Map Mania

Student Study Guide
Map Mania
Geography is the study of the
earth and its features.
Geographer is a person who studies
 ___________
the earth.
7 Continents
1- Antarctica
 2-Asia
 3-Europe
 4-North America
 5- South America
 6- Australia
 7- Africa
4 Oceans
1- Pacific
___Maps________ are pictorial representations of an
area or object.
Reference map which shows
where things are located. (ex. Roadmap)
 ___________ map drawn on a topic.
(ex. Treasure map)
Map Mania- 5 Types
Physical Map shows natural features
of the earth’s surface.
Political Map shows divisions of
 ___________
earth’s surface which are man-made.
Map shows detailed
 Topographic
information about the elevation and
surface of the land.
Map Mania- Components of Maps
also called a key,
explains symbols on the map.
Compass Rose is a direction finder
 ___________
that tips in four directions (north,
south, east, and west).
Map Mania- Components of Maps
tells you how much real
distance on the earth is represented
by the distances shown on the map.
 ___________
describes what the
map depicts.
 ___________
a series of intersecting
east-west & north-south lines.
Map Mania- Components of Maps
Projection the way of showing the
round Earth on a flat surface.
Different Types of Projections
Meractor Projection
places away from the
equator appear larger and farther apart
than they usually are.
Equal-Area Projection this projection corrects
 _________________
some of the distortion in the Meractor
Projection by curving all the longitude lines,
except the prime meridian, towards the
poles. This makes the sizes of the continents
much more accurate, but the shape is still
Different Types of Projections
Robinson Projection this is a type of
Equal-Area Projection that has become
widely used for world maps.
Dividing Earth into halves
Northern Hemisphere
region from the
equator to the north pole or region
north of the equator.
Southern Hemisphere
 _________________
region from the
equator to the south pole or region
south of the equator.
Dividing Earth into halves
Eastern Hemisphere
region east of
the prime meridian.
Western Hemisphere
 _________________
region west of
the prime meridian.
Dividing Earth into halves
is 0 degrees
Prime Meridian
 _________________
is 0 degrees
Locating Places on a Map
parallel lines
running east & west (report lines of
latitude with south and north directions).
 _________________
lines running
north & south (report lines of longitude
with east west directions).
Locating Places on a Map
___________________ a system of
satellites and ground stations used to
locate places on the Earth’s surface.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) used to store,
 ___________________
analyze, manipulate, and display
geographic information.
 Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
Understanding Latitude & Climate
Climate a description of the type
of weather in a given area.
 Farther away from the equator, the
cooler the climate.
 Closer to the equator, the ___________
the climate.
 The warmest climates are near the
equator and the coldest climates
are near the ___________
Built Around Geography
Factors such as physical landforms,
water, climate, natural resources, and
natural vegetation have always
strongly influenced the places where
people live and the things people do.
Built Around Geography
Rivers are important means of
transportation. Therefore, trade
routes and many cities are located
on rivers.
Example: St. Louis, MO and Louisville, KY
Built Around Geography
Many cities are built near the sea
because people are able to use
food resources of the sea and have
access to trade via shipping.
Example: Boston, MA and San Diego, CA
Built Around Geography
Natural vegetation influences the
way people earn a living.
Example: Georgia- peaches
Michigan- apples
Built Around Geography
Natural resources such as oil, coal,
and precious metals influence
people’s lives.
Example: Alaska- oil
Illinois- coal
Built Around Geography
The climate of a region also
influences humans’ lifestyles.
Example: Florida- vacationing
Colorado- snow skiing
Student Study Guide