The Roman Empire

Rome Quiz Roman Empire
1. Italy is a ___________________?
a. Peninsula
b. Island
c. Continent
d. Land Locked
2. The two major mountain ranges in Italy are the________________?
a. Rocky and Appalachian Mts.
b. Alps and Appalachian Mts.
c. Alps and Apennines Mts.
d. Apennines and the Himalaya Mts.
3. Rome was built on what river?
a. Tigris
b. Tiber
c. Euphrates
d. Po
4. Rome is named after whom?
a. Romulus
b. Remes
c. Caesar
d. The Gods
5. Some believe the Romans learned the alphabet and numbers from whom?
a. Persians
b. Carthage
c. Egyptians
d. Etruscans
6. Octavian defeated Marc Antony at what battle?
a. Carthage
b. Punic Wars
c. Thermopylae
d. Actium
7. What Emperor Rome to help manage it?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Diocletian
c. Augustus Caesar
d. Constantine
8. A group called _____________ sacked Rome.
a. Huns
b. Goths
c. Greece
d. Carthage
9. __________________ wanted to reunite the old Roman Empire.
a. Justinian
b. Octavian
c. Theodora
d. Marc Antony
10. Justinian’s wife who advised him was named?
a. Cleopatra
b. Theodora
c. Penelope
d. Constantine
II. Fill in the Blank
Checks and Balances
Civic Duty
The Huns
1. The _______________made contributions such as huge temples and Rome’s first sewer system.
2. The common people of Rome were called ________________________.
3. The wealthy people or (nobles) of Rome were called _____________________.
4. A three part government such as the one used by early Rome and the United States is called
5. Methods used to balance power within the government are known as ____________________.
6. ___________________ moved the Roman capital to Constantinople in Turkey.
7. _______________ Forced the Goths into Rome.
III. True or False (write the word)
1. Aeneas was a legendary hero from Troy who fled to Italy and formed an alliance with a group
called the Latins that fought the other people of Italy. _________
2. In a Oligarchy, people elect leaders to represent them in government.___________
3. Romulus was killed by his twin brother in a fit of anger after they begin to fight._________
4. A ruler with almost unlimited power is called a dictator. ___________
5. After Remes killed his brother, he named the city they built after him, Rome.
6. Marc Antony and Octavian avenged Caear’s death. ________
7. Attila the Hun raided most of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. __________
8. Justianian simplified Roman laws giving unfair treatment to all. ____________
9. The Goth’s victory encouraged other groups to invade the western half of the Roman Empire.
10. The Hun’s pushed a group of people called the Goth’s into Rome.___________
IV. Matching: Match the group with its description
1. Assembly
and Tribune
2. Senate
This was a council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city’s leaders.
Members were elected for life.
The two most powerful officials were called the consuls.
Each was elected for one year and had his own duties and powers
3. Magistrates
c. This part of the government protected the common people and had two branches.
The first branch was made up of both plebeians and patricians. Their primary job was
to elect the magistrates.
The second branch was made up of tribunes who had the right to veto, or prohibit,
actions by other officials. They were elected by the plebeians.