Instructor: Subject: R. Smith Chemistry Room (WEEK 5) Period(s): 1108 School 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6th S.M.H.S. Week of 9/26-30/11 OBJECTIVES CONCEPTS, SKILLS BEHAVIORS M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H R S D A Y F R I D A Y OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to LIST, DEMOSTRATE, AND EXPLAIN lab procedures for the Scientific Method Lab and labs in general. LESSON FORMAT: DEMOSTRATIONS, DISCUSSION, PRELAB WRITE UP ASSIGNMENT: Take notes and map what a pre-lab/lab write-up entails. EVALUATION: Correct Completion of the pre lab write up. CURRICULUM BENCHMARKS: 1.3 The student will be able to properly use terminology pertinent to chemistry. [N.12.A.1, N.12.B.4] 2.4 The student will be able to communicate scientific findings using multiple media. [N.12.A.1, N.12.A.2, N.12.A.5] OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to DEMOSTRATE and SOLVE the “problem” using the Scientific Method. LESSON FORMAT: LAB ASSIGNMENT: Finish the lab procedures and start the lab write up. EVALUATION: Lab write up (which is due on Friday the 17th) CURRICULUM BENCHMARKS: 1.1 The student will demonstrate problem solving skills in chemistry. [N.12.A.2] 1.2 The student will demonstrate skills and processes of scientific inquiry. [N.12.A.2, N.12.A.4] The student will be able to communicate scientific findings using multiple media. [N.12.A.1, N.12.A.2, N.12.A.5] 2.4 OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to INTERPRET, ANALYSIS, and SOLVE the “problem” using the Scientific Method. LESSON FORMAT: POST LAB ASSIGNMENT: Finish the lab write up. EVALUATION: Lab write up (which is due on Thursday the 16 th ) CURRICULUM BENCHMARKS: 1.1 The student will demonstrate problem solving skills in chemistry. [N.12.A.2] 1.2 The student will demonstrate skills and processes of scientific inquiry. [N.12.A.2, N.12.A.4] 2.4 The student will be able to communicate scientific findings using multiple media. [N.12.A.1, N.12.A.2, N.12.A.5] OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to SOLVE Significant digits of certainty. LESSON FORMAT: DISCUSSION, and GUIDED PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT: Finish the Sig Fig worksheet 1 EVALUATION: Sig Fig Worksheet 1 CURRICULUM BENCHMARKS: 3.3 STUDENTS WILL EXPRESS MEASUREMENTS USING APPROPRIATE SIGNIFICANT FIGURES AND UNITS. [N.12.A.2] OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to LIST, IDENTIFY, USE, AND EXPLAIN Significant digits of certainty. LESSON FORMAT: DEMOSTRATIONS, DISCUSSION, GUIDED PRACTICE AND NOTES (40-40-20) ASSIGNMENT: Take notes, list and define Sig Figs with examples. Make sure your Scientific Method pre lab is complete! EVALUATION: Sig Fig Worksheet 1 CURRICULUM BENCHMARKS: OBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to SOLVE and EVALUATE his/her knowledge of Significant digits of certainty. LESSON FORMAT: REVIEW, DISCUSSION, and TESTING ASSIGNMENT: Review the Sig Fig worksheet 1 ASSIGNMENT: Sig Fig worksheet 2 EVALUATION: Scientific Method Lab and the 2 Sig Fig worksheets CURRICULUM BENCHMARKS: 3.3 STUDENTS WILL EXPRESS MEASUREMENTS USING APPROPRIATE SIGNIFICANT FIGURES AND UNITS. [N.12.A.2]