Inflammatory Disorders of Joints

Disorders of Joints
¤ Bursitis
¤ Sprains
¤ Arthritis
 often called “water
on the knee”
 caused by
inflammation of the
synovial membrane
 usually fluid is
 Occurs when the ligaments or tendons
reinforcing a joint are damaged by too much
stretching or when they are torn away from
the bone
 Because ligaments and tendons are fibrous
cords with little blood supply, they heal
 Arthritis is an
inflammation of the joint
 Very painful, most
crippling disease in US
 Symptoms include pain, stiffness and
swelling of the joint.
 Depending on the type of arthritis,
changes in the joint structure can occur.
Types of Arthritis
 Osteoarthritis (OA) – joint breaks down
over time because of wear and tear
85% of people with arthritis have OA
affects hyaline cartilage
cartilage softens and breaks down
Bones thicken where cartilage breaks down;
extra bone is made called bone spurs and
restricts joint movement
Types of Arthritis
 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – a more severe type
of imflammation
 RA is an autoimmune disease; the body attacks its
own tissue and destroys it
 Synovial membranes swell and release bad cells
that release chemicals that destroy tissue.
 As cartilage is destroyed, scar tissue forma and
connects the bones
 Cartilage then turns into bones creating deformed
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Types of Arthritis
 Gout is a disease where uric acid (waste
product) accumulates in the blood
 The uric acid forms crystals that are needleshape in the soft tissues surrounding the joint
 Tends to run in families, affects more men then
women and usually occurs in the big toe.
 Without treatment, the joint bones can fuse and
results in the joint being immoveable.
Bone Fractures
 Simple – refers to a
broken bone that does
not penetrate the surface
of the skin
 Compound – broken
bone breaks through
skin allowing for bacteria
to enter and also
damaging muscles along
the way.
Osteoporosis is a bone-thinning disease
Afflicts half of women over 65
Bones become so fragile they break easily
Bones of spine often collapse causing a hunched
over appearance (Dowager’s Hump)
 Also, neck of femur weakens causing a broken
hip that requires replacement
 Caused by estrogen deficiency after menopause;
poor diet (lack of calcium); being over weight
 Rickets is a disease in
children when bones fail
to calcify. (cartilage
should turn into bone)
 Results in bones
softening and bending
giving the legs a bowing
 Usually caused by a lack
of calcium or vitamin D