Staff Biographies





Katherine Crawford is a career USAID Foreign Service Officer currently serving as the Director of the Office of American Schools and Hospitals

Abroad (ASHA). Ms. Crawford has more than 25 years of experience designing, implementing and evaluating large and complex national and international health, education, and humanitarian assistance programs.

Highlights include tours in Pakistan, Tanzania, Cambodia, Rwanda and the

Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ms. Crawford has a B.A. from the

University of Montana and an M.P.H. in Epidemiology and Communication from the Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Prior to joining USAID, Katherine was a Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire and worked with UNICEF in emergency programs.

Gary Barrett is the Senior Program Advisor of USAID/ASHA. Mr. Barrett served as both a Senior Program Advisor and Senior Field Program

Manager for the Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) in Afghanistan. From

2007 until mid-2008, Mr. Barrett was seconded to the United Nations

World Food Programme (WFP) as the Head of Office for the UN Joint

Logistics Centre (UNJLC) in South Sudan. There he and his team coordinated the logistics of United Nations humanitarian assistance to South

Sudan and also worked to professionalize the newly created Government of

South Sudan Ministry of Transportation and Roads. His team also provided technical assistance and recommendations on the UN Mission in Sudan

(UNMIS). From 1998 to 2007, and again in 2009, Mr. Barrett worked for the Office of U.S.

Foreign Disaster Assistance in the Disaster Assistance Support Program (DASP), where he provided essential technical support in disaster response management, planning, operations, preparedness, and prevention. Before joining U.S. government in 1997 as a civilian, Mr. Barrett served in the U.S. Marine Corps and attended graduate school at the Yale University School of

Forestry and Environmental Studies. Mr. Barrett holds a Master’s degree from Yale University,

Bachelor’s degree from Morehouse College, and a Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance from

Fordham University.

Kerrin Goodspeed has more than 30 years of service with USAID. Before joining USAID/ASHA in 2009 as the Sr. Program Analyst, Kerrin was a

Team Leader in the Program, Policy and Management Office within the

Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA).

She worked for many years with USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster

Assistance as well as USAID’s Office of Acquisition and Assistance.

Kerrin has a strong background in contracting and assistance. In addition, she has served in various capacities overseas, including a six-month tour in

Afghanistan, as well as serving on Disaster Assistance Response Teams

(DARTs) in Sudan, Niger, and Iraq.

Andrea Molfetto is the Program Officer and Agreement Officer

Representative (AOR) for USAID/ASHA. Ms. Molfetto comes to ASHA from the Office of Acquisitions and Assistance (OAA) where she managed both contracts and the Ocean Freight Reimbursement grant program. Prior to joining USAID, Andrea worked in the private sector and holds various achievements in Business Development, Analysis, and Training. Ms.

Molfetto holds a B.S from Western Carolina University and an M.B.A from

Northeastern University. In her spare time she coaches Special Olympics

Alpine for Northern Virginia and was a Team USA coach at the 2013

Special Olympics World Winter games held in PyeongChang, South Korea.

Mohammed Latif is currently serving as Lead Engineering Officer at

ASHA. Prior to this position, he served three years with Civilian Response

Corps (CRC) as Supervising Civil Engineer and Supervised Essential

Services Infrastructure Unit having a staff of 6 DH/GS. Mr. Latif is a former USAID Bureau Environmental Officer (BEO) for Europe and

Eurasia (E&E), the US Representative to the Danube Basin and Black Sea

Task Force (DABLAS) in Brussels, and a member of several US

Government inter-agency working groups. He was USAID Project Director for the Technology Transfer Project in Poland. He also managed the Global

Environmental Facility (GEF)/Danube River Project in central Europe. He is a former Managing Director of Western Technology Inc., in Phoenix, Principal of Dames and

Moore in Denver, General Manager of Resna Industries, Manager of IT Corporation, and

Director of Dow Environmental Services in San Francisco. He holds a Masters of Engineering

Degree from University of Alberta, Canada.

Michael Bozek is currently serving as a USAID/ASHA engineer with primary responsibilities in Latin America & the Caribbean, Asia, and

Europe and Eurasia. Prior to working with USAID, he served in the US

Navy Seabees, deploying to Afghanistan in 2014 to assist Afghans in improving their engineering and medical facilities capabilities and

Europe/Africa in 2012 as officer in charge of six different facility improvements. He worked as a facility manager for the US Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan, from 2009 to 2012. Mike holds a B.S. in Civil and

Environmental Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and is also a

Certified Hospital Facility Manager.


Kaleb Johnson works for Macfadden & Associates, Inc. under contract with USAID/ASHA as a Grants Specialist. He supports annual application solicitation, award selection, and grant administration. Kaleb works to improve internal controls and process efficiencies through strategic management of the support team. Kaleb previously worked with the USAID

President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief as a budget analyst supporting headquarters and mission budgeting and operational planning. Before

USAID, Kaleb worked for the D.C. government coordinating public and non-profit services to refugees and asylees in the D.C. metropolitan area.

Kaleb received a Master’s in Public Administration from George Mason

University, a Master’s in Foreign Affairs from the Université de Montréal, and a Bachelor’s in

International Relations from Brigham Young University. Originally from Las Vegas, Nevada,

Kaleb and his family live in Arlington, Virginia, where they enjoy the four seasons and political history of the area. He is actively involved in church youth programming as well as the Boy

Scouts of America.

Eric Abdullateef serves as USAID/ASHA’s performance advisor. He is an institutional contractor with Macfadden Associates. He has served in this capacity since 2012. He is responsible for strengthening monitoring and evaluation, collaboration, learning and adapting program operations to maximize results. He holds an MBA from the University of California

Berkeley. He is past president of Washington Evaluators, the DC Metro affiliate of the American Evaluation Association.

Roy Jones is a Financial Information Support Specialist for USAID/ASHA.

In his current role he annually reviews over 75 ASHA grant applicants’ financial statements to determine the applicants’ financial condition. He also conducts pre-award surveys to determine whether an applicant has the capacity to carry out the ASHA grant’s requirements. He further reviews award expenditures reported quarterly by ASHA’s approximately 100 active awardees and maintains GIFTS, ASHA’s award management system. Prior to his current assignment, Mr. Jones was a federal government auditor/computer specialist with the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Prior to NSF, Mr. Jones was an internal auditor with the US Government

Printing Office (GPO). There, he supervised the internal review of GPO’s year-end financial statements and reviewed commercial contractor costs and internal GPO operations. Mr. Jones also was an external auditor with the US Department of Commerce. Mr. Jones is a licensed certified public accountant and holds a BA in Business Administration from Howard University.

He has served in the US Army and achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Maggie Moore is the communications analyst for USAID/ASHA. In this position, she designs ASHA’s communications strategy, policies, and guiding documents for ASHA staff and implementing partners. Moore documents and disseminates program activities and accomplishments including ASHA’s annual report, quarterly newsletters, briefing materials and social media. Moore also coordinates the ASHA annual conference and workshops. Prior to her position with ASHA, Moore served as the operations officer for Democracy International (DI), where she worked in

Afghanistan and Egypt. Outside of work, Moore serves as the director of development for the B.A. Rudolph Foundation, which offers scholarships to women with unpaid internships in Washington, DC, STEM focused research nationwide, and a tuition scholarship to graduate students at the Clinton School of Public Service in Little Rock,

Arkansas. She received her bachelor’s degree in international relations from Tufts University, and completed a dual Master’s degree program in international relations and public relations from Syracuse University.

Eliza VanMeter is an administrative assistant under contract in the

USAID/ASHA office. She is responsible for preparing and reviewing grant documents, coordinating travel for the ASHA staff, scheduling and meeting logistics, and addressing general administrative issues. Prior to her work at

USAID, Eliza worked in the U.S. House of Representatives for Utah

Representative Jim Matheson, and in the Utah State Legislature for

Representative Becky Edwards. She received her Bachelor’s degree in

Political Science from Brigham Young University, with a minor in

International Development. She speaks fluent Spanish, and in her spare time she enjoys running and spending time outdoors.
