Meditate on Disturbance

Meditate on Disturbance
The magnificent development taking place in the world around us also brings its side-effects.
Almost each individual today suffers from stress, anxiety, hypertension, and frustration. With
so much pressure on the mind, mental issues like anger, insomnia, negativity, restlessness,
etc. have become common - to an extent that most of us have become accustomed to this
state of being.
To think of it, did we come into the world to live a stressful life with hardly any peace and
bliss? Spirituality says, bliss is the way of our being. If that is true, why are we not blissful?
The answers to all these questions can be found through meditation. Meditation is not just
the answer to these questions, but is also the solution to all your problems. In this talk, our
Celestial Friend, Shreee talks about meditation, the ultimate solution, the ultimate medicine.
Please note, this eBook is a spontaneous live talk delivered by Shreee to his disciples. This talk
is meant for the modern man with examples from the real world. YouTube link is available for
this talk.
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Preface .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Meditate on Disturbance ........................................................................................................................ 4
Meditate on Disturbance
Godly Morning!
There is a question I have been asked a lot of times; in fact, it was asked yesterday during
Mahotsav too. I will answer this question and share my understanding of it today. The
question is: what should I do when my mind is restless and anxious? People often ask that
their mind sometimes feels angry, frustrated, depressed, sad, irritated, etc. So what should
be done to handle this disturbed state of mind?
While experiencing a disturbed state of mind, people often end up taking rash actions. They
might pick up a fight with someone, and in extreme cases, even commit suicide. When the
mind is disturbed, like if an unfavourable incident is playing in one’s head over and over, one
feels the need to get up and take an action. Some people say negative stuff to the other, some
people end relationships, etc.
I am not talking about incidents when you take brash decisions at the time of the incident
itself. I am not talking about your reaction to incidents. I am talking about situations when
you are alone, and your mind is not at peace. I am talking about times when fear, anxiousness,
depression, anger, etc. bother your mind. So I’m talking about that state of mind when you
are alone, and there is a disturbance, chaos, a storm within.
In a situation like this, the first thing to understand is that it is not the right time for action.
That is because a disturbed mind will lead to a disturbed action. Remember, a disturbed mind
in a disturbing situation creates more disturbance; if it results in an action. So when the mind
is in turbulence, don’t take any action. Sit in peace and remain inactive. It is not the right time
to act. The right time to take action is when you’re in a peaceful state of mind. So, first things
first, stay inactive when the mind is disturbed. Wait, for the mind to calm down and then act.
Be wise and remain inactive.
Secondly, we try to escape or cover-up. We may start watching the television, or distract
ourselves with something else. We try to engage ourselves in some activity. But distraction is
not the solution. A wound will not heal if you simply cover it up. So, escape or covering-up is
not wise. What to do then? As per my understanding, encounter it. Meditate on Disturbance.
What does this mean? Sit alone, close your eyes, and watch your disturbed state of mind. Just
become a watcher. Just witness - without any judgment. In Hindi, we call it “Tathasth Bhaav.”
Tathasth is a beautiful word. It implies someone standing at the shore. This person standing
at the shore is witness to big and small waves in the ocean. This person is witness to all the
chaos and noise of the ocean – while standing at the shore. He’s not a participant in the chaos.
He is just Saakshi, a witness, a non-judgemental watcher. This is how you can meditate on
disturbance. This is the right approach.
Generally, the intellectuals who read wisdom books and bring the learning into practice get
tricked by the mind. They start preaching themselves, lecturing themselves. But, remember,
that will not help. I am referring to the moment when you are in a disturbed state. In that
moment, either you react, escape, or preach yourself. These are the three possible scenarios.
You must have experienced that preaching yourself does not work. In the moment of
disturbance, just become an inactive watcher, without any judgement, any analysis, or
preaching. Just watch that feel, just watch the misery, pain, hell, sadness, anger, frustration,
irritation. Just watch!
You might ask how you can watch with closed eyes. This is a spiritual term. When we walk the
path towards meditation, we learn to be Saakshi, a witnessing consciousness, a state of
meditativeness takes birth within us. This means that we only watch our feelings and thoughts
from a distance, without being judgemental. By watching thoughts, I mean we only remain
aware of our thoughts and feelings. We don’t get attached or involved with them. We only
watch and remain aware. We encounter the thoughts, with a Tathasth bhaav, like watching
the waves from the shore. We witness them and become Saakshi.
What happens next? We might find it a little difficult in the beginning. In the beginning, we
are unable to watch. We tend to flow with the feelings, again and again, get involved with
them and feel miserable. But if we are able to be a non-judgmental witness, a miracle takes
place. In just a few moments, we feel relaxed and blissful. The entire scenario changes. Let us
understand how. When we watch our thoughts, the negative energy fades away because we
don’t give any attention to the negativity. The energy that was being given to negative
thoughts transfers to the witnessing conscious, Saakshi. The witnessing consciousness is
always peaceful. A subtle happiness, joy arises within. This is the miracle that takes place. The
special thing is that your misery, frustration, anger converts into a beautiful feel. Such is the
magic of Saakshi, of meditation.
Apart from this, something else happens too. When you become a witness, inactively, without
any judgement, when you simply become aware of the disturbance, you will feel that you are
separate or detached. So, the disturbance becomes distant; and you are different. The
disturbance is not personal anymore. You are different, calm, peaceful, relaxed, and a
watcher to the disturbance. This, itself is a great realization; that you are not the disturbance.
You are peaceful, inactive consciousness only. Witnessing is the essence of spirituality. All
meditation techniques work towards the goal to realise oneself as the witnessing conscious,
Saakshi, as one’s true self.
So, how to practise Saakshi? How to be a watcher so that disturbance converts into bliss? In
the beginning, it will seem difficult, arduous, like a Herculean task. You will get attached to
the thoughts; you will get lost, or stray away from witnessing. But, meditation gives birth to
this art, if you meditate regularly. Then it will be easy for you to become a watcher. Ultimately,
the solution is not to escape or react in that disturbed moment, but to encounter it. And the
solution that comes from encountering the disturbance is permanent. That’s because you
become aware of that peaceful state, and you can slip into that state whenever you want. In
Hindi, the inner self is called Swah – and to dwell is called Stith. When you dwell in your inner
self; and become Swasth, healthy.
To conclude, whenever you feel anxious, restless, miserable or sad, just close your eyes and
watch. Once you start watching, you will get detached from the disturbance. And you will
experience that the energy that was flowing towards that negativity and misery will get redirected to your witnessing consciousness. Your peace will grow, and you will be joyful. This
is the ultimate solution, spiritual wisdom. Start meditating. If you already meditate, then take
this approach whenever you feel disturbed. This is the right approach when the mind is
Click here to watch this recorded talk on YouTube.