LOC 40 - Wilson 201101







COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will be taught basic reading strategies to facilitate comprehension of expository and narrative text. The course is offered on a credit / no credit basis, with

80% or better required to receive credit. These credits cannot be applied to requirements for graduation.

A letter grade will not be given and there will be no impact on the student’s grade point average.

STUDENT ABILITIES: This course will address the following student abilities as identified by

Crowder College as being important for personal development:

CM: Communication -- Communication is the process by which a thought or impression is effectively moved through its unique mode from one person or source to another.

SA: Self-Assessment -- Self-assessment is a process of determining one’s level of functioning, both strengths and weaknesses. It precedes the final decision-making stage of evaluation, focusing upon a number of variables judged to be important, and using a number of techniques to provide authentic and meaningful feedback for improvement.

COMPETENCIES: Students successfully completing the course will be able to:


Recognize and use context clues to determine word meaning and to indicate how the meaning may have been altered. [CM,SA]


Use knowledge of word parts (root words, affixes) to determine word meaning. [CM, SA]


Identify the topic of a paragraph. [CM]


Discover the main idea expressed in a paragraph. [CM]


Identify the stated topic sentence of a paragraph. [CM}


Identify transitional words and phrases connecting ideas within a paragraph. [CM]


Recognize major and minor supporting details in a paragraph. [CM]


Infer the topic sentence of a paragraph when implied. [CM, SA]


Expand vocabulary for use in reading and writing. [CM]


Evaluate their growth as a reader. [SA]

Ethics: Academic Misconduct

All forms of academic misconduct, including but not limited to, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, or facilitating academic dishonesty are violations of college rules. Any student guilty of academic misconduct will automatically receive a grade of zero on that assignment or exam. All cases will be reported to the Instructional Office to track repeat offenses, which would warrant further disciplinary action - up to expulsion from the college.

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Dr. Sherry Wilson




8:00-8:45; 11:00-12:45

8:30-9:30; 12:00-1:00

Wednesday 8:00-8:45; 11:00-12:45

Thursday 8:30-9:30; 12:00-1:00


333 Newton Hall

455-5463 swilson@crowder.edu


Additional appointment times available upon request.

TEXTS: Interactive Vocabulary: General Words (4 th

ed ) by Amy Olsen

Reading Keys (3 rd

Edition) by Laraine Flemming

MATERIALS: colored highlighters collegiate dictionary headphones one package of index cards

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is critical for the successful completion of this course. Class will consistently begin and end on time. Tardiness disrupts the learning process for everyone. Participation in class discussions and group activities will assist in the development of the skills being taught.

Consequently, pop quizzes and in-class assignments must be completed during the class period in which they are assigned. Homework must be complete prior to the beginning of class in order to receive credit.

MAKE-UP WORK: Students must turn in all homework the next time the class meets. Work will be collected at the beginning of the class period. Students who are absent are expected to refer to

Blackboard to have all assignments completed upon returning to class. In-class assignments and quizzes must be completed during the class period in which they are assigned. No make-up is allowed.

ELECTRONIC MEDIA: Students may not use private electronic media during class. Cell phones and

MP3 players must be turned off and put away while in class. Please do not check Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking sites during class. Students using private electronic media will be asked to leave class.

FOOD: Students are not allowed to eat or drink during class.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Crowder College makes every effort to reasonably accommodate students with disAbilities. Students seeking accommodation must first contact the

Admissions, and speak with Christy Manning, Disability Services Coordinator, at 417-455-5733, to apply for and request reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilites. Students who require disability-related accommodations must have a current Accommodation Authorization

Memo from ODS to provide to the instructor. The accommodations that are authorized in the letter should be discussed and agreed upon with the instructor. Accommodations, such as exam administration, are not provided retroactively; but from the point at which the instructor is notified.

Students without documented disabilities who feel they may have difficulty with this course are encouraged to make an appointment with the instructor to discuss possible steps for success.

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TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Contact Information Technology’s Help Desk for all technology assistance. Email them at help@crowder.edu

or call them at 417-455-5712.

EVALUATION OF THE COURSE: In the later part of the semester, you will be asked to participate in the online course/instructor evaluation process. You will receive notification and instructions in your

Crowder email. Your input is an important part of the ongoing effort to provide Crowder students with quality education. Students who complete the evaluation instrument will receive ten points extra credit.


Students are expected to master the content of the course. Consequently, a score of 80% or higher is required to earn points for regular assessments. A score of 80% or higher is required to earn points on the final. Students may retake an assessment provided documented tutoring, associated PLATO assignments, or other remediation has taken place. PLATO points are available as extra credit.

In-class assignments and pop-quizzes (15 points)

Homework assignments (15 points)

Vocabulary Review (15 points)

Writing Prompt / Discussion Board Responses (25 points)

Reading Skill Quizzes (25 points)

Vocabulary Quizzes (20-50 points)

Chapter Tests (100 points)

Vocabulary Tests (100 points)

Comprehensive Final Exam (400 points)

PLATO (1 pt/mastery test extra credit)

The final grade will reflect the total number of points earned during the semester.

90-100 %

80-89 %

70-79 %

60-69 %

Below 60 %






HOW DO I KNOW MY GRADE? Log on to your Blackboard account. Go to LOC 40. Click on

Tools and go to My Grade. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to see the number of points you have earned and the total number of points possible. Divide the number of points you have earned by the total number of points possible.

The percentage you calculate is you current grade in the class. If you need help calculating your grade, I will be glad to help you. Although a percentage grade is calculated by Blackboard, it is important that you double check your grade by keeping track of your points and manually determining your current performance in the class.

If for any reason you are unable to complete this course, you must officially with draw through Student

Services. College policy requires that students who stop attending but do not withdraw must receive a grade of F. Check the Crowder calendar for the last date to withdraw.


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1-19 Vocabulary: Chapter 1

Introductions / Overview of Syllabus and PLATO

1-24 Vocabulary: Chapter 1Quiz / Chapter 2

Reading Strategy:

Chapter 1: “A Textbook State of Mind”

1-26 Vocabulary: Chapter 2 Quiz / Chapter 3

Reading Strategy: Chapter 1: Muscle Reading

1-31 Vocabulary: Chapter 3 Quiz / Chapter 4

Reading Strategy: Chapter 1: Reading Keys, Review Tests

2-2 Vocabulary: Chapter 4 Quiz / Study for chapters 1,2,3 test / Chapter 5

Reading Strategy: Chapter 1: Test

2-7 Vocabulary: Chapters 1,2,3 test / Chapter 6

Reading Strategy: Chapter 2: Vocabulary in Context

2-9 Vocabulary: Chapter 6 Quiz / Chapter 7

Reading Strategy: Chapter 2: Vocabulary in Context Continued

2-14 Vocabulary: Chapter 7 Quiz / Chapter 8

Reading Strategy: Chapter 2: Word Parts

2-16 Vocabulary: Chapter 8 Quiz / Chapter 9

Reading Strategy: Chapter 2: Digging Deeper, Review Tests

2-23 Vocabulary: Chapter 9 Quiz / Study for Chapters 6,7,8 test / Chapter 10

Reading Strategy: Chapter 2: Review

2-28 Vocabulary: Chapters 6, 7,8 test / Chapter 11

Reading Strategy: Chapter 2: Test

3-2 Vocabulary: Chapter 11 Quiz / Chapter 12

Reading Strategy: Chapter 3: Topics

Reading Selection: Instructor Choice

3-7 Vocabulary: Chapter 12 Quiz / Chapter 13

Reading Strategy: Chapter 3: Practice finding Topics

3-9 Vocabulary: Chapter 13 Quiz / Chapter 14

Reading Strategy: Chapter 3: Main Ideas

3-21 Vocabulary: Chapter 14 Quiz / Study for a chapters 11,12,13 test / Chapter 15

Reading Strategy: Chapter 3: Practice Finding Main Ideas

3-23 Vocabulary: Chapters 11,12,13 test / Chapter 16

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Reading Strategy: Chapter 3: Topic Sentences

3-28 Vocabulary: Chapter 16 Quiz / Chapter 17

Reading Strategy: Chapter 3: Practice Locating Topic Sentences

3-30 Vocabulary: Chapter 17 Quiz / Chapter 18

Reading Strategy: Chapter 3: Digging Deeper; Review Tests

4-4 Vocabulary: Chapter 18 Quiz / Chapter 19

Reading Strategy: Chapter 3: Test

4-6 Vocabulary: Chapter 19 Quiz

Reading Strategy: Chapter 4: More on Topic Sentences

4-11 Vocabulary: Study for chapters 16, 17, 18, 19 test / Chapter 20

Reading Strategy: Chapter 4: Continued

4-13 Vocabulary: Chapters 16, 17 , 18 ,19 test / Chapter 21

Reading Strategy: Chapter 4: Digging Deeper; Review Tests

4-18 Vocabulary: Chapter 21 Quiz / Chapter 22

Reading Strategy: Chapter 4: Test

4-20 Vocabulary: Chapter 22 Quiz / Chapter 23

Reading Strategy: Chapter 5: Supporting Details

4-25 Vocabulary: Chapter 23 Quiz / Chapter 24

Reading Strategy: Chapter 5: Continued

4-27 Vocabulary: Chapter 24 Quiz

Reading Strategy: Chapter 5: Digging Deeper; Review Tests

5-2 Vocabulary: Study for chapters 21,22, 23,24 test / Chapter 25

Reading Strategy: Chapter 5: Test

5-4 Vocabulary: Chapters 21,22,23,24 test

Reading Strategy: Chapter 6: Inferences

5-9 Vocabulary: Review for Final

Reading Strategy: Chapter 6: Continued

12-7 Vocabulary: Review for Final

Reading Strategy: Chapter 6: Review Tests, Digging Deeper

5-11 Vocabulary: Review for Final

Reading Strategy: Chapter 6 Test


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Extra Credit: Points are earned by completing the PLATO assignment. Every completed mastery test is worth 1 extra credit point. You must complete about 1 section (letter) every two weeks to earn the maximum number of extra credit points.

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