Appendicular Skeleton Introduction to the Appendicular Skeleton • The axial skeleton was made from bones that were in the central part of the human body • The appendicular skeleton includes bones of the limbs and supporting elements that connect them to the trunk • It has a great ability to change the abilities and environment for a human being Introduction to the Appendicular Skeleton • The axial skeleton was a system that was designed to protect and house vital organs • Its primary uses were for keeping important organs safe • The appendicular skeleton is a system that is designed to allow movement and flexibility for an organism • It is generally the reason you can experience the world around you Introduction to the Appendicular Skeleton • The appendicular is composed of four different sections • Each section is used to manipulate the environment around the individual • Each section is composed of entirely different bones that will allow the individual the best chance to survive Introduction to the Appendicular Skeleton • The pectoral girdle articulates the upper limbs around the body • The upper limbs are used to manipulate tools and increase balance • The pelvic girdle handles weight load and helps move the lower limbs • The lower limbs allow for movement and support The Pectoral Girdle • Each arm articulates with the trunk at the pectoral girdle • It consists of two broad flat scapulae and two clavicles • The movements of the scapulae and the clavicles position the shoulder joints and provide base for arm movement The Pectoral Girdle • The clavicles are “S” – shaped bones that originate at the superior lateral border of the manubrium • These bones are relatively fragile and are the main reason that people have to wear shoulder pads when they play various contact sports • You can feel the clavicle move against your sternum when you raise or lower your shoulder joints The Pectoral Girdle • The anterior body of each scapula forms a broad triangle • The muscles that attach to the scapula move the shoulder, rotator cuff and the humorous • This allows for a large range of movements of the shoulder and upper arm Glenohumeral Joint • Where the scapula and the upper arm bones meet is called the glenohumeral joint • At the glenohumeral joint the scapula articulates with the humerus, the proximal bone of the upper limb • Both bones are set an anchored in the joint with a mixture of connective tissue and muscle tissue Glenohumeral Joint • The bones of the shoulder stay together with the help of the rotator cuff • The muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff are designed to help support ant help the shoulder stay in place • However, repeated motions (especially overhead) can damage the muscle and tendon that hold the glenohumeral joint together The Upper Limbs • The upper limbs are designed for the ability to use and utilize our hands • Unlike most organisms they are not used to balance on the ground • They can be free to use during any activity The Upper Limbs • The bones of the upper arm consist of four separate sections • The humerus (upper arm) • The radius and ulna (lower arm) • The carpals (wrist) • The metacarpals and the phalanges (hands) Humerus • The humerus is a long bone that is found in the upper arm region of the body • This bone sits inside the shoulder and articulates to create all of the movements of the upper arm • It also interacts with the bones of the lower arm to create a twisting motion of the forearm Humerus • The most prominent feature of this bone is the head, which is a large projection on the proximal end • The large head will rotate when the muscles of the rotator cuff pull it in different directions • The other end of the humerus articulates at the condyle • This section will rotate with the radius and ulna Radius and Ulna • The radius and the ulna are parallel bones that support the forearm • It is often easy to get these two confused • However, the radius always lines up with the thumb • This is because when something is “rad” you give it a thumbs up • If that does not help, then the knob you feel in your elbow is the ulna Radius and Ulna • The ulna has two major features that allow the elbow to move • The trochlear notch is where the humerus sits and articulates • The olecranon is the projection that is posterior of the elbow Radius and Ulna • The radius is has two major features that allows the radius to move with the elbow • The radial head articulates with the end of the humerus • The ulnar notch is near the wrist and allows the forearm to twist Radius and Ulna • The radius and the ulna interact very interestingly when interacting with the humerus • They will only bend one direction when acting with the humerus • However they will rotate over each other to allow the forearm to twist at the wrist Carpal Bones • The wrist is a very interesting section of the upper limb • The wrist allows movement on two different axis • Side to side and forward back • The twisting motion that is seen in the lower arm is really dependent on the radius and ulna • It has eight bones that will all articulate to allow a really wide range of movement Carpal Bones • Out of the eight carpal bones, four are considered distal (far) and four are considered proximal (near) • The four proximal bones are the… • • • • Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Carpal Bones • The remaining four bones are considered distal (far) • The distal bones are the… • • • • Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate Carpal Bones • Breakage generally happens when a person tries to stop their own body weight • The bones of the wrist and distal ends of the radius and ulna are all susceptible to damage when someone breaks their wrist • This generally should be fixed quickly because small changes in bone structure can cause large amounts of pain Metacarpals and Phalanges • There are five different metacarpal bones • These bones articulate with the carpals to move the palm of your hand • These bones make up the majority of your palm Metacarpals and Phalanges • The metacarpals are give roman numerals to define which one them • Metacarpal I is located just below the thumb • From there they increase in number across the palm of the hand • Roman numeral I - Radius Metacarpals and Phalanges • Distal to the metacarpals is the phalanges • Each finger has three different phalanges • They are proximal, middle and distal • The thumb (pollex) has two phalanges • Proximal and distal The Pelvic Girdle • The pelvic girdle consists of two very strong hip bones • It often is included in a structure called the pelvis that includes the sacrum and the coccyx • These bones are designed to carry the weight of the body and move the body The Pelvic Girdle • The pelvic bones consist of three different parts • The ilium is a the superior and broad part to the hip bone. • This provides attachment points for muscles • The ischium is posterior lower section to the hip bone • When seated, this part supports your weight • The pubis is the anterior lower section to the hip bone The Pelvis • The pelvis consists of the hip bones, the sacrum and the coccyx • They are held together by an extensive collection of cartilage • These bones are important for providing support to everything above them and making sure your body can move while upright The Pelvis • Males and females have many differences in the pelvis • These are due to the fact males are generally heavier and females bear children • Some of the major differences include… • A broader pubic angle (greater than 100 degrees) • A wider more circular pelvic outlet • An enlarged pelvic outlet The Legs • The legs contain the large bones of the lower body • These will be responsible for the movement of the body • They are also designed ot hold a large amount of weight • When standing on your feet a large amount of weight is being placed on a small surface of your leg bones The Legs • The legs consist of four bones • The femur is the bone of the thigh • The patella is more commonly known as the kneecap • The tibia and the fibula combine to make the bones of the shin The Femur • The femur is the longest and heaviest bone in the body • It articulates at the hip and at the knee • It is often said that this bone is the most painful thing in the body to break • Remember pain is subjective The Femur • The femur has a pronounced head that articulates at the pelvis • Then the femoral shaft connects the pelvis to the knee • The patellar surface is the area where the femur articulates at the patella Video • Snapping your femur can come from direct contact from a side angle • Mostly happens from older age • h?v=PEgkuoD5VsU • h?v=_LJCgGq946c The Patella • The patella is a bone located within the patella tendon • It is used to protect the delicate inner workings of the knee • Direct blows to the knee can be diverted by the patella The Patella • The patella articulates at the patellar surface in the femur • This allows the patella to track up and down in its own notch • However if the patella tracks sideways in the notch, there is friction and rubbing • This is commonly referred to as runners knee • This can be because of improper shoes on hard or slanted surfaces Tibia and Fibula • The tibia and the fibula are the bones of the lower leg • These two bones articulate with the knee and the ankle/foot • The tibia is commonly known as a shinbone • Remember – Tibia = Toes • The fibula posterior to the tibia Tibia and Fibula • The tibia is the major weight bearing bone of the shin • The fibula has such a small diameter because it does not help transfer weight to the ankle or foot • However, it is an important bone to attach muscles to move the ankle and foot Tarsal Bones • The tarsal bones make up the ankle and the upper section of the foot • These sections are crucial to be able to walk • They transfer the weight from the body to the ground and vice versa • These bones are significantly thicker and stronger than their counterparts in the wrist Tarsal Bones • There are 7 tarsal bones that make up the foot and the ankle • We will only be learning a few • The talus transfers weight from the legs to the rest of the foot • Talus = Top = Tibia • The calcaneus is commonly referred to as the heel • Most of the weight of the body is transferred to the ground through the heel Metatarsals and Phalanges • The metatarsals are the bones of the middle foot • These bones make up the foot beginning in the middle of your arch • These bones articulate with the metatarsals Metatarsals and Phalanges • The metatarsals are give a roman numeral system similar to the metacarpals • The first metatarsal is the bone associated with the big toe • From there we label across II - V Metatarsals and Phalanges • The phalanges are the bones of the toes • Much like the fingers, there are proximal middle and distal sections to each toe • However, the “great toe” (big toe) is given the name hallux • This toe only has two bones Video •