Vocal Music Handbook 15-16 - Everett Area School District

Vocal Music
“Do you know what music is? It’s God’s little reminder that there’s something else besides us in the universe;
harmonic connection between all human beings, everywhere, even the stars.”
---Robin Williams in ‘August Rush’
Vocal Music
Sean B. Cogan, Vocal Music & Drama Director
1 Renaissance Circle
Everett, PA 15537
Email: scogan@everett.k12.pa.us
Dear Students and Parents:
On behalf of the Everett Music Department, I want to welcome you to the 201516 school year. We are looking forward to another great year of making music here at
Everett! The Everett music department has long been recognized for a tradition of
excellence. You are now a part of that continuing tradition. This has been the result of
hard work by teachers, administrators, parents, and most importantly, the students.
One of the key elements of success in any music program is communication
between the director and parents. I will do my best to keep you informed of the
performances and events, as well as your child’s individual progress.
Specific information about events can be found in this handbook. I also hope you
will feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions or concerns. Most
importantly, I hope to see you at your child’s performances! Parental support is the
most important factor in the success of any student!
Musically yours,
Sean Cogan
Middle School:
Sixth Grade Chorus
Seventh & Eighth Grade Chorus
The Half-Notes (audition only)
High School:
High School Chorale (Grades 9-12)
The Tribe (audition only)
There are several choral ensembles at Everett Area Middle & High School that the student body
may participate in. The 6th and 7th & 8th Grade Choruses and High School Chorale are open to
anyone interested in a performance-oriented class in choral singing. No audition is necessary!
The Half-Notes and The Tribe are auditioned ensembles open to all students who participate in
the choral program. Auditions will be held in the spring semester of each school year. The
successful students will be placed in The Half Notes (grades 7 & 8) or The Tribe (grades 9-12)
for the following school year. Because this is a performing ensemble, students are expected to
participate in all performances.
Throughout the semester we will cover a wide variety of age appropriate music encompassing
varying styles and time periods. Each ensemble will participate in several concerts/events each
school year including a Winter & Spring Concert.
ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITES: Students wishing to pursue their interests in choral music are
welcome to audition for choral festivals throughout the year. By auditioning for these festivals,
students have an opportunity to participate in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association’s
District, Region and All-State Music Festivals. These festivals draw nearly 300 students from
across southern and central Pennsylvania. Students must be in grades 10-12.
Each year Penn State University hosts the Men’s Festival of Song. This festival is open to all
men in grades 8-12 and is non-auditioned.
We plan a high school music department trip each year and this year’s trip promises to be an
exciting one!
We will be performing with several area school choirs and the Bedford Community Singers in a
joint concert at Bedford High School.
The drama club is presenting “A Grand Night for Singing” in November, and all students are
welcome to audition.
The Everett school district has a strong tradition of excellent music making with the vocal, instrumental
and drama programs. With this success comes increased student interest and larger class sizes. Large
group classes are an essential part of a successful program and require students to use good citizenship
and self-discipline skills at all times.
It is important to remember that whenever a teacher finds it necessary to spend time disciplining a
student for misbehavior, other students are robbed of that educational time!
Most students elect to enroll in music because they want to learn and enjoy being part of a large
ensemble. Our goal is to assure that the education of these students is not jeopardized by the behavior of
a student who does not share these desires. Parents are asked to support this discipline policy with their
own consequences at home.
In order to provide an effective learning climate for all students in the vocal music program, the following
discipline plan will be followed:
1. Bring your folder AND A PENCIL to each and every rehearsal
2. Be on time
3. Do not talk when the director is speaking.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
5. Practice appropriate posture when singing.
6. Stay focused and attentive at all times.
7. No gum, food or drinks (except for water) at ANY TIME.
8. Be respectful of other student’s belongings.
9. All belongings remain at the front of the room until rehearsal is over.
10. And above all else, bring a positive and cooperative attitude to rehearsal. It might
even be contagious!
1. Verbal praise.
2. Recognition for outstanding achievement and improvement.
3. Additional class activities (trips, performances, etc.).
1) Warning - A director speaks to a student during or after rehearsal concerning their
lack of attention or inappropriate behavior.
2) 2nd Violation - Director speaks to student for a second time and all rehearsal points
are lost.
3) 3rd Violation – Meeting with director, Phone call home, Referral.
Repeated Disruptive Situations - A call to the parents will be made with the possibility of
a conference with the director and/or an administrator to discuss the future of the student
in the vocal music program.
Any student who severely disrupts the classroom, prohibits the directors from
teaching, or slows the other students’ learning process will immediately receive a
referral and be removed from the classroom.
1. No Drinks or Food (except for water):
According to school policy, students are not permitted to have open containers at any time during the
school day. An exception has been made during choral rehearsals. However, students must not open
their water until they are in the room. When they leave rehearsal, their water must be closed and put
away. Everett High School underwent an extensive renovation recently so we need to do our best to
keep the school looking beautiful and clean. Therefore, no drinks or food will be permitted in the choral
room at any time.
2. Books, Backpacks and Other Personal Belongings:
All personal belongings other than your choral folder, music and a pencil will be placed at the front of
the room during rehearsal. This will allow you to focus your full attention on the rehearsal and on
making music.
3. Cell Phones & Calling Home:
Please keep in mind that the school handbook states:
“No cell phone may be used from 8:24a-3:11p, with the exception of the student’s lunch period. No
contact may be made with students in the classrooms. This is a privilege which may be revoked at any
time.” Therefore, NO cell phones will be permitted in the rehearsal at any time.
Students are not permitted to go to the office to call home, unless it is for a true emergency.
4. Restroom, Water Fountain, Miscellaneous Visits:
Our rehearsal time is very precious. We are only given a short rehearsal period and we must make the
most of our time. Therefore, please limit your restroom or water fountain visits during our rehearsal
time. If you must leave, please raise your hand and wait to be called on. You must sign out at the door
on the sign out sheet. If it is a true emergency please just get up and leave!
If you need to go elsewhere in the school, you must have your red planner signed by Mr. Cogan and take
it with you.
5. Warm-ups For Rehearsal:
Warm-ups are NOT a time to catch up on the latest gossip. This is the SINGLE most important part of
our rehearsal time together! Athletes warm up before working out or before a sporting event so as to
prevent unnecessary injury. The voice is a muscle and singing is a whole-body activity. If you approach
singing with cold muscles, you will HURT and/or RUIN your voice. Please use every second of this time
to focus your mind and body on singing and preparing for rehearsal.
6. Participation in Class:
Class participation makes up a huge percentage of your grade for each quarter.
As an active participant you will be expected to:
-strive to be the best you can be at all times
-be attentive
-always, always, always have a pencil ready at all times to mark your music
-continue to develop aural (your musical ear) and sight-reading skills
-be emotionally involved in the rehearsal (i.e: be aware of the texts we are singing and what the text is
trying to convey). We have what instrumentalists do not: words. Therefore, we must be wholly
involved in the meaning of what we are singing at all times.
7. Sickness in Rehearsal:
If you are sick, please notify me before rehearsal begins. Vocal health is my main concern over
anything else. If I give you permission to refrain from singing, you will still be expected to follow along
and write markings in your score. If you are unable to participate in rehearsal in this capacity, you will
be sent to the nurse. This does not permit you to use sniffles or other minor cold ailments as an
excuse to refrain from singing.
8. Marking Your Music:
A pencil is a necessity during all rehearsals! When you mark your music, you will be able to remember
what was done in the last rehearsal. Do not wait to be told to mark in something. If it is something that
will help you be a better musician and singer, MARK IT IN!
9. Hall Passes/Make-up tests/Passes to Other Classes:
If you need to make-up a test or other work, please secure a pass from that teacher PRIOR to coming to
rehearsal. If you show up to rehearsal and ask me to write you a pass to make up work for another
teacher, you WILL NOT be excused. Do not make a habit of making rehearsal time your ‘make-up’
10. Take Care Of Your Music and Your Folder
With budgets in a crunch all across the board it is more important than ever that we take care of what
we have. Therefore I ask all of you to make an effort to please treat your music and your folders with
respect and care. Some of your music this year is photocopied. I expect you to treat them with the
same care that you do an ‘original’ because it is the only copy of the music that you will receive from me
all year.
Each student is assigned his or her own individual folder. I have done this so that you can focus on your
own music and take your own personal notes in the scores. However, with this comes the responsibility
of taking care of your folder and music, as stated above. If you lose or deface your music or folder, you
will have to pay the replacement cost of the item. Failure to do so will delay your report card at the
end of the school year. In the case of seniors, it may affect your graduation.
11. Be On Time:
This has been an ongoing challenge throughout our renovation process because of the proximity of the
music hallway to the rest of the school. This challenge has now been escalated by the addition of
combination locks on student lockers.
The policy on tardy students is being strictly enforced this year across the building. I will allow a slight
leeway during the first two weeks of school to allow everyone to adjust. Once this period of time is
over, I will allow only a one minute leeway. Once that minute after the final bell has expired, you will be
tardy to class. No exceptions.
Grading Policy:
Grading Scale:
93%-100% = A
85%-92% = B
77%-84% = C
70%-76% = D
Below 69% = F
What is my grade made up of?:
Student grades consist of:
Participation in Daily Rehearsals
Concert Attendance
Written and/or Other Assignments
Vocal Music Lessons (Senior High Only)
Daily Rehearsal Grading Rubric:
Student always exhibits proper singing
technique. Includes breathing, posture,
pitch, tone, vowel formation.
Student always behaves well. The
student is always focused and
attentive. They never need to be
told to stop talking. Student never
disrupts rehearsal.
The student always has their folder,
music and pencil. Student shows up
determined to work as hard as they
can with a positive attitude.
Student applies all instructions in
rehearsal to what they are singing.
Student almost always exhibits proper
singing technique. Breathing, posture,
pitch, tone and vowel formation is
almost always accurate
Student is almost always attentive
and rarely needs to be reminded to
stop talking. Is rarely disruptive.
Student almost always has folder,
music, and pencil. Shows up most
of the time with a good attitude.
Marks music most of the time and
applies instruction in class to music.
Student sometimes exhibits proper
singing technique. Student may exhibit
problems with breathing, pitch and
tone. Student has trouble sitting or
standing with good posture. Vowel
formation is inconsistent.
Student has behavior issues every
now and then. Needs to be
reminded to stop talking. Student is
sometimes disruptive and may have
problems focusing.
Student sometimes shows up with a
good attitude, and sometimes
doesn’t. Sometimes forgets folder
and pencil. Doesn’t focus and apply
instruction in class to singing all the
The student rarely demonstrates proper
breathing, pitch or tone. Student
slouches when sitting or stands with
poor posture and has to be reminded to
fix it. Vowel formation is poor.
The student has a lot of issues with
focusing and being attentive and
must be reminded to stop talking all
the time. Student disrupts
rehearsal on a consistent basis.
Students rarely has music, folder,
pencil. Shows up with a poor
attitude almost always. Focus is
poor. Doesn’t apply to the music
what they are instructed to do.
Student rarely exhibits any sign of
proper singing technique. Posture is
almost always non-existent, therefore
other elements of technique suffer with
Student causes major problems by
being unfocused, disrupting
rehearsal, and talking non-stop.
Student always shows up with a
sour attitude. Totally unfocused.
Never has folder, music or pencil.
Never applies instruction to music
under study.
1. Daily Rehearsals
1) Class Participation
2) Attendance
This is pretty straightforward. If you show up and follow the rules and guidelines that have been set
forth in the daily rehearsal rubric, you will earn 15 points a day. There are 3 categories that you can
earn 5 points each in: Technique, Behavior, and Attitude/Participation. You will lose points for other
behavior that is disruptive to rehearsal and breaks the rules set forth in this handbook.
Missing Rehearsal:
You will be allowed to miss two rehearsals in each grading period without your participation grade
being affected. School functions that take place outside of school (sports, extra curricular, etc…) will not
count as a miss.
2. Performances, Concerts and other events:
Each concert is worth 100 points. All other events and performances are worth 50 points. Please see
the attached grading/event agreement at the end of this packet.
3. Written Assignments:
1. Concert Evaluations:
At the end of the semester following the spring concert, we will either watch a video or listen to an
audio recording of the concert. More specific instructions will be given at the time of the evaluation,
but the basic assignment will be to critique the performance using specific musical vocabulary, terms
and ideas. This assignment will be worth 25 points.
2. Music Theory:
Throughout the semester we will have a few days where we discuss some basic music theory. These
assignments will be in the form of a basic worksheet and will be worth between 5 and 10 points.
3. Writing assignments:
There may be some small writing assignments throughout the year which will be based on prompts
given at the beginning of class. These will be worth between 5 and 10 points.
4. Vocal Music Lessons (Senior High Only):
This is a unique opportunity for students to study their music in more detail with the choral instructor.
Students will be placed in groups according to their voice part on a rotating schedule. Their schedules
will be their pass from class to come to lessons. Students will be expected to attend TWO lessons per
marking period. If the student is struggling with other classes and it would be in their best interest to
attend class, other arrangements can be made to fulfill this requirement. Lessons are worth 15 points
each, or 30 points per marking period. If the student comes to more than two lessons, those points will
be used for extra credit.
Making Up Points & Extra Credit:
There are several ways that you can make up lost rehearsal points for me. You may also do these
activities as opportunity for extra credit.
1. Attendance at music events/concerts outside of school:
There are a multitude of music events that take place in our community and the surrounding areas. If
you bring me a program, ticket stub or some sort of proof that you have attended one of these events, I
will give you extra credit. Be prepared to talk about the concert/event with me! You can also use this
to make up daily rehearsal participation points you may have missed. You can turn in as many of these
as you want. Each concert will be worth 15 points, or one rehearsal.
What are some events:
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Pittsburgh Pops
Pittsburgh CLO
Pittsburgh Public Theater
Pittsburgh Opera
Other plays, events taking place in the Pittsburgh Cultural District
Johnstown or Altoona Symphony Orchestra
Johnstown or Altoona Theater events
Bedford County Players
Choral/Band/Orchestra concerts at other schools or throughout the community
2. Repertoire Worksheet:
You can take one of these sheets and answer questions on it relating to any of the pieces in your chorale
folder. If you have any questions, please see me for help!!! The sheet will be equivalent to one
rehearsal, or 15 points. You may only turn in ONE SHEET PER WEEK, thus it is only good for one
rehearsal missed per week. I must have the sheets within ONE WEEK of the rehearsal you are planning
on using it for. I will not accept a stack of worksheets at the end of the semester!
3. Sing For Me:
If you choose this option you will be asked to sing your part to one selection from your Chorale folder.
You may choose the piece. The selection can be performed a cappella or with piano. You must perform
the entire selection. If it is obvious to me that you do not know your part you will not get ANY of the
4. Perform in other ensembles/events, etc.:
Many students in the program are involved in other musical activities outside of school. If you are
involved in a community theater group, community band or chorus, or have performed for an
organization or conference, I may allow this to be used as credit for a missed rehearsal, up to three
rehearsals. Be prepared to talk about your involvement.
Concert Attire:
Professionalism is an essential element of performing. One anecdote says that you “only sound as good
as you look”. The vocal music ensembles receive continuous praise on the professionalism of the
concerts and the appearance of the students.
The attire for each concert will remain uniform this year. Failure to adhere to ANY of the following
guidelines will result in loss of points or possible dismissal from the concert.
For the Men:
- White or black, button up dress shirt with a collar.
- Black or dark brown dress belt (no jeans belts or dressy belts)
- Black dress slacks. No jeans, khakis, cargo pants, shorts, etc….
- Black dress socks. No black tennis shoe socks.
- Black dress shoes. No boots or tennis shoes.
- Please comb hair in an appropriate style. Please limit the use of jewelry.
For the Women:
- White or black dress or blouse. Please cover bare shoulders. No strapless dresses. A patterned
design is allowed as long as it is appropriate.
- Dresses, skirts, blouses must be at knee length or longer.
- Dress slacks are also appropriate.
- Please wear a closed toe, comfortable shoe. You will be standing in them, so please be sure they are
comfortable. I would suggest a flat shoe. No excessive heels.
- Please cover bare legs with pantyhose or leggings.
- Please limit all jewelry. No tongue rings will be permitted as they are a safety hazard while singing.
Examples of appropriate attire:
Event/Grading Agreement:
Being a part of the music program requires that students be involved in performances and events both
in and out of the school day. At times conflicts arise. Below is the procedure/guidelines/grading if and
when those occasions occur. Attached to this document will be an approximate list of
events/performances that students are expected to participate in and are graded on. Additional events
may occur throughout the year with given notice.
All events fall under one of the two categories below:
Concerts: Include Winter Concerts, Spring Concerts, Marching Band Review Concert
Performances: Include Football Games, Tribe/Half Notes Gigs, Adjudications, Jazz Band Gigs, Misc.
Marching Band Events, After School Rehearsals, Parades.
1) For any event to be missed, there must be TWO WEEKS given notice prior to the event. The
student and parent must fill out the “Absentee Form” attached to this agreement. Additional
forms will be available upon request.
2) A make-up assignment will be given to the student and must be completed within one week
following the event missed. Options include the following: Written Assignment given by the
director, volunteering time to help music department/director, or community/public
performance (approved by director) or other options presented in the handbook.
3) Sports, School Organizations and Clubs that conflict with an event will receive 1/3 of the final
grade for Concerts and full credit for a performance.
If notice is given within the guidelines listed above;
Missed performances will be allowed to be made up for full credit.
Missed concerts will be allowed to be made up for 1/3 of the final grade.
If notice is not given for the absence;
Students will receive a “Zero” with no opportunity to make up credit.
INEXCUSALBE ABSCENCES: The following reasons are not an excusable absence from an event.
Work schedules, vacations (Excluding Educational Field trips), birthdays or parties, no ride to an event,
lack of concert clothing, “I didn’t know”.
FAMILY EMERGENCIES/RELIGIOUS RELEASE: Reasons for missing an event may fall under this category.
Notice does not have to be given within the two week period and can be made up for full credit. A
parental note will need to be submitted within a week following the event for director records.
Music Event Agreement (Detach and Return)
We have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this agreement.
Student Name (Printed)
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Please return this form along with the Event/Grading Agreement to Mr. Cogan by
Septmeber 4, 2015.
Returning this form is a graded assignment (15 points)
We have received, reviewed and agree the performance practice information, the choir
calendar, and the remaining information in this handbook.
We understand and accept the additional commitment to out-of school performances
and presentations.
Student Signature: ______________________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________
Date: ________________
If you have any questions, concerns or problems throughout the year, please do not hesitate to come
and talk to me. My door is always open, as is Mr. Sarvey’s. Even though the standards in the Everett
Music Department are very high, our value and concern of each individual student is even higher.
This year, come to each rehearsal ready to sing and enjoy the wonderful power of music. The German
poet Berthold Auerbach once wrote: “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” This
is one chance during the day where you truly have a chance to put all of your worries, frustrations,
anxieties and problems aside and just enjoy making music with your classmates. Let yourself get lost in
the process of music making during rehearsal. And, if you are having fun, don’t forget to let it show!!!!
Thanks for all you do!
Music Event Absentee Form (EXAMPLE FORM)
Student Name (Printed)
Date Submitted
Name of Event to be missed: ___________________________________
Reason: _____________________________
Attached documentation (If applicable): Yes _____
No _____
We understand the grading policy according to the “Event Agreement”.
Parent Signature
Student Signature