Period 2

Period 2
Key Concept 2.1 “Differences in imperial goals, cultures, and the
North American environments that different empires confronted
led Europeans to develop diverse patterns of colonization.”
• Spanish, French, Dutch, English
• Started in Caribbean, then Central and
South America—most important was
conquest of Aztecs by Cortez (1521)
and Incas by Pizzaro (1531)
• First permanent colonies in what will
become United States are founded by
• St. Augustine (Florida) is founded (1565) to
protect Spanish treasure fleets
• strict control over colonization and
converted and exploited many
natives (“Black Legend”)
• Profit (gold)
• Small amount of Spaniards ruled
indigenous population
• Convert to Christianity, - encomiendas
and missions
French and Dutch
• French and Dutch colonization:
• French – married natives
• Profit- extensive beaver fur trading
• Coureurs de bois – French fur traders – trade beaver
furs; would live among natives
• Dutch –
• Profit- trading networks
• New Netherland
• Both- mostly single male settlers
• English :
• Hostile relations with natives
• Did not intermarry
• Single males to Southern colonies
• Families to middle and northern colonies
• Profit- Tobacco
• Headright system – receive 50 acres of land for every emigrant you sponsored
coming over to new world.
• Conflicts with natives – Powhatans,, Pequot War, King Philip’s War
• Why?
• Abundance of land to work
• Natives were hostile and often died from disease
• Shortage of labor after Bacon’s Rebellion 1676
• Bacon’s Rebellion- indentured servants rebelled after not
being given their freedom dues= English look for a more
manageable labor supply
• Based on racial superiority; born into slavery
• Developed own mixed culture
• Mix African traditions and Christianity
• Resistance
• working slowly, faking illness, running away, breaking
tools, etc.
• Stono Rebellion (1739 – South Carolina)
Regional Differences in British
• New England- religion
• Puritans- “purify” Church of England
• John Winthrop- “City Upon a Hill”
• Town meeting halls
• Start of democracy in new world.
• Economy•
Subsistence farming (rocky soil)
Regional Differences in British
• Middle Colonies “Bread Colonies”
• Most diverse (Quakers, Lutherans, Calvinists)
• Fertile soil (wheat and corn)
• Important mercantile centers
• New York City
• Philadelphia
• Mix between towns and sprawling estates
Regional Differences between
British Colonies
• Chesapeake Colonies (Maryland and Virginia)
• Tobacco
• Plantations
• Indentured Servants –Bacon’s Rebellion- Slavery (need for cheap abundant
• House of Burgesses- control over financial and militia
• Maryland Act of Toleration
• Southern Colonies
• Rice and indigo in deep south= harsh living conditions for slaves
• Plantations
• Mostly tied to one cash crop
• Continuous planting ruined soil = push inland= clashes with Natives
Key Concept 2.2 “European colonization efforts in North
America stimulated intercultural contact and intensified conflict
between the various groups of colonizers and native peoples.”
• Europeans pushed further onto Natives land
• Praying towns
• King Philip’s War – war between natives and English in
Wampanoags (King Philip – Metacom)
• Native were rarely a threat in New England after war
• Spain- Pueblo Revolt
• Spain began to change the way they treated Natives
France and England
• France- focused on fur trade
• Start expanding into Ohio River Valley area
• England- focused on profit (tobacco)
• Conflicts with rule over Atlantic
• Molasses Act
• smuggling
Key Concept 2.3 “The increasing political, economic, and cultural
exchanges within the ‘Atlantic World’ had a profound impact on
the development of colonial societies in North America.”
• Trade in labor
• Slavery
• West Africa- traded to Spain and Portuguese
• “Middle Passage” – Shipment of Africans in close quartered
ships; would last several weeks or months
• Triangular trade
Religion in British Colonies
• Southern Colonies
• Anglican church keeping with English traditions
• Middle Colonies
• More religious toleration (Quakers)
• New England
• Puritans
• Representative assemblies- seeds of democracy
Efforts to strengthen imperial
• Navigation Acts- export of specific goods only to England
(tobacco)= smuggling
• Dominion of New England- Combined NE colonies with
governor to oversee (Sir Edmund Andros)
• Salutary Neglect- colonies mostly govern themselves with little
interference from England- ends with 7 Years’ War
Resistance to British control
• Colonial self rule due to salutary neglect
• Enlightenment ideals
• Rights of Englishmen
• Great Awakening
• Republicanism (head is a rep. of people)