Technology Trends and the Implications for Associations 45th Annual Southeastern Officers Conference “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Sir Arthur Charles Clarke co-writer of the screenplay for the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey We now have sufficiently advanced technology @adriennebryant @johnyschen @SmoothThePath #MMCCon LC4 A Really “SMART” Refrigerator Dear Adrienne, Please pick up the following items: Grapes, yogurt, beer, cheese, and steak. Love, Your Refrigerator @adriennebryant @johnyschen @SmoothThePath #MMCCon LC4 Today, there are almost 13 billion devices connected to the Internet. By 2020, we expect there to be between 30 – 50 billion connected devices. Source: Industry Forecasts Compilation, 2020 forecast from IDC, PwC analysis Devices Connected to the Internet 27 May 2015 The number of devices connected to the Internet could almost quadruple by 2020. SHIFT The Age of the Customer We are now in the age of the customer, with buyers using technology to gain control over institutions. That power flows from customers’ new found ability to seamlessly price, critique, and direct their purchases. George Colony, CEO Forrester What’s the Major Shift? IT focused on internal systems and building systems that “manage” the customer relationship. @adriennebryant @johnyschen @SmoothThePath #MMCCon LC4 What’s the Major Shift? IT focused on the “customer experience” and building systems that allow the customer to “manage” the relationship. @adriennebryant @johnyschen @SmoothThePath #MMCCon LC4 What Caused the Shift? “Digital disruption refers to changes enabled by digital technologies that occur at a pace and magnitude that disrupt established ways of value creation, social interactions, doing business and more generally our thinking.” Associate Professor Kai Riemer Chair of Discipline of Business Information Systems, University of Sydney Business School @adriennebryant What are the Disrupters? @adriennebryant SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY CLOUD TECHNOLOGY Both public and private social networks, collaborative technologies, unified communications, etc. Data storage, application services, email solutions, etc., all cloud based MOBILE TECHNOLOGY ANALYTICS Mobile access to everything Data that tells us not only what we’ve done, but more importantly, what we should do! @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! @adriennebryant Mobile Technology @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! 8x faster • Mobile web is growing eight times faster than web adoption did in the 1990s and 2000s. 63% • Sixty-three percent of people expect to be doing more shopping on their mobile devices over the next couple of years. @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! 30 % • Thirty percent of mobile shoppers will abandon a transaction if the experience is not optimized for mobile. 37% • Globally, mobile traffic now accounts for 37% of all Internet traffic. @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! 61 % • Sixty-one percent of people have a better opinion of brands when they offer a good mobile experience. 57% • Fifty-seven percent of mobile customers will abandon your site if they have to wait three seconds for a page to load. @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! Only eight years after the iPhone's launch, mobile already accounts for a majority of visitors at 39 out of 50 of the major news publishers tracked by Pew. @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! But what's perhaps more surprising is that some news sites (10 out of 50) saw mobile visitors spend more time on site than PCbased visitors. In other words, more opportunities to serve ads and generate revenue from each visit. @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! In retail, digital interactions will influence 64 cents of every dollar spent in retail stores by the end of 2015. Mobile technology and easy access to digital information not only affects sales in digital channels, but also has a much broader impact on in-store sales and in-store consumer behavior. Deloitte @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! Mobile devices are driving more email conversions than PCs Mobile devices dwarf desktop in terms of opens and conversions. Mobile devices accounted for 65% of all email opens and 63% of all email conversions in Q1. @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! Mobile devices are driving more email conversions than PCs @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! The continued rise and evolution of the Mobile User It’s not just the phone, it’s the overall environment, the users context, their needs. It's not just user interface design, it's user experience design! How do we connect people to the environments we place them in, both virtual and brick and mortar? @adriennebryant Why We Need to Shift! …and don’t forget about your staff! We are entering the age of "supermobility," in which mobile devices will provide all of the tools and technology that employees need to be productive on the go, including voice, video and content collaboration solutions. Jack Uldrich, "Revolutionizing the Future Workplace," @adriennebryant Soooo… Where Do I Start? Develop a Mobile Mindset! Think Mobile FIRST! @adriennebryant What Should I Be Doing? • THINK MOBILE FIRST • Your current website and its structure are not useful on a mobile device. Responsive design is a most, but it will be just the cost of entry in the future. Rethink your offerings in the “mobile context” @adriennebryant What Should I Be Doing? • When designing the mobile experience, think task not brand. Think convenience store, not supermarket. • Mobile devices give us the unique opportunity to be “Present at the Moment of Need!” @adriennebryant Don’t SHRINK IT… @adriennebryant RETHINK! @adriennebryant The “Digital Reflex” Whatever we need, whenever we need it, we expect it here! It's the first thing we turn to when we want to know something, communicate something, and increasingly, buy something. @adriennebryant The “Digital Reflex” @adriennebryant Moments of Need • Identify your target audiences’ moments: Understand the why, the where, and the how of an audiences’ search for information. And don’t overlook the why not. • Deliver the right product or service at the right moment: Research and identify unique patterns of intent. Use search insights to uncover new trends. @adriennebryant Moments of Need • Deliver context appropriate messaging: This cannot be overstated. Create ads and content that provide custom solutions and answers for the questions people ask. No one wants to look at or hear conventional, generic advertising on their smartphones. To put it another way: Don’t make smartphones dumb. @adriennebryant Moments of Need • Make purchasing easy: Make seamless the transition from research to purchase. Give the consumer multiple ways to buy. @adriennebryant Moments of Need • Measure every moment that matters: It’s no longer enough to simply measure the online conversion. With the mobile fragmented path to purchase, advertisers need to measure results online, across devices, in apps, and even in stores. Audit your current efforts, then test and iterate using new approaches, KPIs, and methodologies. @adriennebryant Reimagine Enterprise Systems In order to provide the level of experience you want your members to have, you most likely are using systems in addition to your AMS. This best of breed approach is necessary to remain competitive and relative. To accommodate these other tools, build world-class APIs. @adriennebryant @adriennebryant Content Strategy @adriennebryant Rethink Content Strategy 1. You must have a taxonomy! It is the common language that's used to categorize your resources, and by which your members indicate their interests/needs. The taxonomy must be present in every digital system you have. Period! @adriennebryant @adriennebryant Rethink Content Strategy 1. You must have a taxonomy! It is the common language that's used to categorize your resources, and by which your members indicate their interests/needs. The taxonomy must be present in every digital system you have. Period! @adriennebryant Rethink Content Strategy 1. You must have a taxonomy! It is the common language that's used to categorize your resources, and by which your members indicate their interests/needs. The taxonomy must be present in every digital system you have. Period! 2. In the future, most organizations will have multiple websites or other types of content repositories. Most likely they will have multiple content management systems. You’ve got to find a way to mitigate content silos! @adriennebryant MIDDLEWARE Create a process that indexes content from all sites. Content from anywhere becomes available everywhere! @adriennebryant Rethink Content Strategy 1. 2. You must have a taxonomy! It is the common language that's used to categorize your resources, and by which your members indicate their interests/needs. The taxonomy must be present in every digital system you have. Period! In the future, most organizations will have multiple websites or other types of content repositories. Most likely they will have multiple content management systems. You’ve got to find a way to mitigate content silos! 3. It’s not about search and find any longer, it’s more about know and deliver @adriennebryant Rethink the “Search Experience” @adriennebryant Cloud Technology @adriennebryant The Cloud is Here to Stay… And that’s a good thing Here’s why… @adriennebryant ONE USER: $12.50 x 12 = $150.00/year FIVE USERS: $150.00 x 5 = $750.00/year @adriennebryant ONE USER: $279.97 FIVE USERS: $1,399.85 @adriennebryant Competitiveness Small and medium sized businesses can gain access to enterprise-class technologies at a fraction of the cost of buying and hosting it themselves. @adriennebryant Business Agility New research shows a connection between the use of cloud computing and increased business agility and competitive advantage. Business Agility in the Cloud – 2014 A report by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services @adriennebryant Mobility One of the main advantages of cloud computing is mobility. Using cloud-based technologies means that you can work wherever you have Internet access...and increasingly on whatever device you want to! @adriennebryant Business Value Greatest business value from company’s use of cloud: • 37% - simplification of internal operations • 33% - better delivery of internal resources • 31% - new ways for employees to work, connect, and collaborate • 23% - improved ability to acquire, share, analyze, and act on data • 23% - faster rollout of new business initiatives to exploit new opportunities @adriennebryant What Should I be Doing? • DON’T BUY ANOTHER SERVER! • Use software as a service (SaaS) whenever possible. • Minimize investments and complexity of on-premise systems. • When deploying on-premise servers and services, virtualize them and start to build your own private cloud. • Avoid or at least minimize “client-server” applications in your organization. @adriennebryant Analytics @adriennebryant Stop Making Assumptions @adriennebryant What Is Business Intelligence? 45th Annual Southeastern Officers Conference Business Intelligence Business intelligence is gathering the right intel on your members and prospects so you can ask, with confidence, the right questions that will allow you to deliver the right message, product or service to the right person at the right time and at the right price. – Adrienne Bryant, CAE Technology is the enabler to help people make better business decisions. - Debbie King @adriennebryant Business Analytics – What’s Involved? 1. Scope Determine Determine the the Business Business Drivers Drivers -Ask Ask the the Right Right Questions Questions 2. Collect 3. Clean 360° 360°View: View: CRM/AMS, CRM/AMS, Accounting, Accounting, Google GoogleAnalytics, Analytics, Social All of your Media data! Data Identify Identify&& Correct Correct Duplicate Duplicateand and Missing MissingData Data 4. Analyze Data Data Visualizations, Visualizations, Dashboards, Dashboards, and and Data Data Discovery Discovery 5. Communicate Training, Evaluation, Communication of Results 1. Work with a consultant to develop specific metrics, goals, and vision for your business initiatives. 2. Build a Data Warehouse combining information from all of your data stores into a single reporting and analytics platform. @adriennebryant Business Analytics – What’s Involved? 1. Scope Determine Determine the the Business Business Drivers Drivers -Ask Ask the the Right Right Questions Questions 2. Collect 3. Clean 360° 360°View: View: CRM/AMS, CRM/AMS, Accounting, Accounting, Google GoogleAnalytics, Analytics, Social All of your Media data! Data Identify Identify&& Correct Correct Duplicate Duplicateand and Missing MissingData Data 4. Analyze Data Data Visualizations, Visualizations, Dashboards, Dashboards, and and Data Data Discovery Discovery 5. Communicate Training, Evaluation, Communication of Results 3. Develop needed “data marts” to address specific reporting and/or analysis needs. 4. Build dashboards, stock reports, and adhoc reporting capabilities. @adriennebryant Big Data “Big data does not exist. The elephant in the room is that there is no elephant in the room.” Siegel, Eric. Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die. 2013 45th Annual Southeastern Officers Conference Big Data – The 3 V’s Volume • Large data sets • Industry and government census data Velocity • Rapidly changing • Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Variety • Multiple file types: images, video, text • Different data structures Slide Credit: Debbie King, DSK Solutions, Inc. @adriennebryant The Three V’s of Big Data • Volume: Transaction-based data stored through the years. Unstructured data streaming in from social media. Increasing amounts of sensor and machineto-machine data being collected. In the past, excessive data volume was a storage issue. But with decreasing storage costs, other issues emerge, including how to determine relevance within large data volumes and how to use analytics to create value from relevant data. @adriennebryant The Three V’s of Big Data • Velocity: Data is streaming in at unprecedented speed and must be dealt with in a timely manner. Reacting quickly enough to deal with data velocity is a challenge for most organizations. • Variety: Data today comes in all types of formats. Structured, numeric data in traditional databases. Information created from line-of-business applications. Unstructured text documents, email, video, audio, stock ticker data and financial transactions. @adriennebryant Contact Adrienne Bryant, CAE Member Information & Database Manager Association of Florida Colleges @adriennebryant #MMCCon LC4 @johnyschen @SmoothThePath