Political system Germany Contents 1. German Political System Basics (Art.20 GG) - Democracy - Social - Federalism 2. Voting for the German Parliament 3. Constitutional Main Principles - Federal State Principle - Democratic Principle - Principle of Legal Certainity - Social State Principle 4. Division of Powers 1.German Political System Basics (Art. 20 GG) BRD= Federal Republic of Germany The political system of Germany is based on the constitution, which is called “Grundgesetz” (GG). It regulates the political processes of decisions and their content. Germany has a democratic constitution since 1949. The basic topics of the Germany constitution are : Germany is a democratic, social and federal state (Art. 20 GG). Federal Republic of Germany means: • 16 different federal states = Germany • in some sectors, the federal states can make their own political decision (like school politics and some finances – but not in foreign affairs), • the Lower House of German Parliament is called “Bundestag”, • the upper house of the German parliament is called “Bundesrat” (it represents the federal states). Democracy Reprensentative democracy Personal and proportional representation Vote for the Lower House of German Parliament: every four years Every German over the age of 18 has two voices: First voice=direct ballot (direct representative) Second voice=Political Party Social Services provided for the public are e.g. water and energy Solidarity Principle of Subsidiarity Public Welfare based on Art. 1 GG (protection of human dignity) Federalism Confederation of 16 federal states they are represented in the „Bundesrat“, one of the constitutional organs 2. Voting for the German Paliament Prinziples of the voting system are (Art. 38 GG): general, direct, free, equal, secret ballot. Federal Government Federal minister Federal Chancellor nominate vote suggest minister Federal President vote Federal Convention Federal Constitutional Court nominate suggest chancellor establish vote judges vote judges Bundestag Federal Council establish State Parliament vote establish Land government vote Citizen vote by free, equal, direct and secret ballot 3. Constitutional Principles of the BRD Constitutional Principles Federal State Principle Democratic Principle Principle of Legal Certainity Social State Principle 4. Division of Powers Legislative (law making power) Executive (public authority) Judiciary (prevailing case law; GG)