ETF Lesson Plan Template

ETF Lesson Plan Template
Thursday 10-9-14
Unit Name:
US History (unique learning unit 2, lesson 3)
Lesson Focus:
The Constitution of The U.S.A
TEKS Standards: USH.2C *significant modifications for IEPs and pre-requisite skill level
Objectives: (Bloom’s verb…) What do I want students to be able to DO when the class is over? Format
SWBAT: Describe what the Constitution is and how it relates to the history of our government.
SWBAT: Answer unique questions from the leveled worksheets.
Key Points: What, What: Students will understand the Constitution.
How, Why?
How: By participating reading the unique leveled book, “The Constitution of the
U.S.A.” And answering associated leveled worksheets.
Why: To increase knowledge of the branches of government and the
Leveled book and worksheets (from Unique learning.)
Key Vocabulary: What key terms will my students need to understand? TO BE ADDED TO WORD WALL language
 Constitution
 Country
 State
 Rules
 Vote
Assessment Plan: How will I ENSURE alignment to assess that the students mastered the objective?
What will I do if they haven’t? Writing/expression
Students will read their leveled books out loud and refer to them to answer their leveled
worksheets. (Worksheets = 100%)
Lesson Cycle:
Do Now: Spiral review? Formative assessment?
Teacher Actions:
 DO NOW How many states make up the
U.SA?. “Fill out your name, date, and
answer the question ‘what is the job of
the President of the United States?’
 “If you finish early, pencils down so I
“know you are ready to move on.”
 T will ask Ss to read their responses as a
CFU, writing student responses on the
board to discuss.
5 min
Student Actions:
 Ss will Students will take out their pencils
and fill out the answer to the question in
a complete sentence.
 If finished early, Ss will put their pencils
down and silently wait for additional
 Ss will read their responses and T will
record it on the board.
ETF Lesson Plan Template
Introduce New Learning (I Do): Engage and Connect-the real world, schema, goals, assessment,
30 min
etc.? CFU: How will I check for student understanding of the new learning?
Teacher Actions
 T asks “What can you tell me about the
Constitution?” Review of previously
learned material.
 T will record bullet points on the board
as students call out answers.
 T will read the leveled book, chapter 1.
“Now we are going to start a new book.
Follow along as we take turns reading it
Student Actions
 Ss will raise their hand to answer the
 Ss will participate by looking at and/or
reading the bullet points the T is listing.
 Ss will read out loud and follow along in
the book chapter.
Guided Practice (We Do): How will I walk students step by step through what I want them to do?
20 min
How will I balance teacher-led and student-led? (Gradual release: Model, Teach Back, partner/group
practice) CFU: How will I know During the lesson that students are on track to master the objective? What
are the anticipated misconceptions/misunderstandings and how will I address them? How will I emphasize
key points?
Teacher Actions
 “Now we will answer some questions
together to see what we have learned
from our book.”
 “Please take out your worksheets on the
Constitution of the United States.”
 T reads each question, and Ss fill in their
answers in the blanks provided, in order
to use them as guided notes later in the
 Write your name on the top of the
worksheet, complete them and turn into
the top tray when you are finished.”
 “Raise your hand or pull your color-coded
cards if you have a question or need
 “If you finish the worksheet early, choose
a library book or puzzle to complete.”
Student Actions
 Ss will get their worksheets out and write
their answers to the questions as the T
works through them with the Students.
 Students may refer to their book and/or
their notes to help answer the questions
 Ss will get their worksheets out of their
Thursday folders.
 Ss will write their worksheets down in
the appropriate spaces provided.
 Ss will raise their hand if they need help
OR display a color-coded help card.
 Ss will write their worksheets down in
the appropriate spaces provided.
 Ss will raise their hand if they need help
OR display a color-coded help card.
 Ss will turn in their worksheets into the
top tray once finished.
 Ss will get a puzzle or book if assignment
is completed early.
ETF Lesson Plan Template
Independent Practice (You Do): How will I monitor student progress? How will I ensure there’s
20 min
adequate time for practice? Behaviorally, what does this time look like and sound like? CFU: How will I
circulate to among students to ensure everyone is on track towards mastery? How will I gauge mastery?
Teacher Actions
Student Actions
 “Now I am passing out your worksheets
 Ss complete their worksheets.
for this chapter. Complete the
 Ss turn in completed worksheets to the
worksheets silent/solo, turn them into
top tray.
the top tray when completed. If you finish
 Ss get an approved leisure activity once
early, you may get a book or puzzle. “
Closing: How will I have students summarize what they’ve learned? How will I reinforce the objective’s
10 min
importance and its link to past and future learning?
Teacher Actions
 EXIT TICKET: The unique leveled
worksheets will serve as the exit ticket
for this lesson.
Student Actions
 Ss will turn write their names, complete
the exit ticket by circling the correct
response to the question, and turn their
ticket over once completed.
Differentiation: How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For Whom? How will I group my students? Which
strategies will I choose to make sure I engage every student on his/her ability level?
Worksheets are from the unique learning curriculum. Q/T/JP will have level 3 (words only), while
J/D/A will use the picture forms. A/D will need help receptively identifying their responses and will
not be able to respond to verbal group questions or write.
Accommodations/Modifications: What supports will I provide students on an IEP or as needed?
Individual teacher conferencing
Frequent checks for understanding
Extended time
Shortened assignment
Peer tutoring
Assessments read orally
Modified work
Learning Lab for extra help
Check list provided
Preferential seating
Other (state below)