CH. 1 - Yesenia King

CH. 1
The Sociological
Seeing the Broader Social Context
Sociology: The scientific study of society and human
behavior; structure.
How Groups Influence People
 Maintains
a group focus.
 Emphasizes
patterned social relationships between members.
How People are Influenced by Their Society
Uses social factors to explain human social behavior.
People Who Share a Culture
People Who Share a Territory
Social Location - Corners in Life
 Gender
 Age
 Race/Ethnicity
C. Wright Mills History and Biography
The Sociological Imagination:
History - Location in Broad Stream of Events
Biography - Individual’s Specific Experiences
The Global Context and
the Local
The Global Village
 Instant Communication
 Sociology Studies both the Global Network and
Our Unique Experiences
Sociology and the
Other Sciences
The Natural Sciences
Explain and Predict Events in Natural Environment
The Social Sciences
Examine Human Relationships
Sociology and the
Other Sciences
Studies Culture
Studies the Production and Distribution of Goods and
Political Science
Studies How People Govern Themselves
Sociology and the Other
The Study of Processes Within Individuals
Similarities to Other Disciplines
The Goal of Science
Explain Why Something Happens
 Make Generalizations
 Look for Patterns
 Predict What will Happen
 Move Beyond Common Sense
Nooks and Crannies People Prefer Hidden
People Feel Threatened by Information
Origins of Sociology
Tradition vs. Science
 The Industrial Revolution
 Grew Out of Social Upheaval
 Imperialism of the Time
 Rise of the Scientific Method
Auguste Comte and
Applying the Scientific Method to Social World
 Coined the Term “Sociology”
 “Armchair Philosophy”
Herbert Spencer - Social
Second Founder of Sociology
Lower and Higher Forms of Society
Coined Phrase “Survival of the Fittest”
Karl Marx and Class Conflict
Engine of Human History is Class Conflict
The Bourgeoisie vs. The Proletariat
Marxism Not the Same as Communism
Durkheim and Social
Got Sociology Recognized as Separate Discipline
Studied How Social Forces Affect Behavior
Identified “Social Integration” - Degree to Which People
are Tied to Social Group
Max Weber and the Protestant Ethic
Religion and the Origin of Capitalism
Religion is Central Force in Social Change
Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism
Sociology in
North America
First Took Root in 1890 at University of Kansas
Spread Rapidly in Next 20 Years
Not at Harvard until 1930
American Journal of Sociology 1895
Sexism in Early Sociology
Attitudes of the Time
1800s Sex Roles Rigidly Defined
Few People Educated Beyond Basics
Harriet Martineau
Published Society in America Before Durkheim and Weber
Were Born
 Her Work was Ignored
Racism at the Time: W.E.B Du Bois
B.A. from Fisk University
First Harvard Ph.D. for African American
Published a Book Each Year from 1896-1914
Neglected by Sociologist Until Recently
Jane Addams: Sociologist and
Social Reformer
Member of American Sociological Society from Start
Came from Background of Wealth and Privilege
Co-Founded Hull House
Co-Founded American Civil Liberties Union
Values in Sociological
Sociology Should be Value-Free
 Sociology Should be Objective
 Research Should Involve Replication
 Goals and Uses of Sociology
Change or just explore?
Applied sociology
Theoretical Perspectives
Symbolic Interactionism - How People
Use Symbols in Everyday Life
Applying Symbolic Interactionism Changing the Meaning of Symbols Affects
Functional Analysis
Society is a Whole Unit Made Up of Interrelated
Parts that Work Together
 Functionalism, Structural Functionalism
Robert Merton:
 Functions
 Dysfunctions
Conflict Theory
Karl Marx and Conflict Theory
Conflict Theory Today
Feminists and Conflict Theory
Applying Conflict Theory
Levels of Analysis
Functionalists and Conflict Theorists - Macro Level
Symbolic Interactionists - Micro Level
Microsociology – interest in the interaction of
people “within” social structures; investigates
relationships within groups
Macrosociology – interest in the “intersection” of
social structures; focuses on groups as a whole
Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Theoretical Criticisms
• Tends to legitimize the status quo.
• Neglects social change.
• Assumes that society benefits
Conflict Theory
• Overlooks forces of stability in
• Assumes that only the ruling class
benefits from the way society
• Assumes the working class does not
know it is subordinate.
Symbolic Interaction
• Sometimes fails to take the larger
picture into account.
• Does not consider the impact of
social forces and/or social
Trends Shaping the Future
Sociology Full Circle: Reform vs. Research
 Diversity of Orientations
 Applied/Public Sociology
 Globalization