Robert Frost

Robert Frost
By: Alayna Dollar, Samantha
Franklin, Braxton Collins, and
Logan Najera
What did Frost mainly want readers to
learn from his poetry?
Frost is an honored poet and has taught
many people important things from
his poetry. His style consists of
recognizing the beauty in life that
other people don’t.
A few good examples of this are “A
Boundless Moment”, “A Question”,
and “A Prayer in Spring.” He wanted
people to realize the true beauty that
life holds.
Robert was born in San Francisco on
March 26, 1874 and grew up in
Lawrence, Massachusetts. He grew
up with many siblings and his parents
died at an early age. His childhood
probably affected his perspective on
life by showing him what really
matters and what won’t last.
What inspired Robert Frost to
start writing poetry?
Frost’s famous poem “The Road Not
taken’’, was written about his friend ,
Edward Thomas. Thomas took long
walks in England that inspired Frost
to write a beautiful poem.
Frost’s time in London was arguably
the most significant period of his life.
Sadly , him and his wife had to return
home when World War One broke out
in 1914-1915.
Robert Frost married a woman by the
name of Elinor. They married at
Harvard University on December
19th,1895. And later had six children.
Elinor died 40 years later from a
heart attack in 1935.
Why did Frost not get noticed
for his poems while he was
Frost lived most of his life on a farm in
New Hampshire with very little
Him and his family decided to move to
England where more publishers
would recognize him. He was 38 when
they moved.
Before he moved, he sold his first poem,
“My Butterfly”, in 1894. While he was
living in England he achieved his first
major literary success.
How did Robert Frost inspire a
new generation with his poetry?
Frost represents not giving up even
when ever you don’t succeed at first.
He was 38 when his dream of becoming
a poet was achieved. He has
unknowingly inspired our generation
due to his dedication.
Robert Frost’s poetry career came to an
end when he died on January 29,
1963 at the age of 88.
Robert Frost Biography."
A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web.
30 Apr. 2013.
"Robert Frost." - N.p., n.d.
Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
N.p., n.d. Web.
Robert Frost." - Biography and Works.
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N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.