giving mp3 audio feedback using 'Audacity'

• Background – why I did it.
• My experiences – what I did.
• Student feedback – how did it go?
• Apply clear and
transparent criteria on
how to assess student
• Be fair and consistent
(from the beginning to the
end of the day!)
• Give useful feedback that
the students can learn
from ie positive but also
• Students paying no
attention to my carefully
crafted feedback
comments and only
looking at the mark
• Students not collecting
marked work after the
module has finished
Assessment – Multiple purposes
Assessment for Grading:
To make academic
judgements on student
•Programme Assessment Boards
•Module Assessment Boards
Assessment for Learning:
To help our students
improve their performance
and enhance achievement
•Assessment Criteria
•Formative Assessment
Audio feedback
• I sat with my laptop and an old headset
with microphone.
• Aimed to say something NICE, something
(a) Portfolio – already marked and verbalised my
feelings about the work
(b) Lab report – read through each section making
comments at the time
I enjoyed
•Generic feedback
•Individual feedback – I felt I was really talking to the
student and that I could be more specific and personal.
Each sound file was 3-5 minutes long which enabled me
to give much more than the few lines written on a piece
of work or described in a generic feedback sheet
Student feedback
‘After listening to the audio files for the
feedback of both pieces of
coursework, I believe that it is a great
idea. It allows a personal one to one
feeling of feedback while sitting at
home. It saves trailing to uni to find out
the feedback with no guarantee of
catching the lecturer.’
‘I second that xxx, Great Idea for audio
feedback, surely we should have a
whole section for podcasts of all sorts,
it was nice to consider Dr Anne going
personal on each audio recording.
Hope this is the future for feedback!
Hope it is used in the future, good
‘Wow this was kool to listen to, easy
clear and straightforward, its the kind
of feedback you cant refuse to hear,
once you press play you get the good
points and the bad points, when i
came on to listen to it, i was like oh
dear this could be sad news and was
scared of listening to it but i like the
completeness of the feedback, sure
things that have been helpful and i
think i will be better doing the
samething now even without seeing
the returned work. Thanks Anne and i
think this was a great idea and surely
audio feedback is a plus’
‘i did not notice the audio feedback
until i came on webct to look for the
exam results. this system is really
good especially being all the way in
malaysia. thanks for the feedback’
FTDL5 project: Peer Review
• Peer review is seen as a “method of encouraging students to
discuss and compare their understanding of scientific writing and the
assessment criteria adopted by academics in the field”.
• The peer review process will be developed over the course of a
semester, with students arranged into groups of critical friends in
Week 2 as part of a Critical Paper Review Workshop in which the
analysis of research articles will be addressed. At a subsequent
Essay Writing Workshop, exemplars will be discussed and students
will peer review draft assignments to be submitted as part of their
module portfolio. Thereafter the drafting process will continue and
students will also receive individual and generic feedback on their
drafts before final submission.
• “It is hoped that the reiteration of research, synthesis and feedback
will effectively replace one to one tutor support and enhance the
students’ scientific writing and citing skills”.
Tutor workshop (Sept 08)
• The practicalities of writing - Monica Price Extracts
from a tutor workshop: what do we value in your work?
• Writing in your own words - Noel Carter Extracts from
a tutor workshop: what do we value in your work?
• Focus on the question - Keith Thomas Extracts from a
tutor workshop: what do we value in your work?
• Getting to grips with the literature - Mark Davies
Extracts from a tutor workshop: what do we value in your
• Strengths and weaknesses - Poorna Gunasekera
Extracts from a tutor workshop: what do we value in your
• An outsiders view of the discussions - Joan O'Keefe
Extracts from a tutor workshop: what do we value in your
• Plus a bit of a rambling discussion...
Student feedback – to date
• ‘I thought the feedback was excellent, the whole idea of
audio feedback is great and I definitely support its use. It
helped highlight the important points of improvement and
the fact that your voice could be heard made it more
relevant and 'true'.
I have a learnt a great deal. Thank you.’
• ‘I found the audio feedback very useful and better than
lecturers notes written on a piece of work. However, i
dont think that the generic audio feeback is as useful as
the personal audio feedback that was given for each
group's work.’
Final thoughts
• Rewarding process – I feel the effort I put into marking is
being more effectively shared with my students
• Almost ‘micro-teaching’ and enables mini-tutorials that
are focussed and specific
• Universally positive feedback from students: I am a
‘well, again. The feedback is awesome because most of my
weakness had been mentioned which is going to help
me improve my skills on critical review. I will further my
scope on the wider region and not only on the paper
itself so i think i will do better next time. thanks again for
the audio feedback.”’