Intro to Environmental Science Lecture Outline

Environmental Science Notes Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
Introduction to Environmental Science
1. What is environmental science?
2. The environment includes:
3. Environmental science is interdisciplinary because….
4. Using the example of coal-for-electricity, describe how each of these fields of study is involved.
a. Economics –
b. Geology –
c. Engineering –
d. Chemistry –
e. Meteorology –
f. Ecology –
g. Politics -
5. Define these two concepts illustrated by the collapse of civilization in Mesopotamia:
a. The Law of Unintended Consequences –
Environmental Science Notes Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
b. Unsustainability –
Tragedy of the Commons
6. What is a commons?
7. What is the Tragedy of the Commons?
a. Give two modern examples:
Environmental Science Notes Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
Environmental History
8. Differentiate between each of these land designations made during the Progressive Era:
a. National Parks –
b. National Forests –
c. National Wildlife Refuges –
9. Define environmental ethics –
a. Anthropocentrism –
b. Ecocentrism –
10. What was the result of the Hetch Hetchy debate?
a. Describe the conservation ethic philosophy that this decision was based on.
11. Describe each of these designations of natural resources made during the Progressive Era:
a. Inexhaustible (perpetual) resources –
b. Renewable resources –
c. Nonrenewable resources –
d. Recyclable resources –
12. Explain each of these issues that were raised during the modern environmentalism era:
a. Air pollution –
b. Carcinogenic –
c. Water pollution –
Environmental Science Notes Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
13. What is the difference between persistent (nonbiodegradable) and biodegradable pollutants?
14. Define Pollution:
15. Mark the areas with the greatest concentrations of air pollution.
16. What is extinction?
a. Extinction lowers the number of species in a habitat, called _________________.
17. How many known major extinction events have occurred in the history of Earth?
a. What caused the most recent one?
18. What is the background rate for mammal extinctions?
a. How many mammal extinctions have occurred in Australia since 1788? What is the
cause of these extinctions?
19. What is famine, and why was it such a concern during this time?
20. What is the difference between normal waste and hazardous waste?
Environmental Science Notes Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
21. What are the 5 causes of Environmental Problems?
22. Briefly define the role of each of these laws passed during the 1970s:
a. Safe Drinking Water Act –
b. Clean Water Act –
c. Clean Air Act –
d. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) –
e. Endangered Species Act –
f. Environmental Protection Agency –
Environmental Science Notes Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
Developed vs Developing Countries
23. What is a developing country?
24. What is gross domestic product (GDP)?
a. Is it higher or lower in developing countries?
25. What does the total fertility rate measure?
a. Is it higher or lower in developing countries?
26. What does life expectancy measure?
a. Is it higher or lower in developing countries?
27. What is consumption?
a. Is it higher or lower in developing countries?
28. Fill out this table contrasting a developed and developing country.
United States
Life expectancy (years)
Total Fertility Rate (births/woman)
GDP Per Person ($)
Energy Use (kWH)
Carbon Dioxide Production
Environmental Science Notes Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
Economics and the Environment
29. Explain the principle of supply and demand:
30. What is the goal of a cost-benefit analysis?
a. What are hidden costs?
b. How is the 1984 Bhopal disaster an example of these hidden costs?
31. What does ecological footprint measure?
a. What countries tend to have greater ecological footprints?
32. What is IPAT?
33. Write the IPAT equation, and describe what each of the variables in the equation mean.
34. What is sustainability?
Environmental Worldviews
35. Explain the planetary management worldview.
a. Is this an anthropocentric or ecocentric worldview?
Environmental Science Notes Outline
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
36. Explain the stewardship worldview.
a. One more time – What is sustainability?
37. Describe each of the 3 principles of sustainability:
a. Dependence on solar energy –
b. Biodiversity –
c. Chemical cycling –
38. List and describe 3 more principles of sustainability:
39. Explain the environmental wisdom worldview.
a. Is this an anthropocentric or ecocentric worldview?
40. The Earth is a closed system. What does this mean?