Romantic Poetry (1798-1832) and The Regency (1812-1830) Poets and Poems in Elements of Literature Text (Group 1) (Group 4) William Blake The Tyger pg 721 The Lamb pg 723 The Chimney Sweeper pg 727 A Poison Tree pg 731 Percy Bysshe Shelley Ozymandias pg 803 Ode to the West Wind pg 806 To a Skylark pg 849 (Group 5) (Group 2) William Wordsworth …Tintern Abbey pg 736 Composed upon Westminster Bridge pg 744 John Keats On First Looking… pg 826 When I Have Fears pg 827 Ode to a Nightingale pg 831 Ode on a Grecian Urn pg 836 (Group 6) The World Is Too Much with Us Pg 746 from Ode pg 846 Robert Burns To a Mouse pg 841 To a Louse pg 843 (Group 3 ) (Group 7) Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kubla Khan pg 759 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner pg 765 George Gordon, Lord Byron She Walks in Beauty pg 795 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage pg797 What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist: The Facts of Daily Life in 19th Century England Group 1: Introduction and The Basics pgs 1-29 Group 2: The Public World, The Major Rituals pgs 30-84 Group 3: Money, Power and the Establishment pgs 85-140 Group 4: Transition pgs 141-152 Group 5: The Country pgs 153-178 Group 6:The Private World pgs 179-232 Group 7: The Grim World pgs 233-255 Each group will read the assigned selections, research using the books and/or other sources and prepare a summary of the most interesting facts garnered from your section in the What Jane Austen Knew… book write a brief biography of your poet provide an explication of 1 (if long) or 2 (if short) poems write a brief explanation detailing how the poem(s) exemplify the Romantic or Regency Era present the information to the class Each group will create a Prezi with the highlights of the information presented. After your Prezi is complete, export it to a PDF document and post it to the wiki under British Culture > Romantic Poets > Your poet so each student will have a complete profile of the Regency Era and Romantic poets. Each Prezi should contain your group members’ first names the name of your poet and section of the What…book highlights of important facts from the book _____ 20 pts your poet’s portrait and other interesting, related pictures, videos, etc. _____ 20 pts highlights of the poet’s biography _____ 20 pts highlights of explication—theme, prominent literary devices, etc. _____ 20 pts brief exemplification of Romantic/Regency Era _____ 20 pts **Post Prezi PDFs to the Wiki and be ready to present on WEDNESDAY**