here - Unicef

Recently we came across your Request for Proposal for High Quality Design Services and as
per your requirement, we would like to express our interest in putting in a bid for these
NubzDesign is incorporated in the United States and provides high quality design and print
services to both large and small corporations and businesses. We are currently in the process
of preparing the bid documents and shall be sending them to you shortly.
I would also like to seek clarification with respect to the final bid submission date and
time. Whereas, you have asked vendors to express their interest for submitting a bid by
February 25, 2016, you have asked for the final bid documents to be submitted to you by
12:00 hrs on February 18, 2016 i.e. even before the vendors can express their interest in
submitting the bid. I would appreciate if you could clarify this.
Also, please let me know if this bid is open to vendors in the United
Thank you and kind regards.
Amir Jamal Director of Operations
RESPONSE: The deadline for submission is 25 February. You may have seen an earlier
version of the document.
The bidding is open to vendors globally
UNICEF-Sierra Leone
To whom it may concern,
I would like to confirm my firm’s intention to submit a proposal for the abovementioned RFP – LRFP-2016-9123170 – Long Term Agreement for the Provision of
High Quality Design Services.
It is my understanding (via the RFP/TOR documents) that the closing date for
submission of proposal is Thursday, 18 February 2016 at 12:00h, which we will of
course respect.
With this in mind, I had sent a query email last week (4 February 2016) to Ms.
Niyomana and Mr. Ziraguma, requesting a few clarifications in regards to RFP/TOR.
I have not heard back as of yet. So if I may, I include my questions below again, for
your attention.
1. On page 4 of the RFP/TOR, #1.5 RFP Response Format: it is indicated that
bidders confirm their intention to submit before 25 February 2016. Yet, it is my
understanding that the Proposals themselves are due before 18 February 2016,
which is of course one week before. Would you kindly clarify and confirm the due
dates for these two steps?
2. On page 5 of the RFP/TOR, 4th paragraph, it is stated: “Offers delivered at a
different address or in a different form than prescribed in this RFP, or which do not
respect the required confidentiality, or received after the designated time and date,
will be rejected.”
Regarding "...or received after the designated time and date, will be rejected." : Will
you send confirmation of receipt of emails sent by bidders? (This only to confirm
receipt, not necessarily accuracy of proposals.)
3. On page 9 of the RFP/TOR, #2.2 Scope of the Work, under Activities: it is stated
that UNICEF will be providing photos (as well as Word and Excel files). While on
page 11, under Proposed Methodology and Approach, second-to-last bullet point
indicates that the contractor must “ensure that rights to images are of free use to
This is a small discrepancy, yet potentially a large one. Will the contractor be
required to purchase commercial stock photography, or will all photos be supplied by
UNICEF, therefore rights of usage (in UNICEF products) already released?
4. On page 10 of the RFP/TOR, under Expected Deliverables, (a) Language edited
version of the document, as well as on page 12, in the table of products, #3 UNICEF
booklet, it is indicated “English or bilingual”.
May I enquire which other language(s), other than English, will the products be
produced/published? Also, may I assume that copy-editing from the contractor will
only be required for the English language?
Thank you.
Warmest regards,
Marie Frechon
RESPONSE: We apologize for the confusion about dates. The correct date is 25 February
Due to the nature of the email address we use for this we are not able to acknowledge receipt.
Perhaps you can seek to get automatic receipts of arrival using your email provider.
We don’t mean for there to be any contradiction (question 3) – UNICEF will supply photos
for the contractor to use, and it is for the contractor to make sure that all images used are free
for use to UNICEF. So if the contractor wishes to use other copyright material, he/she must
make sure they are free to use by UNICEF.
Some products may contain phrases of Krio, but in the main all documents will be in English.
We are not assuming copy-editing knowledge in anything but English
Dear Sir,
We are expressing an interest of participating in bidding process regarding LRFP-20169123170 Provision of Design Services for UNICEF Sierra Leone.
DESIGN plus, sole proprietorship, is a design studio specialized in communication and
knowledge management services, from Croatia under ID #19187859027. We are registered at
UNGM as vendors – Level 2: #416037 (
Design plus was founded in 2004 by the member of the professional association Croatian
Society of Designers (HDD - We are participants in UN Global Compact –
Network Croatia, and we are proud to say that we work under Ten principles of UNGC
Studio Design Plus has full time employee’s professional designers (Masters of design with
more than 12 years’ experience in graphic design and Master's degree, Information
Technology). Our basic range of expertise is graphic design and we have large network of
professional associates in fields of expertise of print technology, illustrators – info-graphic
professionals, photographers, writers and translators, video and web editing.
We would be proud to get an opportunity in participating in bidding process regarding
designers service.
Kindly, send us materials and mail address where we can apply our bid by email.
Kind regards,
Iva Stastny Brosig
RESPONSE: You can find all information on application in the RFP. For overseas, we
suggest that the electronic submission process (by email) is used.
Hello Honorine and Tom,
We have a few questions on the RFP.
1) In Section 1.5, RFP Response Format, bidders are quested intention to submit before 25
Feb 2016. This date is after the date the proposals are due. We wanted to confirm that these
dates were correct.
2) On page 10, section 2, of the Desired Background and Experience, part (v) asks for
company documents. Which company documents?
3) On page 10, section 3.1.3 of the Desired Background and Experience, it asks for Bank
Details. Which bank details?
4) On page 11, under the Financial/price proposal, it says that prices should be given as a
day-rate and half-day rate. But on page 14 for Product numbers 16-19 is the only time we see
a reference to fee per hour/day rates. Should we price all products in hourly, or just total cost?
Please clarify these questions for us as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Kirsten Ballard
RESPONSE: Indeed the submission date is 25 February 2016
For the company documents, we just need something to show company registration with the
legal authorities in the country where the company is based
We need the bank details future payments and to show where the company accounts are
Hello, we have some new doubts:
In the point 13, you ask for reports. It is clear the “*” to calculate the numbers of pages.
But you say: “24 p. report +3”
That +3 means that we have to prepare the layout of three more reports of 24 pages (for example in
english, french and chinese?) only replacing the information? And do we have to translate that?
Thank you!
RESPONSE: This ‘+3’ doesn’t refer to 3 more reports, but to 3 more pages i.e. 27 pages
We are a graphic design studio from Argentina.
We want to participate on the LRFP-2016-9123170.
And we have some doubts.
What do you understand for “copy-editing”? It includes translation?
What you will give to us for work? It's only text (row information for editing)? In which language?
How many languages you will need?
We don't understand how is the chain of work. You say: “Language edited version of the documents”
what does it means exactly?
Thank you!
RESPONSE: Copy-editing is for English only. We may have odd phrases in Krio (spoken in Sierra
Leone) but we are not requiring copy-editing outside of English and we are not requiring translation. I
hope this answers all your other questons.
Dear Ms. Niyomana and Mr. Ziraguma,
My name is Marie Frechon, Principal of Marie Frechon Photographic Design, a
communications firm based in Montreal, Canada.
I am currently examining your Request for Proposal (LRFP-2016-9123170), for
probable submission.
If I may, I have a few questions first.
1. On page 4 of the RFP/TOR, #1.5 RFP Response Format: it is indicated that
bidders confirm their intention to submit before 25 February 2016. Yet, it is my
understanding that the Proposals themselves are due before 18 February 2016,
which is of course one week before. Would you kindly clarify and confirm the due
dates for these two steps?
2. On page 5 of the RFP/TOR, 4th paragraph, it is stated: “Offers delivered at a
different address or in a different form than prescribed in this RFP, or which do not
respect the required confidentiality, or received after the designated time and date,
will be rejected.”
Regarding "...or received after the designated time and date, will be rejected." : Will
you send confirmation of receipt of emails sent by bidders? (This only to confirm
receipt, not necessarily accuracy of proposals.)
3. On page 9 of the RFP/TOR, #2.2 Scope of the Work, under Activities: it is stated
that UNICEF will be providing photos (as well as Word and Excel files). While on
page 11, under Proposed Methodology and Approach, second-to-last bullet point
indicates that the contractor must “ensure that rights to images are of free use to
This is a small discrepancy, yet potentially a large one. Will the contractor be
required to purchase commercial stock photography, or will all photos be supplied by
UNICEF, therefore rights of usage (in UNICEF products) already released?
4. On page 10 of the RFP/TOR, under Expected Deliverables, (a) Language edited
version of the document, as well as on page 12, in the table of products, #3 UNICEF
booklet, it is indicated “English or bilingual”.
May I enquire which other language(s), other than English, will the products be
produced/published? Also, may I assume that copy-editing from the contractor will
only be required for the English language?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my queries. When I hear back from you, I
will send my intention to submit a proposal to the appropriate contacts indicated in
the RFP/TOR (page 4, #1.5), before the deadline you confirm.
Warmest regards,
Marie Frechon, Principal