Natural Resources - Northern Bedford County School District

Group Member Names:
Instructions: All members read chapter 22: Section 1. Read and complete all parts of the Natural Resources
Page in the Webquest. Then, answer the following questions. Red is Team Member 1; blue is team member 2;
green is team member 3; and purple is team member 4.
Natural Resources
(1) 1. What is a natural resource? (definition and 2 examples) (Page 647-649)
(2) 2. What is a renewable resource? (definition and 2 examples) (Page 651)
(3) 3. What is a nonrenewable resource? (definition and 2 examples) (Page 652)
Fill in the table of the 2 types of natural resources. (646-653)
Word Bank:
crude oil
Natural Resource
Rain Forest Trees
Other Trees
Renewable or Not
Product Made from the Resource
not renewable
clay bricks
After viewing the video, answer the following questions about natural resources.
(1) 1. What are the 3 types of natural resources in the video? Give an example of each type.
(2) 2. Name at least 3 different types of pollution that effects our natural resources.
(3) 3. What are the 3 ways we can conserve our natural resources? Give 3 examples of each.
(4) 4. Write 3 things you know now that you didn’t know before you viewed the video.
Write a summary of each type of alternative natural resources to conserve energy.
1. Include what the alternative energy source is. (definition)
2. Include what natural resource the energy source is using. Is it renewable or not renewable?
3. Include the positive (What resources are they conserving?) and negative effects on the
(1) Hydropower:
(2)Wind Power:
(3) Solar Power:
(4) Geothermal
(1) Biomass:
Group Member Names:
Producing, Distributing and Consuming Goods
Write the defintion of each word.
(1) Production:
(2) Prospecting:
(3) Propagation:
(4) Distribution:
(5) Consumption:
You may have to do some of your own research for the following questions; however some of the
pictures have links where you can find the information.
(6) Name 1 natural resource used to make plastic.
(7) Name 1 natural resource used to make rubber.
(8) Name 2 natural resources used to make a milk chocolate bar with peanuts.
(9) Name 2 natural resources used to make a wooden chair held together by nails.
(10) Name 2 natural resources used to make a portable music player.
What Resources go into making the following items? Trace the production, prospecting,
propagation, distribution, and consumption of the following items.
Renewabl Productio
Resource( e or Not
s) used
e (R or
(14) Bun
Steel Fork
(16) Cloth
Place Mat
(Work as a Group to answer.)
What is 1 similarity among the distribution processes of all these goods?
(Work as a Group to answer.)
Electronic information such as e-mail is not distributed by vehicles. How does the transport of
electronic information still involve fossil fuels?
Group Member Names:
“Water as a Resource” video:
While viewing the video, answer the following questions.
(1) 1. List as many ways that we use water as you can.
(2) 2. What is a watershed?
(3) 3. What is an estuary?
(4) 4. What is a wetland?
(1) 5. List as many pollutants that cause pollution for water as you can.
(2) 6. What is point-source pollution?
(3) 7. What is non-point source pollution?
(4) 8. What is wastewater?
(1) 9. How do we waste water?
(2) 10. How can we save our water? List as many was as you can.
(1,2,3,4) 1. Water is a natural resource. List as many places you can find water as a natural resource. Ex. Ocean
(1,2,3,4) List as many ways as possible that water is used in daily life. Rank these in order of priority (i.e. which are
most important for survival). I did the first one for you.
1. drinking
(1, 2, 3, 4) Use the following chart to show how much water is used in each activity per week.
Complete the survey on the next page to estimate how much water is used in your home in one
Average Use: Write the number of times that you and your family members do each activity in one week.
Then multiply the number for Water Used by the Number of Times the activity is done.This will give you
the number for the Gallons Used column.
Calculated Use: Record the number of total minutes used for each activity.Then multiply the number for
Water Used by the Number of Total Minutes to find the number for the Gallons Used column. For an
activity you didn’t do, place a 0 under Gallons Used. Add all the numbers under Gallons Used to find the
Total Gallons Used.
Average Use
Water Used
(nonconserving fixtures)
12 gallons per load
Toilet Flushing
5 gallons per flush
36 gallons (full tub)
43 gallons per load
Number of
Gallons Used
Calculated Use
Water Used
(nonconserving fixtures)
Brushing Teeth
4 gallons per minute
Washing Hands
4 gallons per minute
Washing Dishes
by Hand
4 gallons per minute
5 gallons per minute
Number of
Gallons Used
Yard Watering
with Hose
9 gallons per minute
Garbage Disposal
4 gallons per minute
Total Gallons
Garbage Disposal
A garbage disposal requires a lot of water to operate properly. Use a disposal only when necessary.
Use your automatic dishwasher only for full loads.
Toilet Flushing
Avoid using your toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket. Tissues, insects and other things belong in a trash can,
not the toilet.
Take only shallow baths.
Run only full loads in the washing machine. Running the machine when it’s full will save you time, energy
and water.
Brushing Teeth
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
Washing Hands
Don’t let the water run while you are washing your hands.
Washing Dishes by Hand
When washing the dishes by hand, let the dirty dishes soak in soapy, hot water. Rinse them quickly under a
slow stream from the faucet.
Limit the time water runs while you’re taking a shower. Install a low-flow showerhead.
Yard Watering
Water only when 50 percent of the lawn shows signs of wilt: leaf blades folded in half, blue-gray color and
footprints remain on the lawn.
(1,2,3,4) Draw a diagram to explain the Water Cycle. (You may do this on clean white paper) (Use Webquest )
Make sure you include evaporation, condensation, transpiration or evapotranspiration, precipitation, runoff, and
infiltration, and capillary action. (You may hand in one for the group.)
(1,2,3, 4) How do our communities deal with wastewater? (Use Webquest) Write the path and process that
wastewater takes from the toilet until the end.
(1,2,3,4) What are some of the problems facing water use in our community? (Webquest)
Suggest some solutions to these problems.
Group Member Names:
While viewing the video answer the following questions:
(1) 1. What is a constant threat for soil?
(2) 2. What historical event occurred that showed this threat?
(3) 3. How can we prevent erosion of soil?
(4) 4. How can land be effected by pollution?
(5) 5. What are farmers doing to help chemical fertilizer pollution?
(6) 6. What is one of these helpful crops?
(7) 7. What is the 3rd type of land pollution discussed?
(8) 8. How do we reduce garbage?
(9) 9. How have communities helped the use of landfills?
(10) 10. What is biodegradable?
(11) 11. What is nonbiodegradable?
Do Some Research about Integrated Pest Management.
(12) What is the definition of Integrated Pest Management?
(13) What are 5 general procedures to be done when using integrated pest management?
(14) What is another name for farming? Hint: it starts with an A.
(15) What was the one thing in the video that farmers do that is a part of Integrated Pest
(16) If a home has an overabundance of rodents and you were practicing integrated pest
management, what might be steps you would take to rid the home from the mice?
(1,2,3,4) 1. List ways that land is considered a Natural Resource eg soil, forests....
(1) 2. Why is the land considered an important Natural Resource? (page 656)
(2) 3. What are some of the problems confronting land use today? (Webquest)
(3) 4. What is "land clearing"? (Webquest)
(4) 5. What are farmers doing to help the environment in PA? (Webquest and video)
(5) 6. Why is tree logging considered a problem for the environment? (Webquest)
(6) 7. Who is affected in Pennsylvania by logging? (Webquest)
(7) 8. Why are trees so vital to the environment? (webquest)
(8) 9. What part do rain forests play in the equilibrium of the earth? (Webquest)
Group Member Names:
While viewing the video, answer the following questions.
(1) What are some natural sources of air pollution?
(2) Who is responsible for the most of the air pollution?
(3) Why was our earth’s air pretty healthy many many years ago?
(4) When did this healthy air change?
(5) What were some contributing factors to the change?
(6) What are 2 gasses that cause our air to be polluted?
(7) What do we burn that causes this gas to be emitted into the air?
(8) What are 2 invisible gasses in the air?
(9) What is one of the most serious problems from air pollution?
(10) List as many solutions to air pollution as you can.
1,2, 3, 4 What sorts of things pollute our atmosphere? (page 660 and webquest)
(11) What role do trees play in keeping our atmosphere clean? (Webquest)
(12) What is the Greenhouse Effect? (Webquest)
(13) What factors contribute to it? (Webquest)
1, 2, 3, 4 Draw a diagram to illustrate it. (3 different diagrams on the webquest)
You can do this on paper.
(14) What is Global Warming? (Webquest)
(15) What can we do to help the Global Warming problem? (Webquest)
(16) Which harmful gases contribute to air pollution? Where do these gases come from? (Webquest)
Group Member Names:
While viewing the video, answer the following questions.
(1) What kind of natural resource does most of our energy come from in the US?
(2) What are those nonrenewable natural resources?
(3) What are the 4 fossil fuels?
(4) Which non-renewable resource is used most for energy in the US?
(5) What is the total use of Non-renewable resources for energy?
(6) What is the total use of renewable resources for energy?
(7) What is the difference between the percentage of use of non-renewable resources compared to renewable
resources for energy?
(8) What are the two types of coal mining?
(9) What all is coal used for?
(10) How long will coal last in the US?
(11) What combines with oxygen to cause acid rain ?
(12) What is the cleanest source of heat?
(13) Where do you find natural gas?
(14) When can natural gas be considered a renewable resource?
(15) How many years will the US be able to use natural gas?
(16) What’s the other name for oil or crude oil?
(17) When oil is sent to a refinery it is cleaned and changed into 4 different substances. What are they?
(18) How do we get the other ⅔ of our oil?
(19) What is propane used for?
(20) What are the 5 examples of renewable resources that are a source of energy?
(21) How do we use the sun’s energy?
(22) Why is geothermal energy considered a renewable source of energy?
(23) Biomass uses 4 different products to produce heat. What are they?
(24) What is the plant called that converts garbage to energy?
(25) What gas is given off when animals and other garbage decays?
(26) What land area is used sometimes to produce methane?
(27) When you add yeast (bacteria) to biomass, what is the outcome?
(28) What is the least expensive resource to generate electricity?
(29) How much electricity does hydropower produce in the US?
(30) What are the 3 main problems with using fossil fuels?
(31) What things can we do to conserve energy? List as many as you can.
Each person needs to tell at least 2 natural resources used to produce energy. You answer the following
questions for just your 2 resources. They must all be different. NO DUPLICATES!
1, 2, 3, 4 What natural resources are used to produce energy? (651-653 and webquest)
1, 2, 3, 4 What effect on the environment does each of these natural resources produce? (Webquest)
1, 2, 3, 4 Which of these natural resources are renewable or non-renewable? Make a table to show this. (Webquest or
Natural Resource Used for Energy
Is it renewable or nonrenewable?
1, 2, 3, 4 List at least 8 types of renewable energy. (Webquest) Each person list 2. NO DUBPLICATES!
1, 2, 3, 4 Briefly describe the 8 types of renewable energy listed above. Tell the positive and negative effects of each
one. (Webquest) Each person tells about his/her two from the previous question.
1, 2, 3, 4 How can we be more energy efficient in our homes? List at least 8 ways. (Webquest) Each person lists at
1, 2, 3, 4 How can we be more energy efficient in our school? List at least 8 ways. (Use information from above and
brainstorm your ideas) Each person lists 2. NO DUPLICATES!
1, 2, 3, 4 Find out at least 8 facts about energy usage that might surprise others. Make a list of these. (Webquest or
find from your own researching) Each person list 2. NO DUPLICATES!
Group Member Names:
1,2,3,4. What natural resources are affected by the lack of recycling? (Natural Resources and page 663)
1. What human-made things can be most easily recycled? (Reduce, Reuse Recycle: Choose Recycle.)
2. Why should we recycle these from #1? (Recycling for Kids and Recycle Waste)
3. What things are not easily recyclable? (What Can’t You Recycle)
4. Approximately how much waste is generated in Pennsylvania? (PA Recycling or PA Facts)
5. According to the county reports in 2010 how would you describe the difference between Bedford and Blair County
Recycling? What do you think would contribute to this difference? (PA Recycling: Then, County Reports 2010)
6. Acording to the county reports for 2010 Bedford County is doing more recycling to 2 different areas than
Armstrong County which is almost 3 times more populated than Bedford County. What are those 2 areas?
7. Which county leads in the amount of tons of aluminum cans they recycle? What factor may contribute to this high
number? (County Reports under PA Recycling)
8. How does recycling help the environment? (Webquest)
9. How does reducing waste help the environment? (Webquest)
10. Explain each of the following kinds of waste and give at least 3 examples of each - (Business Dictionary and
Domestic :
Green :
Commercial / Industrial :
Hazardous :
Liquid :
11. What sorts of things could your school do to support recycling? (perhaps you could actually set this project
up!)(Recycling in School)
12. 1, 2, 3, 4 Write a 5 paragraph essay on “reduce, reuse, and recycle” motto. Inclue Introduction and Conclusion.
Each paragraph must have 4-6 sentences. (Page 664-665)
13 . What sort of waste do people generate in their homes? (List 10 items)(US Statistics or common sense)
14. Approximately how much waste was generated in the US in 2009? (US Statistics)
15. In 2007 more recycling was done in the US compared to 2009. How many tons of recycling was done in 2007?
How many tons of garbage was recycled in 2009? How much more was recycled in 2007 compared to 2009? (US
Statistics Recycling Rates Line Graph)
16. According to the Trends in Munincipal Solid Waste, what kind of waste is not included in the data collected?(US
17. According to the bar graph of recycling rates of certain products, which product has the highest rate of recycling
in 2009?
18. According to the pie graph of MSW generation of certain products, what product did the US generate the most of
in 2009? What percentage of solid waste generation was it?
19. According to the table on weight recovery page 5 in the US Statistics, which 3 products had the most weight
recovery percent of generation in 2009?
20. What agency did the previous information come from? (US Statistics)
21. 1,2,3,4: Each person in the group share 2 startling facts about each type each type of recycling on (Recycling
Facts) page. You may have to duplicate for some.
Solid Waste and Landfills
Solid Waste and Landfills
Solid Waste and Landfills
Solid Waste and Landfills
Miscellaneous Facts
Miscellaneous Facts
Miscellaneous Facts
Miscellaneous Facts