THEME – Bolton Town - Activities Main Learning objectives

THEME – Bolton Town Activities
**Enhanced provision – Role Play - Gruffalo’s Wood
Essential Learning Experience – Oral Hygiene (brushing teeth)
Mini themes
 Traditional tales – 3 Billy Goats Gruff (2 weeks)
 Squash and a Squeeze – Julia Donaldson (1 week)
 Easter (1 week)
Keeping safe – boundaries
Feelings – Mental health – I am happy when, sad when…., Friendships make me happy
I like ….. (through key person groups on Thursday)
Supporting children using the role play areas to help children build their play – Gruffalo’s wood
Main Learning objectives
(Observations/photographs to be used as
Separates from main carer with
support and encouragement from a
familiar adult.
Expresses own preferences and
Growing sense of will and determination
may result in feelings of anger and
frustration which are difficult to handle,
e.g. may have tantrums
Responds to the feelings and wishes
of others.
Shows understanding and cooperates
with some boundaries and routines.
Enjoys responsibility of carrying
out small tasks. DM 30-50 SCSA
Aware of own feelings, and
knows that some actions and
words can hurt others’ feelings.
DM 30-50 MF
Can play in a group, extending
and elaborating play ideas, e.g.
building up a role-play activity
with other children.
DM 30-50 MR
Vocab. – farm animals names, positional language, size language, Easter vocab
Circle time activities- to enhance communication and vocabulary skills.
Constantly modelling language through all activities, encouraging children to repeat and use
unfamiliar words
Nursery to model to gigglers during appropriate carpet times
Knowing that eating, exercise and hygiene leads to good health
Observe what happens to my body when I exercise – temperature, heart beat, muscles
Toilet training for targeted children gigglers
*Name writing focus*
Balls outdoors
Encourage independence – putting own coats on etc
Uses a variety of questions (e.g.
what, where, who). DM 22-36 S
Focusing attention – still listen or
do, but can shift own attention.
DM 30-50 LA
Understands use of objects (e.g.
“What do we use to cut things?’)
DM 30-50 U
Shows understanding of
prepositions such as ‘under’, ‘on
top’, ‘behind’ by carrying out an
action or selecting correct picture.
DM 30-50 U
Responds to simple instructions,
e.g. to get or put away an object.
DM 30-50 U
Beginning to use more complex
sentences to link thoughts (e.g.
using and, because). DM 30-50 S
Moving and handling 22-36
Runs safely on whole foot.
Squats with steadiness to rest
or play
with object on the ground, and
rises to feet
without using hands. Health and
self care 22-36 months
Helps with clothing, e.g. puts on
hat, unzips zipper on jacket,
takes off unbuttoned shirt.
Beginning to be independent in
self-care, but still often needs
adult support.
Beginning to use three fingers (tripod
grip) to hold writing tools. DM 22-36
Moving and Handling
May be beginning to show
preference for dominant hand.
DM 22-36 Moving and Handling
Mounts stairs, steps or climbing
equipment using alternate feet.
DM 30-50 Moving and Handling
Walks downstairs, two feet to
each step while carrying a small
object. DM 30-50 Moving and
Can tell adults when hungry or
tired or when they want to rest or
play. DM 30-50 HSC
Observes the effects of activity on
their bodies. DM 30-50 HSC
Books to share – The Three Billy Goats Gruff, A Squash and a squeeze
Class author – Julia Donaldson
22-36 Months
Shopping lists in home corner
Name writing focus
Has some favourite stories,
rhymes, songs, poems or jingles.
Encouraging children to join in with repeated refrains in familiar stories
Sequencing familiar stories.
• Repeats words or phrases from
familiar stories.
• Fills in the missing word or
phrase in a known rhyme, story
or game, e.g. ‘Humpty
Dumpty sat on a …’.
Writing- 22-36 Months
Distinguishes between the
different marks they make
Enjoys rhyming and rhythmic
activities. DM 30-50 Reading
Shows awareness of rhyme and
alliteration. DM 30-50 Reading
Recognises rhythm in spoken
words. DM 30-50 Reading
Sometimes gives meaning to
marks as they draw and paint.
DM 30-50 Reading
Ascribes meanings to marks that
they see in different places. DM
30-50 Reading
Number rhymes
Counting to 3
Ordering sizes – goats
Positional language – under, over, on top, next to etc
Matching halves of Easter eggs – patterns and colours
Beginning to recognise numbers to 10.
Sharing fruit at snack time.
Selects a small number of objects
from a group when asked, for
example, ‘please give me one’,
‘please give me two’.
Recites some number names in
Uses some language of
quantities, such as ‘more’ and ‘a
Knows that a group of things
changes in quantity when
something is added or taken
Begins to make comparisons
between quantities. DM 22-36
Uses some language of
quantities, such as ‘more’ and ‘a
lot’. DM 22-36 SSM
Knows that a group of things
changes in quantity when
something is added or taken
away. DM 22-36
Uses positional language. DM 3050 SSM
Understands some talk about
immediate past and future, e.g.
‘before’, ‘later’ or ‘soon’. DM 2236 SSM
Anticipates specific time-based
events such as mealtimes or
home time. DM 22-36 SSM
Recites numbers in order to 10.
DM 30-50 Numbers
Realises not only objects, but
anything can be counted,
including steps, claps or jumps.
DM 30-50 Numbers
Bolton library – possible visit to library
ICT – positional language through beebots
Simple computer software- games on Purple Mash etc
Knows how to operate simple
equipment. DM 30-50 T
Knows that information can be
retrieved from computers. DM 3050 T
Investigating a variety of moving toys
Easter – learning about different cultures and festivals
Mothering Sunday
Songs/ Ring games – Here we go round the Mulberry Bush, ring o ring a roses
Art – painting / exploring colours
Role plays – Gruffalo wood – encouraging imaginative play
Builders role play outdoors
Building dens outdoors
Expresses self through physical
action and sound.
Pretends that one object
represents another, especially
when objects have characteristics
in common.
Beginning to use representation
to communicate, e.g. drawing a
line and saying ‘That’s me’.
Beginning to make-believe by
Beginning to move rhythmically.
DM 30-50 EMM
Imitates movement in response to
music. DM 30-50 EMM
Joins construction pieces
together to build and balance. DM
30-50 EMM
Beginning to use representation
to communicate, e.g. drawing a
line and saying ‘That’s me’. DM
30-50 BI
Makes up rhythms. DM 30-50 BI