sources • Student benefits from S-PACs • For More Information... What is an S-PAC? • Student planned and run conference (half to full day) • Nontechnical career issues discussed • High quality volunteer speakers • Funding from IEEE, university and industry S-PAC Program Goals • To develop an awareness of engineering professionalism • To enhance technical education • To provide opportunities for personal development • To encourage ongoing participation in IEEE Professional Awareness Topics • Category A: Career growth • Category B: Working • Category C: Professional ethics and societal responsibility • Category D: Self-management • Category E: The engineer and public policy • Category F: Role of the professional society S-PAC Planning Steps 1. Get Connected! 2. Begin Planning 3. Select Speakers 4. Budget Planning 5. Ticket Sales and Publicity 6. Prepare for S-PAC day 7. After the S-PAC IEEE S-PAC FUNDING SOURCES --- AN OVERVIEW Regional Activities Board (RAB) Student Activities IEEE USA Committee (SAC) Other RAB Committees RSACs RSRs Career Policy Council (CPC) Student Professional Awareness Activities RAB/SAC/SPAA Chair Other CPC Committees Region Other Areas or Councils in a Region Student Professional (IEEE USA/SPAC) Awareness Committee IEEE USA/SPAC Chair R1-6 S-PAC Coords. (RSCs) R1-6 S-PAC Sup. Coords. (RSSCs) Two Student Representatives RAB/SAC/SPAA Chair Regional Director - Regional Student Activities Chair - Regional Student Representative - Other Regional Officers Area or Other IEEE USA Councils Council Regional S-PAC Coordinator seeks funding on behalf of students Area or Council Officers Students seek funding from Other Sections in an Area or Council Section Chair - Section Treasurer/Secretary - Section Student Activities Chair - Other Section Officers Note: IEEE USA/SPAC provides funds for speaker travel. All other IEEE Regions 1-6 funds can be applied to S-PAC operating expenses;e.g., IEEE Student Member subsidies, printing, advertising. Student Benefits From S-PACs • Opportunities for personal development • Skills development --- Team building --- Project management --- Marketing/sales --- Finance --- Communications • Build self-confidence • Industry connections For More Information... Regions 1 - 6 Ms. Sandra Kim Administrator, IEEE USA IEEE-USA Office 1828 L Street N.W., Suite 1202 Washington D.C. 20036-5104 phone + 1 202 785 0017 fax + 1 202 785 0835 e-mail Regions 7 - 10 Ms. Laura J. Durrett IEEE Student Services Manager 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 phone +1 732 562 5523 fax. +1 732 463 3657 e-mail. S-PAVe OVERVIEW • What is an S-PAVe? Student Professional Awareness Venture • S-PAVe Program Goals • Ventures • Elements of a Venture Proposal • Venture Budget • Funding and Support Letters • Submission and Review Process • For More Information... What is an S-PAVe? • Projects or activities conceived by IEEE Student Branches to develop an awareness of engineering professionalism • Funded by IEEE through RAB/SAC/SPAA and IEEE USA SPAC • Students develop the idea and submit a proposal for funding • If approved, students receive funding to proceed with their planned venture and report results to IEEE S-PAVe Program Goals • Develop prototype activities/materials to enhance Student Member awareness of professional concerns • Increase Student Membership, with focus on Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors • Provide new services for Student Branch Membership • Enable Student Branches to gain experience in project planning and organization Ventures • Can be of any nature except those that duplicate the Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC) • Suggested Formats: Service, Workshop, Video, Simulation, Resource Materials • Examples - Make a video tape depicting ethical dilemmas - Develop an in-house training program that instructs students on how to run a meeting - Establish a resume evaluation service - Create a computer package that gives basic ideas on setting up your own company • Can span days, weeks or months, but should not generally exceed one school semester Elements of a Venture Proposal • Venture summary form (from IEEE) • Venture description and milestone list • Budget • Support letters Student Branch Counselor Regional S-PAC Coordinator (Regions 1- 6 only) • Financial support letter Venture Budget • One or two pages itemizing income sources and expenditures • A base amount of funds is provided (up to US$200.00) and additional funds on a matching basis • One additional dollar of S-PAVe funds (over the base amount) may be requested for every dollar committed to the venture from other sources (e.g., IEEE Section, Student Branch, or local companies) • All requested S-PAVe funds may not be awarded • The maximum S-PAVe award is US$500.00 Venture Budget Example Assume that US$175.00 has been secured from the IEEE Section • US$375.00 can be requested from S-PAVe funds - US$200.00 in base funding - US$175.00 as a dollar for dollar match to Section funds • Total income would be US$550.00 - US$175.00 Section funds - US$375.00 S-PAVe funds S-PAVe FUNDS WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE STUDENT BRANCH ONCE THE VENTURE HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR FUNDING. Funding and Support Letters • A Letter of Support indicates - Its author has read the proposal, likes it, and supports the Student Branch involvement - If appropriate, any amount of financial commitment • Required Letters of Support - Student Branch Counselor - Regional S-PAC Coordinator (Regions 1-6 only) • A Letter of Financial Support is required from any funding source Submission and Review Process • Submit proposals at any time to: Regions 1-6: IEEE-USA Manager, Professional Programs Regions 7-10: IEEE Student Services Coordinator • Proposals are reviewed and awarded funds based on - Expected achievement of S-PAVe goals - Likelihood of success - Originality - Available funds • Each proposal is evaluated on its own merit -- not a contest • The reviewing is performed by: RAB/SAC/SPAA Chair RAB/SAC Chair IEEE USA SPAC Chair • Award notification is made within 2 weeks For More Information... Regions 1 - 6 Ms. Sandra Kim Administrator, IEEE USA IEEE-USA Office 1828 L Street N.W., Suite 1202 Washington D.C. 20036-5104 phone + 1 202 785 0017 fax + 1 202 785 0835 e-mail Regions 7 - 10 Ms. Laura J. Durrett IEEE Student Services Manager 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 phone +1 732 562 5523 fax. +1 732 463 3657 e-mail. S-PAC/S-PAVe Workshop Exercise Develop an S-PAC/S-PAVe for your Branch • Divide into groups of 4-6 people Select a scribe - record ideas Select a prophet - present ideas Select a timekeeper - ensure staying on track • Brainstorm ideas for an activity • Decide on an activity based on ranked ideas • Strive to identify the critical issues and actions necessary to complete and S-PAC/S-PAVe • Develop an action plan - Who does what by when? S-PAC Scenario MegaSchool State University A large university with many engineering programs has an IEEE Student Branch with 110 members and $1000.00 in the Branch Treasury. The total enrollment in engineering is 1000 students with 250 in electrical engineering. The Branch wants to have an S-PAC. It is the last week of October. HOW SHOULD THEY PLAN THEIR S-PAC? S-PAC Scenario MicroSchool University Your Student Branch has 85 members (15 hardcore) in a school with a total engineering class of 400. Your school is in a somewhat remote, but industrial area. The “hardcores” got excited about an S-PAC after reading about it in a promotional mailing they received from IEEE-USA in December. It is the second week of January. HOW SHOULD THEY PLAN THEIR S-PAC? S-PAVe Scenario Remote College Your Student Branch has 70 members in a small engineering school, in the suburbs of a medium size city. Your Branch figures that an S-PAC may be hard to do for your small Branch, so they decide an S-PAVe might be easier. The members of your Branch are pretty imaginative, and the school is very supportive of the Branch. It is mid October. HOW SHOULD THEY PLAN THEIR S-PAVE? TIME MANAGEMENT • Determine How You Spend Your Time • Set Goals and Objectives • Organize your Day • Learn to Delegate Determine How You Spend Your Time • Document how much time you waste each day Television Telephone calls Meetings Breaks • Handle correspondence effectively Touch a piece of paper only once • Handle visitors tactfully Establish time limit for unexpected visitor Emphasize serving and helping people meet their needs Be firm but pleasant when you terminate a conversation Set Goals and Objectives • Visualize yourself achieving each goal • Ensure goals are specific and measurable • Select a general time frame for completion • Set goals that will not allow for procrastination Do unpleasant things first Do simple tasks before complex tasks • Attack goals with enthusiasm • Find ways to enjoy working on each short-term goal • Evaluate your performance • Give yourself rewards Organize Your Day • Plan on paper -- Prepare a “To Do” list • Make good use of entire day • Use lunch hour effectively • Use travel time productively • Set deadlines Use a reward system Use a timer • Combine activities • Plan to stay one step ahead Learn to Delegate • Make person aware of relative importance of task • Provide necessary information and resources • Emphasize results rather than methods • Secure a commitment • Set deadlines • Schedule review sessions • Give incentives commensurate to the task accomplished