Rocks Composed of a mixture of minerals Three types of Rocks Three types of Rocks: Igneous- cooling and hardening of hot molten rock. Sedimentary- Pressed and cemented layers of sediments. Include-rock fragments, plant &animal remains, or chemicals. Metamorphic- Pre-existing rocks changed to new rock by heat & pressure. No melting occurs. ROCK CYCLE Shows how rock changes from 1 type to another. Classified by how they are formed. If the rock melts it will start the cycle again and be an igneous rock. IGNEOUS ROCKS How they are formed? 1. formed by cooling of molten rock. a. magma-below the surface. b. lava- above the surface. Will Rock Melt? Three factors that affect whether rock melts include: Temperature- different minerals have different melting points, as temperature increases and other minerals melt, magma composition changes Pressure The presence of fluids in the rock (water) Classifying Igneous Rocks Texture - Speed of cooling a.Coarse grained-large grains,slow cooling below surface-magma. Called Intrusive Igneous Rock. Classifying Igneous Rocks Fine grains - smaller grains, fast cooling above surface(lava) or glassy texture Called Extrusive Igneous Rock. Classifying Igneous Rocks Porphyrite- 2 textures, large crystals in center surrounded by small. Slow to fast cooling. Classifying Igneous Rocks Vesicular texturebubbles due to gases escaping as it cooled. Igneous Rock Composition Chemical make-up of the magma. Felsic - Light color, high in silica(qtz & feldspar), less dense. -ex: Granite. Mafic - dark color from iron and magnesium, so more dense low in silica, high in Fe & Mg. ex: Basalt, Gabbro. Which one would flow faster? Types of Igneous Rocks Granite - Intrusive, Felsic: mainly Kfeld, qtz, & mica or hornblende. Basalt - extrusive, Mafic: high in Fe and Mg, dark Types of Igneous Rocks Obsidian Extrusive, Felsic: volcanic glass. Scoria ExtrusiveVesicular, Basaltic. Types of Igneous Rocks Pumice Vesicularcan float in water. Felsic Gabbro - Intrusive, Mafic. Types of Igneous Rocks Diorite - Intrusive, Intermediate. Andesite(Porphyrite), Felsic. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Cemented & compacted sediments usually formed in water Formation of Sedimentary Rock Sorting of sediments by size & shape Large close to shore, size decreases as you move out. Flatter, farther carried. Compaction: particles pressed together by weight of layers above. Pore space based on grain size and amount of pressure. Formation of Sedimentary Rocks Cementation: minerals from water deposit between large pebbles & sand. Cement ex. silica,calcite Precipitation: Only chemical sed. rocks.a dissolved material (ex. Salt) settles out of water. How they are classified? Which type of sediments make-up the rock. 1. Clastic-fragments of other rocks. 2. Chemical - precipitated material 3. Bioclastic(Organic) - remains of plants and animals. Types of Sedimentary Rocks Conglomerate (Large)Clastic, Cement. Made of pebbles,sand & cement. Formed in river & stream beds. Rounded pebbles = weathering Types of Sedimentary Rocks Sandstone (Med.),Clastic, either cementation or compaction. Made of sand (quartz).Formed along shallow continental shelf areas. Types of Sedimentary Rocks Shale - (Small,Flat) Clastic, Compact Made of silt & clay. Formed on ocean floor on deep abyssal plain areas. Types of Sedimentary Rocks LimestoneChemical or Bioclastic. Formed from shells or precipitation of CaCO3 (calcite)in shallow sea areas. Types of Sedimentary Rock Rock Salt Chemical. prec. of salt from saltwater in isolated sea areas Coal - Bioclastic. Made of plant and animal remains in swampy areas Sedimentary Features Stratification layering, change in type of sediments deposited. Sedimentary Features Fossils - plants and animals buried in sediments. Sedimentary Features Ripple marks(wind) & Mud Cracks preserved when Sedimentary rocks form. Sedimentary features Geodes - crystals in cavity of Sedimentary rock. METAMORPHIC ROCKS Pre-existing rock changed to another by heat & pressure. Causes it to re-crystallize and compress. Makes Metamorphic rocks are more dense and less porous. Type of Metamorphism 1. 2. Regional- tectonic activity - mountain building creates heat & pressure causing changes in a rock’s minerals. Contact -heat from magma changes part of the rock it comes in contact with. Occurs over small area. Classified according to structure Foliated- visible layers or bands, when pressure flattens original crystals & pushes them in layers. ex - Slate, schist, gneiss. Classified According to Structure Unfoliated - no layers of crystal. ex - quartzite, marble. Types of Metamorphic Rocks Slate - foliated, parent rock - shale, hard & dense. Types of Metamorphic Rocks Schist - foliated, visible flakes of platy minerals, often formed from shale or basalt. Gneiss - foliated, usually formed from granite, coarsely banded or streaked. Types of Metamorphic Rocks Marble - unfoliated, formed from limestone, reacts with HCl. Quartzite unfoliated, formed from sandstone. tough sugary look.