Tools Overview - Iowa State University


CPRE 583

Reconfigurable Computing

(Tools overview)

Instructor: Dr. Phillip Jones


Reconfigurable Computing Laboratory

Iowa State University

Ames, Iowa, USA

1 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview Iowa State University (Ames)


• NX: For remotely accessing Linux machines from off campus

• Very basic Linux

– Some on-line tutorials and quick reference cards





• Creating a new ISE project

• Running simulation from within ISE

• Generating a bitfile

• Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA board (impact)

2 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview Iowa State University (Ames)


• NX is an application that allows you to access Linux machines from off campus.

– It is very lightweight and can be typically installed in less than 5 minutes

• You can download NX from the following links

– For Windows:

– For Linux:

– For MAC OS:

– For Solaris:

• After you install the NX client, make sure to install any additional fonts that are available for your platform type. If you do not some application will not display properly

• You can login to the following ISU Linux machines using your userID & password

– Those listed here:

• Note: These machine do NOT have access to FPGA hardware

– xilnx-1, xilinx-2,

• Note 1: the xilinx machines should only be used when testing a circuit using the FPGA hardware.

• Note 2: the xilinx machines are primarily for distance students to test hardware. On campus students should use a machine in Coover 2050

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Very basic Linux

• How to unpack a .zip or .tar.gz file

– .zip

• unzip

– .tar.gz

• gunzip my_file.gz.tar

• tar -xvf my_file.tar

• How do I know where I am

– pwd (tells you your current location, use this command often)

• What is in my current location

– ls (list all the files and directors at this location)

• Changing directories

– cd directory_name

• cd .. (takes you up one directory level)

• cd ~ (takes you to your home directory)

• Making a new directory

– mkdir new_directory_name

Iowa State University (Ames) 4 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview

Creating a new ISE project

• cd to where you want to make a directory for your project

• mkdir the directory for you project

• cd into the directory you made

• pwd to check that you are indeed in that directory

• source ./Xilinx_12_4_src.txt

– This command tells the computer where to find the tools (e.g. ise). You must run this command any time you open a new

Linux terminal. In this case, I’m assuming you are running the

“source” command where your “Xilinx_12_4_src.txt” file is located.

• start ise: ise &

• Note: If you already have a project: ise project_name.xise &

Iowa State University (Ames) 5 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview

Creating a new ISE project

Note you already have a project for the AND gate. Use these directions to get you going for the OR gate.

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Creating a new ISE project

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Creating a new ISE project

Browse to the location of the directory you created

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Creating a new ISE project

Give your project a name

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Creating a new ISE project

• Make your setting match this

• click Next

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Creating a new ISE project

You project summary should look something like this. Click finish

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Creating a new ISE project

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You have no files!

Here are your choices.

Very rarely do I start a

VHDL file from scratch.

Lets create a new source files. Then use some existing VHDL to fill it.

For example for the OR gate. Add new source files for the testbench and

OR gate. Then copy/paste from the given AND example to get you going.

Iowa State University (Ames)

Creating a new ISE project

Right click to pop up options

13 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview Iowa State University (Ames)

Creating a new ISE project

Indicate you are

Adding a VHDL file

In this case we will add two source files. One for the testbench (AND_TB) to test the AND gate (AND_2bit).

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Creating a new ISE project

You can add the port names, direction and width here. Since we are going to copy VHDL source code form somewhere else we will skip this step.

Note: This is a step for convince for when you do not have code to start from.

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Creating a new ISE project

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Creating a new ISE project

The tool tries to be helpful by adding some VHDL for you. I would suggest deleting this and copying from the AND gate example, until you get more comfortable with the tools.

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Creating a new ISE project

Now let’s add a source file for the 2-bit AND gate component.

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Creating a new ISE project

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Creating a new ISE project

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Creating a new ISE project

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Creating a new ISE project

You have some files

Note: The Hierarchy window should show the strutural relationship between your files. At this point it shows AND_TB and AND_2bit at the same level

22 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview Iowa State University (Ames)

Creating a new ISE project

The 2-bit AND gate is a subcomponent of


After updating your VHDL files with the appropriating “entity” and

“component” names. ISE will figure out the hierarchy.

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Creating a new ISE project

If you see a question mark, this could mean ISE lost track of your file when you were editing it.

If your file is indeed in the project directory, then just tell ISE

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Creating a new ISE project

Remind ISE where it is

Note: The “?” can also appear if you incorrectly named you entity in the VHDL

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Creating a new ISE project

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Simulating your design

Set “View” to Simulation

Select at what level you want to compile or simulate. In this case the whole design

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Simulating your design

Set simulation properties.

For example how long to run for

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Simulating your design

For this case I’ve set the simulation to run for 1000 ns

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Simulating your design

Now simulate

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Simulating your design

Modelsim compiles your

VHDL before simulating it. In this case it caught a syntax error.

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Missing semicolon

Iowa State University (Ames)

Simulating your design

It looks like this version of ISE does syntax checking every time you save a file. So this error could have been caught earlier.

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Simulating your design

Now that you can run simulation. You need to add signals and dividers.

Right click in the “Wave” window to Insert a Divider

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Simulating your design

2 3

To add signals for the AND gate. 1) select it in “Instance”, this instance of the

AND gate is called “my_dut”, 2) select the signals in the “Objects window,

3) Drag and drop the signals into the “Wave” window

34 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview Iowa State University (Ames)

Simulating your design

Typically you will want ALL of your signal in “Hexadecimal”. To do this

1) select all of the signals, 2) right in wave window, 3) Radix->Hexadecimal

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Simulating your design: Saving wave formats

To keep from having to reformat you signals EVERY time for the same

Design, save you wave format

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Simulating your design: Saving wave formats

For this project I have named the wave format

Next we will look at how to tell ISE to use this wave format when it launches


Note: there are a number of ways of doing this, and even different versions of ISE support different methods. Often this is something you need to play around with and figure out yourself.

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Simulating your design: Saving wave formats

ISE file that will call your wave format

Contents of your project directory

“cat” prints the contents of a file

This is how I modified


Wave format you just created

Tell ISE to only call your wave format file

After you make this updates, restart Modelsim from ISE to see if it worked

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Simulating your design: Saving datasets

Some times you want to save the dataset (.wlf) for a simulation run. Often this is used to compare the behavior of one version of a design to another while debugging. And for this class you will save datasets so that I can review the behavior of your circuits without needed your source code.

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Simulating your design: Saving datasets

1. Modelsim typically saves the current dataset as “vsim.wlf”

2. Rename it to the name you want. In this case HW1_2_a_AND_dat.wlf

40 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview Iowa State University (Ames)

Simulating your design: Loading Dataset

• To check if your dataset saved correctly open Modelsim standalone (vsim &), and load the wave dataset (.wlf), and then the associated wave format

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Simulating your design: Loading Datasets

Open a wave window, then readjust/resize the windows of Modelsim

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Simulating your design: Loading Datasets

Find and open the dataset

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Simulating your design: Loading Datasets






Find and open the dataset

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Iowa State University (Ames)

Simulating your design: Loading Datasets

Now load the wave format (.do) associated with this dataset

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Simulating your design: Loading Datasets

Browse to find the correct wave format (.do)

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Simulating your design: Loading Datasets

Your dataset and associated waveform should appear

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Simulating your design: Useful Buttons

Zoom mode (VERY useful!!)

Zoom out

Jump to previous or next signal value transition (VERY useful!!)

Zoom in

Select mode

Zoom full

Toggle between short and full signal names

Useful Buttons in Modelsim

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Generating a bitfile

View can be set to simulation or Implementation. Implementation only shows those files that will go on the hardware. Simulation typically shows files that will be simulated and/or put on the hardware

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Generating a bitfile

Any source file that will only be simulated should have its properties set to reflect this. In this case AND_TB will be set to Simulation. And my_dut

(AND_2bit) will be set to ALL (i.e. both simulation and implementation)

50 ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Tools overview Iowa State University (Ames)

Generating a bitfile

Any source file that will only be simulated should have its properties set to reflect this. In this case AND_TB will be set to Simulation. And my_dut

(AND_2bit) will be set to ALL (i.e. both simulation and implementation)

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Generating a bitfile

Now when the view is switch to “Implementation” only VHDL that will be put on the hardware is shown. Also note in the “Processes” we have new options. One of which is “Generate Programming File”

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Generating a bitfile

One typically selects the top level component and runs “Generate

Programming File” to generate a bitfile to download to the FPGA. Note we’ve switched to MP1 because the AND_2bit example does not have a user constraint file (.ucf) defined to tell the tools how to connect the design to the

FPGA I/O pins

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Generating a bitfile

If all goes well, then after some time you should get a GREEN check next the

“Generate Programming File”. And a file called <top_level>.bit, in this case

MP1_top.bit, should be placed in your project directory.

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

Go to the directory where your bitfile is located and start impact

Note: You must be on a machine that has an FPGA board connected to it.

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

Yes should be fine as well

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

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Bypass until you get to the FX70

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

FX 70 is now selected


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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

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Downloading a bitfile to the FPGA

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Generating a bitfile: Fixing a locked cable

• For various reasons “impact” will have an issue downloading your bitfile. This can be caused by more than one person trying to run impact to connect to the board, or impact crashing, or power being turned off to the board.

• In the worst case one as to reboot the machine. We like to avoid this because you do not have administrative rights to reboot the machine. Though one campus students can power cycle.

• Some things to try

– In impact: output -> cable reset

– From the command line

> impact -batch

> setMode -bscan

> cleancablelock

> quit

– From the command line

> xmd

> xclean_cablelock

– Send me an email, and/or a “wall” message

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