
Positive Psychology
What is it ?
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
Let´s start
Positive psychology as a key to
understanding why are people
Who am I ?
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
Themes for discussion
What is positive psychology?
Where can you attend any course
and who is giving lessons?
What kind of contribution is there
waiting for you?
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
What is positive psychology?
Why can be positive psychology a
key to human happines?
Abraham Maslow
Karen Horney
Aaron Antonovsky
Father: Martin Seligman
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
What is positive psychology?
Science, that works
origin in Humanistic psychology, which lacked scientific rigor
& metamorphosed into the self-help/new age movement
Applying Positive Psychology enables us to appreciate and
reinforce the existing strengths and virtues in both
personal and organisation fields. This does not mean that
we should avoid dealing with problems, but rather that we
should deal with them from a positive and realistic
perspective (Positive Leadership).
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
What is positive psychology?
self-help movement lacks substance by over promising
& under delivering
research has the substance, but lack the accessibility,
few read academic peer reviewed research
“The objective of positive
psychology is to unite the rigor of
academic research with the
accessibility of the self-help
movement.” .
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
What is positive psychology?
Goals – Positive Leadership
Create a culture that focuses on strengths of character
Empower individuals, teams, and the organisation, while
achieving business goals
Experience a new and inspiring approach to work
Appreciate and amplify what works at the personal, group, and
organisational levels
Emphasise successes and strengths as a method for
achieving continuous organisational growth and success
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
What is positive psychology?
Researchers and practitioners have found that individuals
utilizing its principles can enhance work and home life by:
Accessing strengths that act as buffers against
unfavorable circumstances.
Balancing immediate personal needs with long-term
Developing a more resilient psychological immune
system based on optimism and self esteem.
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
Where can you attend any course
and who is giving lessons?
$ 40,000 a year to be a student of Harvard University
or 1 Day course - $1195 +GST
or 2 Days course - $1995 +GST in Richmond,
Victoria, Australia
or $ 820, June 7 - August 27, 2010 with Penn LPS
Online Learning
or ...
or ask me for Harvard video lectures No.1, 3 and 4
all lectured by Dr. Tal Ben - Shahar
- globally recognised as the world’s leading teacher of Positive Psychology, Harvard’s
most popular teacher and leader of the Wharton Leadership Program
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
Where can you attend any course
and who is giving lessons?
Dr. Ben-Shahar teaches the class because he would
have wanted someone to teach him a class like this.
He came to Harvard in 1992 as a computer science,
major everything was going well “objectively”, except
that he was unhappy.
He switched to psychology & philosophy to find out
how to become happier.
Positive psychology´s impact of making Dr. BenShahar happier drove him to become a teacher.
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
Where can you attend any course
and who is giving lessons?
These lessons are about exploring the relatively
new field of Positive Psychology as well as
exploring ourselves.
1st year in 2002 attended this course as a seminar – 8 students & 2
dropped out
2nd year 300+
3rd year 850 students – largest course at Harvard
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
What kind of contribution is
there waiting for you?
Tal Ben-Shahar combines scientific studies and scholarly
research in Positive Psychology, Appreciative Inquiry and
Strengths Based Leadership into practical principles you
can apply to business, family, education, health,
economics and community.
Tal Ben-Shahar consults for Fortune 500 companies around
the world. His book “Happier” was translated into more than
20 languages, and is an international bestseller
To accept and experience painful emotions is the basic sign
of human beeing, to open ourselves up to positive emotions
and to be happier
Who does not experience painful emotions: two kind of
people – psychopats and dead
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
What kind of contribution is
there waiting for you?
More about Positive Psychology tells Tal Ben-Shahar on
Big Think Interview with Tal Ben-Shahar
Tal Ben-Shahar
Psychology Lecturer, Harvard University
A conversation with the author of “The Pursuit of Perfect” and “Happier.”
October 2, 2009 | In Love, Sex, & Happiness
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
What kind of contribution is
there waiting for you?
Martin E. P. Seligman, author of Authentic
If you're a “rat racer,” who lives in the hope of
being happy in the future, and yet is unable to
enjoy the here-and-now ...
If you're a “hedonist,” who finds some pleasure in
the good things in life - good wine, good food,
good company - and yet is unable to enjoy
lasting fulfilment ...
If you're a “nihilist,” who’s completely given up on
finding happiness ... you can learn to be happier!
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
A real life
"The course has exceeded my expectations by a long shot! Tal's lectures are well
organized and I especially appreciated the routine grounding of the material in
research. I have learned very much about myself and the concepts of Positive
Psychology. I genuinely feel the course has changed my life. It has inspired me to
enroll in the MPOD program at Case Western this fall!"
Kevin, Assistant Dean for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, Doha, Qatar.
"This course brought together what I have been studying for the past 10 years. I have
shared what I have learned with many friends, coworkers and family members and all
have expressed a noticeable change in me. It made sense and was backed by
research. Most importantly, the delivery of the subject was personable, inspiring and
has truly made a difference in my life."
Bob, Sr. Clinical Science Manager, Covina, CA, USA
“The Foundations of Positive Psychology Course was the most profound, life
changing information I have ever encountered in an academic psychology course. It
will undoubtedly have a life transforming impact on you, your family, friends, and
Patrick, Military Psychologist, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
A real life
Almost everyone wants to be
happier or to feel happiness for
longer time
Here we have a practical tool how
to be happier – so what do we wait
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
Before we finish:
What does it mean
Personal engagement in Positive
psychology and its practical
application can bring you to a new
level of the life.
The way is not simple, but it pays
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
Before we finish:
What does it mean
Positive psychology enables you to develop a
more resilient psychological immune system
based on optimism and self esteem.
Appreciate and amplify what works at the
personal, group, and organisational levels.
You can learn to be happier!
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
My personal
To learn, to understand, to apply
and to be a good example for
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
Last important thing:
© Martin Kašpar, 2010
© Martin Kašpar, 2010