Commissioning Eucharist

More than We Can Ask or Imagine CP#86
More than we can ask or imagine,
more than we can ever dare to dream,
we are the children of heaven's creation,
God's own beloved,
each called by name.
And we cry, Glory! Glory!
Glory to God who calls us by name!
Glory! Glory! Glory to God!
Glory we sing!
More than we will ever imagine,
more than we will ever understand;
we are sent to walk with compassion,
to live out God's love
by heart and by hand.
And we cry, Glory! Glory!
Glory to God who presses us on!
Glory! Glory! Glory to God!
Glory our song!
More than we can ask or imagine,
more than we could ever desire;
out of the dust
God's building a kingdom,
like wine from the press,
like bread from the fire.
And we cry, Glory! Glory!
Glory to God! Glory we cry!
Glory! Glory!
Glory on earth, Glory on high!
Glory! Glory! Glory to God!
Glory we cry!
Glory! Glory! Glory on earth!
Glory on high!
Glory on earth! Glory on high!
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with you all.
And also with you.
Almighty God
To you all hearts are open,
All desires known,
And from you no secrets are hidden.
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
By the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
That we may perfectly love you,
And worthily magnify your Holy name;
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Glory to God on High CP#365
Glory to God on high,
and peace to all on earth.
We worship you, we give you thanks,
our heavenly King.
We give you praise,
almighty God and Father blessed
in glory bright.
Our Saviour, Jesus Christ,
the Father's only Son,
the sacrificial Lamb,
who saves the world from sin,
have mercy Lord.
Beside the Father's hand enthroned,
now hear our prayer.
You only are the Lord.
You only are most high.
You only are the holy one,
Lord Jesus Christ.
And now you reign
with Father and with Spirit one
in glorious light.
Bishop: Almighty God, grant us the Spirit to
think and do always those things that are right,
That we who can do nothing good without you,
May live according to your Holy will; Through
Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and for
Romans 12: 1-18
Hear what the Spirit
is saying to the church.
Thanks be to God!
Psalm 19:7-14
The law of the Lord is perfect
and revives the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure
and gives wisdom to the innocent.
The statutes of the Lord
are just and rejoice the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is clear
and gives light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is clean
and endures for ever;
the judgements of the Lord are true
and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold,
more than much fine gold,
sweeter far than honey,
than honey in the comb.
By them is your servant enlightened,
and keeping them is great reward.
Who can tell how often they offend?
Cleanse me from my secret faults.
Above all, keep your servant
from presumptuous sins;
let them not get dominion over me;
then shall I be whole and sound,
and innocent of a great offense.
Let the words of my mouth
and the meditations of my heart
be acceptable in your sight;
O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
Matthew 28: 16-20
Prayers of the People
Take My Life CP#435
Take my life, and let it be
consecrated, Lord to thee;
Take my moments and my days,
let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands, and let them move
at the impulse of thy love;
Take my feet, and let them be
swift and purposeful for thee.
Take my lips, and let them be
filled with messages from thee;
Take my intellect, and use
every power as thou shalt choose.
Take my will, and make it thine;
it shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is thine own;
it shall be thy royal throne.
Take my love: my Lord, I pour
at thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself, and I will be
ever, only, all for thee.
Prayer over the Gifts
Merciful God,
Your word inspires us
to bring an offering of our love.
May we always be ready to work
according to your will.
We ask this in the name
of Jesus Christ, the Lord.
Eucharistic Prayer
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our
thanks and praise.
Blessed are you, gracious God,
creator of heaven and earth;
we give you thanks and praise
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who after his resurrection
sent forth apostles to preach the gospel
and to teach all nations,
and promised to be with them always,
even to the end of the ages.
Therefore with angels and archangels
and all your holy people,
we raise our voices to proclaim
the glory of your name.
All: Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might,
Heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
O God most mighty, O God most merciful,
O God our rock and our salvation,
hear us as we praise,
call us to your table,
grant us your life.
When the world was a formless void,
you formed order and beauty.
When Abraham and Sarah were barren,
you sent them a child.
When the Israelites were enslaved,
you led them to freedom.
Ruth faced starvation,
David fought Goliath,
and the psalmists cried out for healing,
and full of compassion,
you granted the people your life.
You entered our sorrows
in Jesus our brother.
He was born among the poor,
he lived under oppression,
he wept over the city.
With infinite love,
he granted the people your life.
In the night in which he was betrayed,
our Lord Jesus took bread,
and gave thanks;
broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying:
Take and eat; this is my body,
given for you.
Do this for the remembrance of me.
Again, after supper,
he took the cup, gave thanks,
and gave it for all to drink, saying:
This cup is the new covenant in my blood,
shed for you and for all people
for the forgiveness of sin.
Do this for the remembrance of me.
Remembering his death,
we cry out Amen. Amen.
Celebrating his resurrection,
we shout Amen. Amen.
Trusting his presence
in every time and place,
we plead Amen. Amen.
O God, you are Breath:
send your Spirit on this meal.
O God, you are Bread:
feed us with yourself.
O God, you are Wine:
warm our hearts and make us one.
O God, you are Fire:
transform us with hope.
O God most majestic,
O God most motherly,
O God our strength and our song,
you show us a vision of a tree of life
with fruits for all and leaves
that heal the nations.
Grant us such life,
the life of the Father to the Son,
the life of the Spirit of our risen Saviour,
life in you, now and forever.
Our Father
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
One earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
As we forgive those
Who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
And deliver us from evil,
For the kingdom, the power,
And the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen
Invitation to Communion
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Happy are they who trust in Him!
Breathe on me Breath of God
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
fill me with life anew,
that I may love what thou dost love,
and do what thou wouldst do.
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
until my heart is pure,
until my will is one with thine,
to do and to endure.
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
till I am wholly thine,
until this earthly part of me
glows with thy fire divine.
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
so shall I never die;
but live with thee the perfect life
of thine eternity.
We who Live by Sound
and Symbol CP#69
We who live by sound and symbol,
we who learn from sight and word,
find these married in the person
of the one we call our Lord.
Taking bread to be his body,
taking wine to be his blood,
he let thought take flesh in action;
he let faith take root in food.
Not just once with special people,
not just hidden deep in time,
but wherever Christ is followed,
earthly fare becomes sublime.
Though to sound this seems a mystery,
though to sense it seems absurd,
yet in faith, which seems like folly,
we meet Jesus Christ our Lord.
God, our Maker, send your Spirit
to pervade the bread we break.
Let it bring the life we long for
and the love which we forsake.
Bind us closer to each other,
both forgiving and forgiven;
give us grace in this and all things
to discern the hand of heaven.
Prayer after Communion
Faithful God,
As we are nourished by heavenly food,
May we live according to your will
And show the fruits of your love.
We ask this in the name
of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Prayer for Commissioning
Christ will always ask if we love him.
When we say YES, he answers:
“Then care for one another and my world.”
As Christ intended then,
so He commands now:
Live lovingly on the frontiers
of His bright new world.
Make a difference.
Trust that God’s abundant wisdom
will take our small love,
and fit it into the larger pattern
of good for all creation.
Trust that God will bless
the world into which we move,
and bless our homes and our friends.
We ask God to bless the eyes
with which we see,
and the ears with which we listen.
We ask God to bless
the way we use our hands,
and the way we employ our tongues,
for God has invited us into His story.
Let us go into God’s bright new world,
proclaiming the love of the Father,
of the Risen Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ SFGP#63
Let us talents and tongues employ,
reaching out with a shout of joy:
Bread is broken, the wine is poured
Christ is spoken and seen and heard.
(Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!
Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!)
Christ is able to make us one,
at the table he sets the tone,
Teaching people to live to bless,
Love in word and in deed express.
(Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!
Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!)
Jesus calls us in, sends us out,
bearing fruit in a world of doubt,
Gives us love to tell, bread to share:
God (Immanuel) ev’rywhere!
Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!
Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!
Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!
Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!
Go in peace and live the church.
Thanks be to God, Alleluia